Long marriage: thin and super powerful

Chapter 214 Four Years of Living Abroad

Chapter 214 Four Years of Living Abroad

"Uh, it's all over, it's not worth mentioning...well, let me go..."

"At that time, you and Qin Jingfeng lived together? Why didn't you stay together? Are you happy without me? I want to know..." Bo Shaolan said.

What surprised him was that she lived with Qin Jingfeng and nothing happened?But when he couldn't help looking for her at her school, he obviously saw her throwing herself into Qin Jingfeng's arms very happily. At that time, the two seemed as close as lovers.

That's why he quietly withdrew and healed her wounds alone, not wanting to disturb her happiness.

Luo Xue was not surprised that he had such an idea. "Jing Feng and I just live together, not the relationship you think. The house belongs to him. I was alone abroad at the time, so I had to rely on him. I gave him rent, but he didn't accept it."

"Living together?" Bo Shaolan asked again, "Does he not care about you at all?"

This one man and one woman.

Luoxue stared at him with wide eyes, "Jing Feng and I have always had a brother-sister relationship, not the one you imagined."

"En." Bo Shaolan believed her.

Luoxue looked at his face, and decided to tell him her four years of living abroad, so that he would not think wildly and wonder if she was with Jing Feng?

Those four years were the saddest four years in her life, and she was glad that she survived.

In fact, she also wanted to ask him, how did he spend the days without her?
"Not long after I went abroad, my dad postponed the tuition and living expenses for various reasons, and then he simply refused to pay them. He could only rely on me to work part-time to earn money for the tuition fees, but there was no living expenses. Jing Feng kindly took me in and spent that time. Tough times."

"I don't want to owe him too much, so I worked a few part-time jobs. At the beginning, I didn't quite adapt to life abroad. I didn't know the language, and I didn't know the place well. Every night, I would cry secretly. Slowly, I told myself, I must Be strong, be brave, stand up on your own! Without you, I have learned a lot, a lot..."

Hearing this, Bo Shaolan felt mixed emotions in his heart, which was extremely unpleasant.

He really misunderstood, thinking that Luoxue was studying abroad while falling in love with Qin Jingfeng, and he had completely forgotten about him.

Who knew that she had such a hard time?Being asked by Luo Wenxun to deduct tuition fees and living expenses, and relying on part-time jobs to complete their studies, this is already quite remarkable.

Luo Wenxun really went too far, thanks to his constant care all these years.

"I was originally in poor health, but I was not acclimatized when I got there. I was sick for a long time and had to go to work. Because I couldn't pay the school's boarding fee, I was invited out by the school. Jing Feng let me know I lived with him temporarily, and I thought about finding a place to move out after staying for a while. As a result, he was also very busy. I seldom lived in the villa except for dinner time. So most of the time, I stayed in the villa alone. , you used to be too kind to me, I didn't know your kindness until I left you..."

Luo Xue smiled embarrassedly while talking.

It was only then that Bo Shaolan suddenly realized that she had moved to Jing Feng's villa, not cohabitation, it was because of his wrong thinking.

But Bo Shaolan was still puzzled. "For several years, he hasn't confessed to you or anything..."

"No." Luo Xue looked at him strangely.

Bo Shaolan suddenly hugged her tightly, feeling that he had misunderstood her.

"I explained to you earlier that Jing Feng and I are brother and sister. We have been neighbors since we were young, and his mother is my godmother. I am abroad, and he will definitely take care of me. I am used to him like this For me, he is used to loving me like that, so naturally caring... I just treat him as my elder brother, and at that time it was mainly because he was too busy and didn't have much time to spend with him, and he often had to go out for his major Internships, I often go out to work, just bumping into each other during meals, and after that I'm busy with my own business."

Luoxue thinks that she and Qin Jingfeng are innocent, why does Bo Shaolan always want to be jealous of Qin Jingfeng?

He couldn't help but say the thorn in his heart. "Could it be that my eyes are dazzled, I clearly saw you throwing yourself into his arms, like a lover, and I asked your classmates, and they also said that you have a boyfriend."

