Long marriage: thin and super powerful

Chapter 208 Aunt's Thoughts

Chapter 208 Aunt's Thoughts

"Don't worry, he won't know that I did it."

He was still concerned about Bo Silan's feelings.

15 minutes, Haishi International Fulong underground parking lot.

Yao Feili put his arms around the beauty in his arms and said: "Shanshan, you wait for me. As long as I successfully get that order, I can feel proud and proud. Does the Bo family dare to look down on me? The fierce family at home Wife, I have had enough, if you are sensible and well-behaved, I will not treat you badly in the future, and then you will be my personal assistant, and I will support you."

Meng Shanshan said: "It's really aggrieved for you to be the son-in-law of the Bo family. My family doesn't help. It seems that your wife's status in the Bo family is not very good. You can't even get a project. If it were me, I would definitely Do everything possible to help you win the project! How can you be so angry? It's a pity, I won't reincarnate."

"It would be great if she had such a brain. Apart from eating, drinking and having fun every day, she just loses her temper. I thought she was the daughter of the Bo family and married her. I can't think of it. She has to watch her nephew. The look on my son's face! I was really blind to marry her! I guess when those two old things are dead, she won't get a dime!"

Yao Feili's words were full of dislike for Bo Silan, "She is the daughter of the Bo family in vain, she doesn't use her brain at all, and is suppressed by her nephew Bo Shaolan! Besides, Bo Shaolan and Yao Yang are good brothers, if Yao Yang is not for Bo Shaolan If I cover it, I won’t have the current results. At that time, the old man of my family will definitely face him, and I will lose to him by then. If my wife doesn’t help me win the project, I will retire she."

Meng Shanshan's eyes lit up immediately, and she felt that she might turn positive, so she tried her best to please him, and her voice became more and more coquettish: "Hard work, my dear, that Bo Shaolan is really cruel and merciless, and I have suffered from him too. Instead of flattering him, it's better to put Yao Yang down and dominate the world, and then dump Bao Silan, and the Bo family will no longer dare to look down on you."

Yao Feiyang shook his head and said, "You, you underestimated Yao Yang too much. This kid is very clever, it's not easy to put him down."

"If it's not clear, then it's dark."

Meng Shanshan's goal is to get in the top position, find a rich man to marry, Yao Feili is lustful, she likes money, so they hit it off.

After she was banned from the entertainment industry, she ate and drank everywhere relying on her beauty, and she settled down only when she met Yao Feili. At first, she felt lucky, but people's greed is endless.

When she knew that Yao Feili was tired of Bao Silan, she immediately had hope in her heart. It turned out that Yao Feili and Bao Silan married for the sake of profit. Yao Feili's disgust.

Whenever she had a chance, she would blow the pillow wind in Yao Feili's ear.

Knowing that Yao Feili is a flamboyant woman, she wanted to take down Bao Silan while she still had some good looks.

"Feili, no matter what happens to you, I will be with you, because I love you and will be with you for the rest of my life, but isn't your wife pregnant? I'm afraid we should have less contact in the future." She adopted It is a means of playing hard to get.

She can't act too anxious, it will frighten the man.

And what if Bao Silan gave birth to a son...

Suddenly there was a loud bang from the car, which startled them a lot.

Yao Feili and Meng Shanshan were so frightened that they arranged their clothes in a panic.

But there was already a man taking pictures with his mobile phone.

The last man wearing sunglasses warned: "It's best to be quiet recently, otherwise he will save you a way to survive next time."

Yao Feili was furious and shouted to call the police, but the man in sunglasses took out his phone and shook it in front of his eyes, and he flinched immediately.

He's kind of sane.

The man in sunglasses kicked him again, "Report, why not? I want to see if you can afford to lose?"

Yao Feiyang suddenly fell down on the ground, like a lost dog.

Meng Shanshan climbed out of the car and helped him into the car.

Yao Feili really couldn't afford to lose, and now he was in the midst of a rising career, and he was still the son-in-law of the Bo family. Once the scandal broke out, he would become a rat crossing the street, and everyone would call him a beating.

If his old man finds out, he will lose without a fight and give up his share, and there will be no chance of winning in the future.

And if Mr. Bo knew that he was sorry for his precious daughter, he would definitely take measures, and all his previous efforts would be in vain.

"Honey..." Meng Shanshan was about to help him wipe the blood off his face.

"Disappear from my face immediately!" Yao Feili suddenly seemed to have changed into a different person, with a hideous face, "If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't have been beaten either?"

Meng Shanshan immediately shut up, the man's face changed faster than turning the pages of a book, as soon as interests were involved, he would immediately deny him.

What else can she do?I could only smash my teeth and swallow it in my stomach.

