Long marriage: thin and super powerful

Chapter 191 Bo Silan's Thoughts

Chapter 191 Bo Silan's Thoughts

Show off his woman to the world!

Their appearance caused passers-by to stare sideways. Some recognized Bo Shaolan and saw him hugging a beautiful woman, so they immediately picked up their mobile phones to take pictures.

When Luo Xue saw her, she wanted to push him away, but he hugged her even tighter.

Luo Xue had no choice but to lower her head, as if afraid of being seen by others, she hugged him tightly.

Dong Ming and Lin Ya, who were following them, didn't want to go with them for a long time.

Their little hearts could hardly take it anymore.

When they can't bear their affection the most, they get tired of it.

When they walked out of the gate of the airport, the driver had already been waiting there, and sent two cars, one to take Dong Ming and Lin Ya back, and the other to take Bo Shaolan and Luo Xue back.

"Let's go back to see grandma first." Bo Shaolan said.

"Well, I miss grandma too." Luo Xue said.

Bo Shaolan touched her head, his pampering was beyond words, and he said softly: "This time we will stay at home."

"At home." Luoxue said in surprise, "Don't you like the world of two people?"

"When the time is right, you should also be with your family."


Actually, Luoxue was still kept in the dark by them, and a big surprise was waiting for her.

Half an hour later, we arrived at Bo's house.

Bai Rong had been waiting outside the door early, and when she saw the familiar car, she smiled happily.

The car stopped slowly. First, Bo Shaolan got out of the car first, and then went around the car to help Luo Xue open the door.

Bai Rong sized up Luoxue, only to see that Luoxue's cheeks were pale and rosy, and she was smiling.

I know that this young couple must have a good life in Hangzhou.

Whether a woman is lucky or not, you can tell just by looking at her complexion.

"Hi Aunt Rong." Luoxue said politely.

"Eldest young mistress, I finally hoped for you to come back." Bai Rong ordered the servant to help them carry the suitcase.

Bo Shaolan still walked in with her arms around her.

The living room was very lively, everyone was chatting and laughing around the old lady Bo, and it was very happy.

Bao Silan and Yao Feili also came.

Luoxue couldn't help being taken aback, today is not the weekend, and their husband and wife are here?
But she quickly thought, it's normal for them to be here, Bao Silan likes to run to her mother's house whenever she has something to do.

Some time ago, Bao Silan kept talking about divorce, but now that they have appeared in pairs, it must be the end of the rain.

Yao Feili was feeding Bao Silan apples, Bo Silan looked like a happy little woman.

Luo Xue greeted them one by one.

This time, old man Bo rushed to speak. "You're tired, come and sit down and have a cup of tea."

Luoxue said immediately. "Okay, grandpa."

Bo Shaolan also said hello to them one by one, and then found a seat with Luoxue and sat down.

Fang Haihua and Bao Sishen sat next to each other.

Bo Shaolan immediately reported the results of this business trip to Bo Sishen. The new project in Hangzhou this time involves a large amount of investment, and there are certain risks. Bo Sishen is not at ease.

But after listening to Bo Shaolan's answer, he was very satisfied.

Mr. Bo was also listening and applauded.

Bo Shaolan's temperament is calm, decisive in doing things, neither arrogant nor impetuous. Under his management for many years, the trend of Bo's family is very good, and the beer is good.

Mr. Bo said. "Grandpa's demeanor back then, I was worried that you would not be able to bear it at first. Looking at the current progress, the new project is good in all aspects. Shaolan, continue to work hard!"

Bo Shaolan said modestly, "Okay, Grandpa."

"Hehe, what grandpa desires most now is that you hurry up and give birth to grandpa's white and fat great-grandson. You will have no regrets in this life. Now your aunt is happy. If you are happy again, grandpa must hold a big banquet for three days and three days. Night." Mr. Bo said.

Luo Xue's face turned red.

Bo Silan said with a smile. "Dad, this kind of thing has to go with the flow, don't be in a hurry, the fate will come, and the child will come naturally. Shaolan and Xiaoxue are so affectionate, and they are tired of being together all day... It must be soon, so the family will have double happiness. .”

The focus was instantly on Luo Xue.

Luo Xue buried her head low, not daring to say a word.

The old lady Bo immediately came out to smooth things over. "If Xiaoxue is really happy, my family will have double happiness plus happiness, and triple happiness."

How can there be three joys?
Luoxue was puzzled. "Grandma, what is another joy?"

The old lady Bo pretended to be mysterious.

Others laughed and said nothing.

Bo Shaolan hugged Luoxue, and also said mysteriously: "Don't worry, you will know soon."

"What is it?" Luo Xue asked softly.

Bo Shaolan smiled mysteriously. "Temporarily confidential."

Luo Xue looked around at everyone, they were all silent, she became more and more curious.

Could it be related to her?

Looking at everyone's eyes, it seems that they are deliberately trying to hide it from her.

At this time, Bao Silan stood up, supported his waist, and said. "Xiaoxue, can you go to the bathroom with aunt?"

Luo Xue was taken aback, not daring to refuse.

My relationship with Bo Silan has never gotten better, what's going on?But in front of everyone, she refused directly, which was too rude.

After all, she is a little aunt.

Bo Shaolan's complexion tightened, and he looked at Bao Silan with vigilance in his eyes.

