Chapter 197
Luo Xue said with a smile: "Grandma, Auntie, I'll take a step ahead, you guys chat slowly, and you won't be at home for dinner."

"Well, be careful on the road."

When Bao Silan heard this, he felt extremely upset. Comparing Luoxue's happy life with his own loneliness, he seemed more or less downcast.

She couldn't have a fit, and she still had to coax Luoxue well.

She only hoped that Yao Feili would be on the right track as soon as possible, so that she could feel proud.

When Luoxue came to the door, the driver had already been waiting there, with a submissive attitude: "Young Mistress, you are here."

"Yes, thank you for your hard work." Luo Xue smiled.

The driver immediately said: "It's not hard."

Half an hour later, we arrived at Luojia Villa.

Luoxue was very anxious, today's dinner was different from usual, she seemed to be on the battlefield.

She has to win.

Can't wait any longer!If it drags on, my mother doesn't know what will happen.

She stood at the door for a while before ringing the bell.

As soon as the doorbell rang, Luo Wenxun and Ye Qingyu came out to greet him immediately, with smiles all over their faces, like two pug dogs.

Luoxue felt inexplicably nauseated.

If it wasn't for the shares, she probably wouldn't even be able to take a sip of tea when she came.

Luoxue even lamented the coldness of the world.

When you are useless, it is common for them to beat and scold you. When you have a price, they will coax you.

Luoxue sneered in her heart, probably they won't be able to laugh later, maybe they will return to their previous hateful faces.

Such a family makes her feel sad.

Ye Qingyu reached out to pull her, very enthusiastically. "Xiao Jing, you're here. I'm so looking forward to my little mother's neck growing."

Luoxue skillfully withdrew her hand.

Hmph, she's still a little mother, and she called herself her mother before!
She felt like vomiting.

Needless to say, Luo Wenxun, with a fat smile on her face, kept calling her Xiaoxue Xiaoxue.

Ye Qingyu didn't care too much, just smiled.

After entering the living room, she ordered the kitchen conductor to pour the milk herself.

She cursed in her heart as she fell, don't give me a chance to stand up, you will see me at that time, once the shares are in hand, I will use a broom to drive you out, dare to show off in front of me, hum!I don't know how I want you to die then!
Ye Qingyu was angry and had nowhere to vent. After thinking for a while, she spit into the milk, then mixed it with a spoon.

This scene happened to be seen by the new servant.

I think this lady is really...venomous.

The new servant went out with the milk, and really wanted to tell Luoxue not to drink it, but she didn't dare, unless there was no need for wages.

Ye Qingyu also went out, and she said enthusiastically: "Xiaoxue, this milk, but I had someone airlift it over, it's so fresh, Xiaohan wants to drink it, but I won't give it to you, hehehe..."

Luo Xue just smiled and didn't drink, saying that she wasn't thirsty.

The servant immediately showed a relieved expression, but Luo Xue had already seen the servant's expression completely.

"Xiaoxue, don't waste your heart, and the amount of this milk is not much, it's too expensive, I still snapped it up, Xiaohan didn't have to drink it, and said I was partial."

Luoxue looked at Ye Qingyu calmly, only felt that the smile on her face was terribly fake, so she said: "Auntie, if you let me call you little mother before, I might be grateful, but now you suddenly want to recognize me as a daughter , I am really surprised, if my sister likes it so much, how can I win the love of others, I will leave this milk for my sister to drink."

When Ye Qingyu heard this, the smile on his face suddenly collapsed.

She spit on this milk, how can she give it to Xiaohan?Disgusting.

In order not to demolish her platform, Ye Qingyu said with a smile: "Well, since you love my sister so much, I'll take it for her."

The moment she turned around, the viciousness in her eyes was fully revealed.

Ye Qing rushed to look for Luo Han, seeing Luo Han chatting with other men, she was even more annoyed.

As soon as Luo Han saw Ye Qingyu coming in, she immediately turned off the video, saw the milk in her hand, thought it was for her, was so happy, and was about to snatch it for a drink.

As a result, Ye Qingyu took the milk into the bathroom and poured it out.

Luo Han was very dissatisfied. "Mom, did I offend you? Are you angry with me on purpose?"

Ye Qingyu got angry, slapped Luohan's little face, and cursed: "You useless thing, you talk to those useless people all day long, and you don't even think about how to get Bo Shaolan's attention. ?”

Luo Han was beaten, and immediately shouted to the furry cat, "How dare you hit me?"

"What can I do if I don't wake you up? I don't do business all day long, and now that girl is spoiled, she is getting more and more arrogant."

"Mom, you can't blame me. It's not that I haven't tried hard. It's impossible for me to put my hot face on his cold ass all the time. I won't do it. Most of my misses are chased by men. I don't miss him. I'm a daughter Miss, I don't want to learn your embarrassing tricks, didn't you say that you must let me sit in the position of Mrs. Bo? It doesn't count if you can't speak. "

"You damn girl, you actually say that about your mother! I'm ashamed of your mother, who am I for? I'm so mad!" Ye Qingyu almost had a cerebral hemorrhage. It will become more and more successful.”

