Long marriage: thin and super powerful

Chapter 189 I did something wrong

Chapter 189 I did something wrong

"Okay, I'll wait for your surprise!" Luo Xue was satisfied when she got his answer.

She yawned and was going to sleep.

But how could Bo Shaolan let her go so easily?

Yan Ye was more irritable than ever, his cell phone was always turned off.

He predicted that Bo Shaolan must have discovered the phone.

Annoyed, yet inexplicably cool.

He deliberately chose to call Luoxue when they got home.

He just wanted to provoke Bo Shaolan on purpose.

Then they fight...

He asked Mo Zichen to help find out all the information about Luoxue.

But Mo Ziran ignored him.

He really wanted to see Luo Xue, but he didn't know where she lived?With a jolt, he suddenly thought of Brother Long.

He personally went to Brother Long and said that he wanted to cooperate with Bo Shaolan on a project, and asked Brother Long to help lead the way.

In order to climb up to someone like Yan Ye, Brother Long worked hard for him.

After getting the address that day, Yan Ye was as happy as meeting her first love, and tried her best to seize this opportunity to coax the beauty back.

First of all, he asked the florist to send a bouquet of flowers, the kind of red roses that represent love.

This red rose is like his passionate heart.

Wearing a red suit and driving a red Porsche sports car, I excitedly went to find Luoxue.

Yan Ye felt that she was so handsome.

He felt that when Luoxue saw him, she would scream crazily, then throw herself into his arms, and immediately abandon Bo Shaolan.

As long as Luo Xue was turned away, things would be easy.

In his cognition, women are all duplicity.

But he wanted to miss Luoxue.

When Yan Ye rang the doorbell, Luo Xue was enjoying afternoon tea in the garden.

Bo Shaolan didn't let her run around, so she stayed in the villa.

She was used to staying at home, and she didn't feel much about it.

Mama Li went to open the door without looking at the surveillance camera.

Yan Ye didn't even look at who opened the door, leaned against the pillar, handed the rose to Mama Li, and said affectionately: "Honey, is this flower beautiful?"

She asked, "Sir, did you go to the wrong door?"

Hearing the voice, Yan Ye immediately felt that something was wrong, and immediately put away the flowers, seeing that the confession was made to the wrong person, she was very embarrassed. "Where's Miss Luo?"

What do you want to do with my eldest grandma? "Mama Li asked vigilantly.

"She and I are just friends."

"Sorry, sir, I need to confirm your identity before I can let you in." After saying that, Li Ma was about to close the door.

As a result, Yan Ye blocked it with his hand. "No need to confirm. I'm going in to find her. It's none of your business here. Go do your business."

"Sorry, if you insist on breaking in, if my husband finds out, he will be angry..." Where is Li Ma's opponent?

Yan Ye directly pushed her away and barged in.

Mama Li almost wanted to call the police.

It can be seen that he doesn't look like a gangster, but rather like a suitor of the young mistress.

All in red.

It was the first time Mama Li saw such a man.

He walked in swaggeringly, and immediately saw Luo Xue drinking afternoon tea in the garden gazebo.

She was drinking tea and reading a book, peaceful and beautiful.

Seeing that, Yan Ye wanted to rush over directly.

He felt that he was crazy, girls used to chase him, now it's his turn.

Still a celebrity.

He is obsessed.

Yan Ye, who is open-minded, doesn't care whether he is married or not, anyway, he just likes Luoxue.

If you like it, go after it.

Luo Xue was fascinated by reading, and didn't know the situation at the door.

Yan Ye tiptoed over, while glaring at Mama Li.

Li's mother was too scared to say anything, holding her mobile phone ready to call Bo Shaolan at any time.

As the footsteps approached, Luoxue thought it was Bo Shaolan who had come back, she turned her head in surprise, and saw that it was the ruffian, her smile disappeared instantly.

When she saw Yan Ye's handsome face, she felt goosebumps all over the floor.

"What are you trying to do!" she said angrily.

Yan Ye handed the bright red rose in front of her, "I didn't do anything, I just wanted to meet you, Nuo, my beautiful princess, please accept my rose."

Luoxue didn't ask for his roses, and looked at him sullenly, "Young Master Yan, it's very rude of you to rush into other people's houses like this. If you don't leave, I'm going to call the police."

"Miss Luo... No, from today onwards, our relationship has risen to another level, I should call you Xiaoxue." Yan Ye has a solid foundation in getting closer, "Xiaoxue, um, this name is too It's poetic and picturesque, a dreamlike name, plus a dreamlike you."

"Sorry, please call me Mrs. Bo." Luo Xue said rudely.

Yan Ye raised his eyebrows. "Now you may be Mrs. Bo, I believe, soon you will become Mrs. Yan."

"You go out immediately." Luoxue was really furious.

Real ruffian.

"Xiaoxue, you are so beautiful." Yan Ye spoke as sweetly as she sang, "Actually, I was looking for you for something serious. I accidentally left my cell phone in your bag that day."