Bo Silan was not stupid, and caught the vigilance in his eyes.

she joked. "Shaolan, don't be so nervous, okay? Auntie won't take your wife to abduct again."

She was already giving him a reassurance.

Luo Xue is a person who takes care of the overall situation. In her heart, the family cannot have overnight feuds and needs tolerance.

She didn't want the relationship between Bo Shaolan and Bo Silan to be affected because of her.

So she said. "Auntie, it's fine."

Bo Shaolan knew Luoxue's temperament and understood her. "it is good."

The old lady Bo saw Luo Xue's generosity.

She liked Luoxue even more, and she smiled happily. The person she likes must not be too bad.

This time, she could tell that Bo Shaolan and Luoxue really loved each other, they were no longer acting.

In fact, even if Bo Shaolan was acting, his heart was still attached to Luoxue, and his care and concern had never been faked.

The old lady Bo finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Luoxue helped Bao Silan walk towards the bathroom, taking good care of her.

The little aunt is pregnant. As a junior, she has a submissive attitude, but she is still uneasy, wondering what Bao Silan will do next?

Various thoughts circled in her mind...

What if something happened to my little aunt?She can't afford it, if Bao Silan tries to teach her a lesson, will she fight back?But if she made an argument about the child in her stomach, she would be speechless again.

She had already made all preparations, no matter whether Bao Silan scolded her or beat her, she would never fight back.

But when he got to the bathroom, Bao Silan didn't have an attack. Just as Luo Xue wanted to breathe a sigh of relief, after washing his hands, Bao Silan suddenly looked at her.

Luo Xue's complexion changed.

"Are you so worried about me? Don't worry, I won't do anything to you." Bao Silan smiled a little awkwardly.

Luoxue immediately smiled and said apologetically, "Auntie, don't get me wrong... I'm just, just..."

Bao Silan smiled and acted very magnanimously. "I know you have something to do with me. After all, I hurt you so much. It's normal for you to be on guard against me. So, this time, I apologize to you specially. Auntie is wrong. Forgive Auntie, okay?"

Luo Xue was startled.

Bao Silan, who has always been proud and arrogant, actually apologized. Just now she was thinking, if Bao Silan did something, how would she protect herself?
She felt very ashamed, ashamed of her aunt.

As long as her aunt can get along with her peacefully, she will definitely not care about it, but what does she think is wrong?Things are moving too fast.

She didn't believe it. "aunt……"

"You must be surprised, right? Why did I change my attitude towards me?" Bao Silan thought for a while and replied. "Maybe it's because you have a child? I think it's better to do good deeds, and it's good for children. I have been with Feili for many years before I have a child. This child is hard-won. It is also influenced by my mother and gets along with others. , Only when peace is the most important, will there be good fortune, my mother often said that you are a person with a good personality, in fact, I think so too."

"You married Shaolan again, and you are a family. As an elder, I should love you juniors even more. From now on, our family will love each other."

After hearing this, Luo Xue finally understood.

Luoxue laughed immediately. "Auntie, I didn't take it to heart. I will ask my aunt to teach you more in the future."

Seeing her smile, Bao Silan knew that she was done.

"Okay, if you're being too polite, I don't want to say too much. I will talk to my aunt more in the future. Your uncle just took over the company and is busy all day long. I'm pregnant again. It's too boring." Bao Silan sighed.

Luoxue understands Bao Silan's mood, she is pregnant, loves to think wildly, and is most afraid of being alone.

She was originally a simple-minded person, so she agreed without hesitation, but she didn't know that Bao Silan had other intentions.

Later, Luoxue helped Bao Silan back to the living room.

Bao Silan used to be a pampered and spoiled young lady, and no one looked down on her. She always felt that Luo Xue had taken over the Bo family, and she looked down on Luo Xue even more.

What's more, Luoxue was deeply liked by her mother, stealing her limelight invisibly.

Moreover, Luoxue was beautiful, gentle and quiet, which formed a stark contrast with her, making her seem unreasonable. Therefore, once Bo Fangqing provoked her, she targeted Luoxue everywhere.

In fact, Luo Xue didn't provoke her either.

And she was played by Bo Fangqing time and time again.

Originally, Bao Silan didn't even bother to associate with Luoxue.

But this is the task Yao Feili gave her.

Yao Feili has been struggling at work. If he doesn't make some achievements, he may be pushed out of the stage by then.

Although Mr. Bo is the chairman, he is old and can't be the master. Now Bo Shaolan is in power. If he wants to get financing from Bo's, he must have a good relationship with Bo Shaolan, and Bo Shaolan's weakness is Luoxue.

As soon as Yao Feili knew that Bo Shaolan and Luoxue were going to hold a wedding, he had a flash of inspiration and immediately had an idea.

Back then when he married Bao Silan, it was because of her family background that he went home to coax his wife for his own benefit, so that Bao Silan could be well coaxed.

Once the wife has coaxed it, things will be easy to handle.

Maybe Bo Shaolan didn't take Bo Silan seriously, but Luoxue.

At the beginning, Bao Silan was very reluctant, she looked down on Luo Xue from the bottom of her heart, thinking that she was the daughter of a poor ghost, why not.

But Bo Shaolan is a business person, last time she came forward to show Bo Shaolan the proposal, and asked Yao Feili to talk to him in person, Yao Feili originally wanted to rely on nepotism, but Bo Shaolan didn't like that.

(End of this chapter)

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