When Luo Han heard this, he didn't dare to say anything more.

"Hurry up and dress me up and compare that person to me! Bo Shaolan will come later, you have to seize the opportunity."

"Mom, I don't want to do those embarrassing things, and people ignore me!" Luo Han protested, "Well, let's find another suitable opportunity, and then I will succeed in taking the position."

"Do you think Bo Shaolan is a fool? Will he still be fooled? Hurry up and use your brain! There is no one who cannot be snatched." Ye Qingyu said.

Now she is looking at the Bo family, the power is so powerful, if her daughter successfully marries into the Bo family, it doesn't matter whether she robs or pries.

First floor living room.

Only Luoxue and Luo Wenxun were chatting there, Luo Wenxun was very smart, he didn't talk about business alone, but played the emotional card first.

But Luoxue couldn't bear it anymore. "Dad, you said it's been decided, so let's talk now."

"Well, think about it. Xiaoxue, I know you love your mother very much, but your mother has been ill for so long. If I hadn't been giving her the best treatment, she wouldn't have survived until now. Dad doesn't know what to do with her every year. How much money was spent, but she still hasn't recovered." Luo Wenxun said.

"You still rely on the Bo family for food now, and you don't have your own independent financial resources. Even if Shaolan agrees, will his family have any ideas? How will you gain a foothold in the Bo family then?"

"I have my own way, so you don't need to worry about it." Luoxue said calmly, "I have already talked with Shaolan, and he said that stroke is not a serious illness and can be cured."

Luo Wenxun didn't expect her to answer like this, so he immediately changed the way of saying it. "Xiaoxue, you don't understand men. When you like you, the stars in the sky will be picked for you. If you don't like you, what do you do? I'm your father, so I will say this about you. If he is sincere to you, Why not give you a wedding? According to the custom, if there is no wedding, you are not Mrs. Bo. His purpose of doing this is to show that he does not love you enough. If he is unhappy, he can leave you at any time and marry someone else .”

Luoxue was not fooled. "Dad, Bo Shaolan is not that kind of person."

"Xiaoxue..." Luo Wenxun was at a loss for words for a while, but he didn't dare to do anything, for fear of ruining things.

He suppressed his anger and said, "Okay, I know you've made a decision, it's useless for Dad to talk too much, since you agree to lend the shares to Dad, Dad won't mess around, let's sign a formal loan agreement too. "

"Why did you sign this?" Luoxue became wary.

Luo Wenxun calmly took out an agreement that he had already prepared from his briefcase, "Look for yourself."

Luo Xue took it and asked. "Where is my mother now?"

"Let's get this done first, and I'll arrange for you to meet."

"En." Luo Xue planned to read the agreement page by page.

And Luo Wenxun urged from the side: "Don't read it, will dad still lie to you? And you are also a layman, so it is useless to read it."

"It must be useful if I read it! She is an amateur, but I am an expert!" At this moment, a deep and powerful voice suddenly sounded.

Luoxue was overjoyed.

Her husband is here.

Luo Wenxun's complexion changed drastically, Bo Shaolan came, this agreement must not be signed.

He urged Luoxue impatiently: "Sign it, what are you doing in a daze!"

This Bo Shaolan is really his plague god.

Bo Shaolan quickly came to Luoxue, grabbed the agreement in her hand, flipped through a few pages at random, and said, "Idiot, this agreement cannot be signed."

"Shaolan, why can't you sign it? We also traded fairly, and the father and daughter also settled accounts clearly. There is nothing wrong with this agreement." It's hard, isn't it? I'm using my conscience."

Bo Shaolan smiled coldly. "When did my father-in-law ever use his conscience?"

Luo Wenxun's complexion became even more ugly. "Shaolan, I'm Xiaoxue's father. You're right. Over the years, I've always regarded her as a pain in my heart."

It happened that Ye Qingyu brought Luohan downstairs.

Bo Shaolan smiled lightly, crossed his hands, crossed Erlang's legs, and his tone was full of mockery. "I know how you treat her."

As soon as he said this, Luo Wenxun suddenly felt guilty.

Luo Xue was also taken aback, did he know the grievances she suffered at Luo's house?
All along, she has been abused by Ye Qingyu, and her father has turned a blind eye to her. If she hadn't been lucky enough to meet the Qin family and him, she might have lost hope.

For the sake of her mother, she endured all the time, and finally had the confidence to fight against Luo Wenxun. It was also Bo Shaolan who gave her great courage and confidence.

Now he is on the same side as her, so that she is no longer alone.

Her eyes were slightly wet, and she moved closer to Bo Shaolan. Bo Shaolan held her hand and secretly increased his strength.

Ye Qingyu and Luohan sat next to Luo Wenxun, with a smirk on their faces, and said, "Shaolan is here, that's great! Come to the house more often in the future, Xiaohan, why are you so rude? Quickly call brother-in-law."

Luo Han was trained by Ye Qingyu again, but after all, she is a daughter who has been pampered and pampered since she was a child, she still has pride, knowing that Bo Shaolan can't like her, so she didn't do what Ye Qingyu said.

(End of this chapter)

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