She has tasted powerful ones, which left her with no way out. If this scandal breaks out, not only will she lose Yao Feili, the benefactor, but will she still be able to live?

It's just that they guessed and guessed, but they couldn't guess that it was Bo Shaolan who did it!

At seven o'clock in the evening, Bo's house.

Mr. Bo ate a few mouthfuls, looked at Bao Silan again, and asked Bao Silan, why Yao Feili is always on business trips recently?
He is a man with conservative and rigid thinking. He always said that the married daughter was throwing water. Bao Silan has been staying at her mother's house recently, and he has a lot of criticisms. He always feels that the Yao family has treated his daughter badly.

The reason why Bao Silan has been living in her natal family is also to complete the task Yao Feili gave her.

"Dad, he called me just now and said that he came back just after talking with a client. He has worked hard recently. It's not because he was afraid that I would be lonely living in such a big villa alone, so he asked me to go back to my mother's house. At least I have someone to talk to with me."

She wholeheartedly spoke good words for her husband.

Luoxue ate quietly, but felt worthless for Bao Silan. Yao Feili was clearly in Haishi, so why was he on a business trip?It's dating a woman.

She was thinking about the problem while eating, and she didn't know if rice got on her nose.

It was Bo Silan who reminded her. "Xiaoxue, what's the matter with you? You've fed rice to your nose."

Luo Xue was startled, knowing that she had lost her composure.

At this time, Bo Shaolan reached out and took off the rice grains on the tip of her nose one by one, and said, "It's just a day of shopping with you, so you're so happy, it seems that I will accompany you in the future."

Luo Xue's face turned red.

Hearing that Bao Shaolan smoothed things over for her like this, she immediately said: "I was thinking about which gift would be suitable for my aunt. My aunt's temperament is so good, it gave me a headache."

Bao Silan was amused when he heard this. "Xiaoxue has a heart. My aunt is old. Where does she have her temperament? As long as it is a gift from you, I will take it."

Bo Silan has never been praised for his temperament.

Being praised for the first time, I must be happy.

Bo Fangqing, who was sitting by the side, sneered again and again, thinking, there must be something tricky about it.

Luoxue's temperament has always been gentle, and she has never intentionally tried to please anyone, but suddenly she said such pleasant words, it was quite strange.

Could it be that you knew about my uncle?

Will he hesitate to talk?And worried that Bao Silan couldn't stand it, so he thought about it, should he tell Bao Silan?
So eating will be lost in thought.

At the same time, someone called Bo Shaolan.

He glanced at the caller ID, pressed it off, and sent a WeChat message instead.

Bo Fangqing was even more certain that when Bo Shaolan and Luoxue went out in broad daylight, they must have encountered something related to Bo Silan.

Luoxue knew why Bo Shaolan didn't dare to answer the phone in front of his family?He was just worried that Bo Silan would hear something he shouldn't have heard.

She felt worthless for Bo Silan.

She was pregnant, and not only did her husband not accompany her, but he even fooled around with other women behind her back.

Yao Feili is too unreliable a man.

Everyone had their own thoughts on this meal.

After dinner, Bo Shaolan and Luoxue said they were tired and wanted to go upstairs to rest, so they didn't stay with grandma for after-dinner tea.

As soon as she returned to the room, Luoxue said worriedly: "Shaolan, if my aunt finds out, with her temperament, she will definitely not be able to bear it."

Bo Shaolan hugged her into his arms and stroked her gently. "If Yao Feili is sensible and accepts when he sees a deal, this matter can be hidden."

"Do you have a solution?" Luo Xue asked.

"I can only do my best." Bo Shaolan didn't dare to be too absolute.

"Hey..." Luoxue sighed softly.

At this time, someone called her outside, it was Bo Silan.

"Xiaoxue, Xiaoxue..."

Luoxue panicked for a while, afraid that Bao Silan would hear their conversation just now.

Bo Shaolan comforted her. "It's okay, I have everything."

Luoxue ran to open the door, only to see Bao Silan smiling and saying, "Xiaoxue, come talk with me, your eyelids are always twitching, and you're feeling flustered."

Luoxue's heart skipped a beat. Could it be that there was an omen, she hurriedly said, "Well, okay, I'll be there in a while."

"I'll wait for you in the garden." Then Bao Silan went downstairs.

As soon as Luoxue returned to the room, she worriedly said, "Husband, what should I do? I'm worried that I might slip up."

"Don't worry, my aunt probably doesn't know yet. She's only worried about Yao Feili's project recently, so just don't reveal a word." Bo Shaolan said.

Luo Xue said that she knew, so she was relieved to go out.

As soon as Luoxue closed the door, Bo Shaolan's cell phone rang. It was Dong Ming's call.

(End of this chapter)

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