Long marriage: thin and super powerful

Chapter 193 Bo is always a wolf in sheep's clothing

Chapter 193 Bo is always a wolf in sheep's clothing
He kept this secret in his heart all the time, once when he was drunk, he accidentally told Ye Qingyu to know.

Ye Qingyu kept mentioning this matter, which made him loathe Luoxue more and more.

Luo Wenxun once loved the original Fang Lin deeply, and because of this matter, he has always been stabbed in his heart, so he slowly alienated her.

He used to be a poor boy who worked in Fang Lin's father's company. He was picked up by Fang Lin's father and became his son-in-law.

After Fang Lin's father died of illness, he took over the company, and he felt elated, and began to whitewash himself, saying that he founded the company by himself, and changed Fang's name to Luo's.

Not long after taking over the company, because I was angry and wanted to have fun outside, I met Ye Qingyu.

Ye Qingyu is a scheming woman who is well versed in men. After learning about Luo Wenxun's situation, she had a good idea and wanted to squeeze Fang Lin away.

Luo Wen Xun Fu said. "You need to be beaten, right? You came here to provoke me again. If she dares to mess around, she will kill her mother immediately and leave her with nothing. Isn't it the best way for you? Why is it not working now? I only know how to spend money. Why did I marry you blindly back then, and I didn't help at all."

Ye Qingyu shut up wisely.

She rolled her eyes and said, "Why don't we call her again and ask her to come back for dinner!"

Luo Wenxun thought about it and agreed.

She wished that Luo Wenxun would kill that Fang Lin immediately, and then get the shares in Luo Xue's hand.

However, she believed that Luo Wenxun, who was blinded by benefits, would not disappoint her.

When she received a call from Ye Qingyu, Luoxue was driving. She didn't want to answer it, but her phone kept ringing.

She was on her way to Bo Shaolan, and Bo Shaolan told her that she would have to work overtime at night and would not come back until late. She was worried that he wouldn't be able to eat well, so she used a thermos to send him food.

She has nothing to do at home all day, so it would be nice to go to the company to accompany her husband.

She saw that it was Ye Qingyu calling.

I don't even want to answer it, but the phone keeps ringing and it's not a solution.

She switched on bluetooth. "What's up?"

Bo Shaolan's voice was so affectionate. "Xiaoxue, I am your mother."

When Luo Xue heard this "mother", she was so sick that she wanted to vomit!
She also deserves to be her mother?
She knows Ye Qingyu too well, she must have come here for the shares, she doesn't want to waste her saliva with her. "Speak."

Seeing her speaking so loudly, Ye Qingyu cursed her in her heart, but she, who is good at acting, said with a smile. "Your dad misses you. I haven't seen you for almost a month. Go home for dinner tomorrow night, okay? Get together as a family."

"Did he agree?" Luo Xue went straight in.

If he disagreed, she would have nothing to talk about.

"Xiaoxue, your father is too old to bear this..." Ye Qingyu's tone sounded awkward.

Luo Xue immediately interrupted her. "If he still wants to negotiate, sorry, I've made up my mind."

When it was over, she hung up the phone.

As she expected, Luo Wenxun was at the side, and after a while, his call came.

He said that he had made up his mind and decided to discuss with her tomorrow night.

Luo Xue also readily agreed.

Once the two phones were connected, Luoxue felt like she was on a battlefield, and she didn't know who would win in the end?

However, for the sake of her mother, she decided to go all out.

When she came to Bo Shaolan's office, he was having a meeting, she was sitting on the sofa waiting, Lin Ya brought her a piece of warm milk, and told her that Bo Shaolan's meeting would end in about an hour.

Luo Xue was bored, so she picked up the magazines on the bookshelf next to her and looked through them.

This is a fashion magazine, which gathers jewelry, clothing and cosmetics designed by famous designers in the world... Finally, Luoxue's eyes stopped on a wedding dress.

She had dreamed of her wedding with Bo Shaolan countless times, wearing a dreamlike wedding dress...

It's just that they got the certificate for a year, and Bo Shaolan didn't mention anything about the wedding.

They are a legal couple legally, but they are not known to the outside world, like a hidden marriage.

According to the custom, couples who do not hold a wedding are not recognized by their husband's family.

She couldn't help feeling a little melancholy.

It just so happened that Bo Shaolan's meeting was over, and he saw this scene as soon as he came in.

His eyes flashed.

When Luoxue saw him, she put down the magazine, got up and threw herself into his arms.

Bo Shaolan picked her up. "Have you been waiting for a long time?"

"No, just being idle at home is also idle. By the way, my dad said that he has made a decision. He will let me go back to discuss with him tomorrow night. I will see my mother soon. Husband, am I awesome?" Luoxue said complacently.