Yan Ye didn't dare to go too far, and immediately found an appropriate reason.

Otherwise, as Mr. Yan, he would be in the headlines.

Luoxue pointed to the trash can. "Thrown by me."

Yan Ye twitched, never expecting Luo Xue to be so puzzled and throw away his cell phone like that.

"It must be Bo Shaolan, I'm going to kill him." Yan Ye didn't know how to write the word shame at all.

In the end, Luoxue said disapprovingly, "I smashed it, so I threw it away, thinking that Mr. Yan has a lot of money, so it doesn't matter if he smashed it."

"Oh, you did it? It's okay, I do have a lot of money, so you can spend as much as you like." Yan Ye said with a smile on his face.

"Really? Young Master Yan."

"Don't call me Mr. Yan, Xiaoxue, I like it when you call me Brother Ye."

"Mr. Yan, I must tell you seriously, I am married, you should also pay attention to your identity, I smashed the phone, I really hate your behavior, I love my husband so much, please don't bother me anymore. " Luoxue said.

Luoxue said very seriously.

Yan Ye was hit hard.

She kept mentioning her husband in front of him.

She said time and time again that she loves her husband so much, how could he feel that way?
No, he, Mr. Yan, has taken a fancy to him, so is there any reason to let him go?

He showed his most charming smile again, and leaned in front of Luoxue.

Luoxue dodges immediately, gets up, and stays away from him.

Yan Ye ruffian smiled. "Get a divorce. You will definitely be a hundred times happier than you are now if you are with me. I will let you live like a princess every day and make you the happiest woman in the world."

"You are too disgusting." Luo Xue could no longer listen.

"You don't want a divorce, but it's your loss. I don't know how many women fought to be my wife." Yan Ye said narcissistically.

He approached Luoxue step by step, forcing her to the pillar.

Yan Ye overestimated her charm too much.

When he was about to approach Luoxue, Luoxue suddenly raised her foot and kicked him.

Just kicked him to the vitals.

"Ah." Yan Ye whispered.

His face flushed with pain.

This is one of the most direct and effective methods that Luoxue learned to protect herself from "wolf defense" when she was living abroad.

Yan Ye squatted on the ground in embarrassment, never expecting that Luo Xue's feet would be so ruthless.

He got angry and scolded Luoxue. "I'm a single passer for three generations, you can't afford it."

Luoxue said lightly. "So Yan Sheng has to respect himself even more, don't bother me."

She deliberately bites the word very hard.

Then she turned and left.

Li Ma, who was secretly observing from the side, couldn't help secretly admiring Luo Xue.

At first she was afraid that the young lady would be bullied by that man.

That kick made that man wilt, good kick!

Unexpectedly, like the eldest young lady would also do this trick, one trick hits the nail on the head!
You deserve it, you should kick a few more feet.

Knowing that her eldest mistress is married, she still dares to come.

She hesitated whether to inform Bo Shaolan.

When Luoxue saw her, she said, "Mama Li, please ask him to go out, otherwise the Eldest Young Master will cause unnecessary misunderstandings when he comes back, and throw that bouquet of roses into the trash can outside."

Mama Li said. "Understood, young mistress."

Just as Luo Xue wanted to leave, she thought for a while, then turned around and said to Mama Li, "Before opening the door in the future, it's best to confirm the identity of the other party. If you don't know him, don't open the door. I don't have any new friends in Hangzhou."

"Understood, young mistress."

Mama Li walked towards Yan Ye, Yan Ye managed to recover, her forehead was covered with sweat.

He was so angry.

He is the only son of the Yan Group, and the whole family treats him like a treasure, how could anyone dare to kick him like this?

Does she want to lose his family?

"Sir, let's go." Li Ma finished speaking, thought for a while, and then said, "I don't want to come here in the future, otherwise my young master will definitely not let you go. He would give up his life for my young mistress , you can't get into their feelings."

Yan Ye was taken aback.

Glancing at Mama Li, she dragged and said, "I'm going to destroy their relationship."

Li Ma was also angry, she had never seen such a swaggering man, she said bluntly. "Hurry up and leave, or my young master will beat you to the ground when he comes back."

Yan Ye left angrily.

A servant dared to teach him a lesson.

He sat in the car angrily and punched the steering wheel, which still hurts now.

He does not believe in evil.

Bo Shaolan has it, right?
I must chase your wife!

He stepped on the gas pedal and galloped away.

Bo Shaolan came back, feeling that today's Luoxue was more enthusiastic than before.

It seems to be a guilty conscience.

As soon as he entered the door, he helped him with his briefcase and shoes, pulled him to sit on his sofa, handed him a cup of hot tea, and massaged him.

This series made him feel like a pie fell from the sky.

"Do you need my help?" Bo Shaolan asked after taking a sip of tea.

Luo Xue immediately shook her head. "No."

Bo Shaolan continued to drink tea, very calm.

(End of this chapter)

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