She threw herself into Jing Feng's arms?
Her classmate said she has a boyfriend?

When did he say that?Every time she saw Jing Feng, it was like that, but they really didn't have that kind of relationship, it must be her classmates who misunderstood.

Luo Xue frowned.

Bo Shaolan was startled, as if someone had peeped into his mind, and coughed lightly twice.

Suddenly, Luoxue smiled.

"The students must have misunderstood. Foreigners are too open. If a girl doesn't have a boyfriend, they will definitely look at you like an alien. If they know that you are single, those foreign male students will also be enthusiastic. I can't stand the constant pursuit, and I don't know how to deal with it? Or Jing Feng thought of a good way, he said pretending to be my boyfriend, so that he can drive away the suitors, if not, he often appears in my class, classmates They all thought he was my boyfriend, and in order to pretend to be more realistic, he even asked me to throw myself into his arms, anyway, we used to do that when we were young, and I didn’t think there was anything wrong with it.”

"Plop into his arms?" Bo Shaolan's eyes suddenly became dangerous.

"Yeah, I think this is a very common thing." Luoxue didn't want to hide it from him, "It's for acting, don't think too much about it, she threw herself into his arms, and deliberately acted for those foreign boyfriends. Enthusiastic, I'm really scared."

Although Bo Shaolan understood what they did at that time, she still couldn't help being jealous.

"It was impossible to do this before, you can only throw yourself into your husband's arms!"

"Understood, I was really helpless at the time." Luoxue stuck out her tongue mischievously, and suddenly she found several important problems.

Has Bo Shaolan gone to look for her?Just in time to see her throwing herself into Qin Jingfeng's arms, and ask her classmates to inquire about her situation?Why doesn't she know?
When did this happen?

When Bo Shaolan saw her questioning gaze, he excused that he was tired and needed to take a shower.

Luoxue put her arms around his neck, not letting him go.

"Honestly, my husband, have you been looking for me secretly?"

Bo Shaolan blushed. "No."

Luo Xue laughed, she didn't believe it, there must be a ghost.

Hehe, she finally won once. For four years, she had been reluctant to let herself go to him, but he couldn't help but go to her first.

If she hadn't brought up this topic, it is estimated that he would have kept this matter from her.

"Don't lie to me. If you came to look for me, you came to look for me. It's not something to be ashamed of." Luoxue wrapped her arms around his neck tightly, not letting him avoid it.

There was a smile on the corner of her mouth, and a sly light shone in her big black eyes.

Still not admitting it?I really want to save face and suffer.

snort!When I first returned to China, I met you, but you still pretended not to know me, this revenge will be repaid.

Bo Shaolan will definitely not admit it, this is the dignity of a man, if she admits it in front of her, she will not be able to lift the tiles on the roof in the future.

Women can't be spoiled too much!

He stood up, and Luoxue climbed on him like a monkey, entangled him.

Bo Shaolan hugged her and said vaguely: "Yes, I can't help looking for you..."

Luo Xue stared at him blankly, only to see that he was still kissing her, but she heard these words very clearly.

He really went to her.

When she went to Luo country, she had the idea of ​​breaking up, and wanted to completely forget him, live alone abroad, away from the city where he was.

She thought that once she left, they would end with her. Who knew, it was so difficult to forget him.

In those countless lonely nights, she was crying silently, and she was always bullied abroad... She would miss him especially, and when she was with him, no one dared to bully her. With his protection, she lived Be happy like a princess.

She was spoiled by him. Although he was so domineering, he cared about her because of his love.

He also said once that he wanted to spoil her so much that no other man could stand her coquettishness.

He really did it.

After leaving him, she felt like she had broken her wings.

Later, she relied on self-suggestion again and again to become strong.

Tell yourself that he has changed his mind, he has fallen in love with Qiao Ge, and don't think about him anymore.

Slowly, she also accepted this fact.

She never thought that Bo Shaolan would come after her, she always thought that Bo Shaolan would be with Qiao Ge.

(End of this chapter)

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