Bo Shaolan didn't answer her right away.

Instead, he hugged her up, put her on the sofa, looked at her with half propped up, and listened to her. "Husband, I think people should be tougher. It's not a good thing to be too soft-hearted. If I had been like this earlier, I could have seen my mother earlier."

"You're just too stupid." Bo Shaolan raised his eyebrows.

"Oh! I'm so stupid, didn't you marry me, didn't I think he was my father, and I dared not fight him! Now that I finally showed my attitude, he didn't dare to do anything. I went back to China to My mother, but he has never let me see her. He is clearly thinking about the shares in my hand, so he hangs my mother and refuses to give my mother the best treatment! I have already thought about my future, if I The photo contest won the prize, and I signed a contract with Zero Magazine, so my mother and I will spend our lives together."

Maybe it's finally back!

Crackling out her previous thoughts, Bao Shaolan's complexion gradually sank without paying attention.

Only then did he know that before that, she had been thinking about her future all the time.

Participating in that boring photo contest was also to leave him.


Is it so uncomfortable to be with him?Did she never want to spend her life with him?

Bo Shaolan's brows seemed to be locked, and he finally couldn't help it. "Mrs. Bo, in your future, it's not about spending the rest of your life with me, but about how to leave me."

Luo Xue was startled, looking at his stinky face, she realized that she had said something wrong, fortunately her brain turned quickly. "That's, that's before the relationship between me and you eased. I had the idea of ​​leaving, but now I won't. If I still want to run now, then I'm really a big fool. Are you right? I'm that good."

"You're mad at me!" Bo Shaolan was furious.

"I swear, I won't leave now, even if you drive me away, I won't leave, I swear." Luoxue explained.

Bo Shaolan was still angry, Luoxue wanted to push him away, this man was too stingy, she said it was before, but he still didn't believe her.

Finally he let her go, and threatened viciously: "Luoxue, if you have such thoughts again, be careful, I will break your legs and make you unable to run!"

After hearing this, Luoxue felt that he was like a child who hadn't grown up, so she couldn't help laughing: "Hubby, didn't I say that? Even if you drive me away now, I won't leave! Such a good husband, go Where can I find it?"

This woman is getting bolder.

He is angry, she is still happy.

Didn't she know that he was worried that she would leave again?

Only now did he realize that he couldn't raise a woman by himself, and he always wanted to run away.

no!She can't even have the idea of ​​running away, she must take this issue seriously.

Sure enough, my wife can't be spoiled too much, otherwise she will become lawless!

He must establish house rules!
"Mr. Bo..." The manager of the sales department broke in suddenly. Because of this urgent document, he opened the door and walked in, only to encounter this scene.

Dong Ming and Lin Yaru from behind looked at him.

As long as the eldest young mistress is here, she must knock on the door first, otherwise she will encounter the scene of a dog being tortured to death.

If not, the Wannian Bingshan Bo, who was rumored to have no interest in women, seems to have never seen a woman before...

This picture, uh...

Bo Shaolan and Luo Xue were taken aback at the same time.

Luo Xue was so ashamed that she covered her face with her hands, as if she couldn't see the light.

So embarrassing.

On the other hand, Bo Shaolan became furious from embarrassment, protecting his wife, and yelled, "Get out! Each of you should hand in a [-]-word self-criticism before you get off work!"

Dong Ming stepped forward to close the door cleverly.

The three looked at each other.

How to write this review letter?

Ten thousand words?

Mr. President, aren't you deliberately embarrassing them?

The sales manager really wants to buy it.

A [-]-word self-criticism, let him say [-] words, he can do it, but this [-] words...

Dong Ming and Lin Ya shrugged.

Lin Ya scratched her head and said, "Originally, I have too many things to do, and I have to write a [-]-word self-criticism. What should I do? I have to work overtime again at night! Manager Liang, Mr. Bo is different now. He has a wife Yes, you understand."

Manager Liang twitched the corner of his mouth, he is not married yet, what does he know!

But recalling the scene just now, he said in disbelief: "Mr. Bo is really... completely different from what I usually see."

Dong Ming said that he was used to it. "In front of us, he is a gentleman, but to the young lady, he is a wolf in sheep's clothing. Secretary Lin and I are used to it, and we have been abused a lot."

Lin Ya frowned and thought: "I think, should I prepare some tonic for Boss?"

Dong Ming burst out laughing.

But he thought about it and agreed. "You did the right thing! Mr. Bo may be comfortable, and all the bonuses will come."

Lin Ya shook her head and said, "It's really a cold and ruthless Mr. Bo, who turns out to be a strict wife."

(End of this chapter)

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