Long marriage: thin and super powerful

Chapter 216 Luo Wenxun's Trick

Chapter 216 Luo Wenxun's Trick
Ye Qingyu comforted him. "Husband, what's the matter with you? Isn't the crisis of our company resolved? No one can threaten us, and we can rest easy in the future. Although the shares were borrowed, they still fell into your hands in the end. Is it? Xiaoxue doesn’t care much, and when the time limit is up, you pretend not to know and deliberately don’t mention it, I don’t think she will remember it, so be happy.”

But Luo Wenxun's face was still not right, she thought for a while and said: "But this is hard to say, now she is not what she used to be, with Bo Shaolan's backing, her words are much tougher than before, people will always change, We still have to be fully prepared, and we can’t sit still.”

She said good things, first tested Luo Wenxun's mind, and then deliberately stimulated him.

Now what Luowen is looking for is a temporary loan agreement, not a permanent agreement. If Luoxue gets upset, he can come back at any time, and he will immediately return to his original form.

Luo Wenxun was thinking about this question, and always felt that his heart was not at ease.

Now Luoxue is spoiled like a princess by Bo Shaolan, a word from her is enough to put him to death.

Bo Shaolan only needs to say one word, whether Luo's family stays or goes is up to him, whoever has more money.

Speaking of this, Luo Wenxun put down the bowl irritably, and snorted: "Now that you eat inside and outside, not only can you control my shares, but also decide my life and death!"

He really didn't understand, what did Bo Shaolan take a fancy to that damn girl?There are many women who are prettier than her, but Bo Shaolan has a special liking for her, but it took only a few months of work to make Bo Shaolan submissive.

"Anyway, we are still the CEO. I also find it strange. Who is behind the purchase of our shares?" Ye Qingyu also put down his chopsticks and stopped eating.

Luo Han couldn't help but interrupted. "If I marry into the Bo family, I won't be as ungrateful as my sister, hum!"

She immediately hit Luo Wenxun's heart, if Luo Han had taken down Bo Shaolan in one fell swoop after guarding against that dead girl, he would have had the wind and the rain.

In the end, he took his anger out on Ye Qingyu, thinking that she didn't plan well and wasted this opportunity for nothing.

Luo Han finally couldn't hold back anymore, she said sinisterly: "If my sister can't marry Bo Shaolan, that would be great..."

Ye Qingyu immediately kicked Luohan, "Xiaohan, don't have such thoughts! The Bo family is powerful and powerful, we can't afford to offend them, if we mess up, we will sleep on the street."

Luo Han said aggrievedly: "You are always thinking of her, but what about her? I wish to drive us to a dead end! This kind of ungrateful person can actually marry Bo Shaolan, too scheming, I see, Bo Shaolan will see through sooner or later Her, abandoned her, pretending to be innocent on the surface, but very poisonous in her heart, maybe one day she will embarrass us."

After listening to Luo Wenxun, he felt that this was definitely possible.

That dead girl also said that she would sever ties with him, and threatened him with that information.

Without Bo Shaolan's backing, how could she still be arrogant?
He must find a way to stop this wedding.

Let Bo Shaolan abandon her, leaving her helpless.

Luo Wenxun's eyes were filled with hatred, and he felt that what Luo Han said made sense.

She can't make their wedding go smoothly.

Now it is impossible for him to get any profit from Bo Shaolan, and it is impossible for Luoxue to listen to his orders, and she also threatens him everywhere that he must kill that ungrateful girl.

Who told her to be so arrogant!

How can the relationship between her and Bo Shaolan be broken?Let her be abandoned by Bo Shaolan?He had to think of a way to have both ends, to make Bo Shaolan hate her, hate her...

They don't want to reconcile all their lives.

He has been saving money for many years, and what he hopes for is to have a stable old age and not let Luoxue ruin it.

Luo Xue's eyes narrowed, shooting out a terrifying murderous aura.

The corners of Ye Qingyu's mouth slightly curled up, she knew that she succeeded in provoking.

She is well versed in Luo Wenxun's character, as long as she provokes her slightly, her goal will be easily achieved.

Luo Wenxun got up, stopped eating, and couldn't wait to discuss the countermeasure with Ye Qingyu.

"Wait a minute in the study." After finishing speaking, he went to the study first.

As soon as the figure of Luo Han waiting for Luo Wenxun disappeared, she immediately made a victory gesture to Ye Qingyu. "Mommy, we've won! That damn girl's days are over!"

Ye Qingyu sneered.

Anyone who dares to stand in her way will end up in a terrible situation.

Luo Wenxun sat on the swivel chair, his brows were furrowed, his eyes were cold, and the greed in his eyes was clearly revealed.

"Honey, you have to think twice, after all, she is spoiled..." Ye Qingyu said pretending to be kind.

Luo Wenxun glanced at her, "Don't be disgusting in front of me, can I not know about the bad water in your stomach? Pretend to be kind with me, don't think I don't know, you sent someone to do that girl's child. "

Ye Qingyu was startled.

It really is the old Jianghu, she did it so secretly, and he knew about it, it seems that she underestimated him too much.

"Husband, I'm not doing it for our daughter, and that damn girl, didn't you say she's not your child?" Ye Qingyu said while observing his expression.

Luo Wenxun's complexion really changed.

"We should be on the same front."

"Hmph!" The coldness in Luo Wenxun's eyes became more intense, "At that time, I had the urge to strangle you, but I thought about it later, you did the right thing! You can't let that girl gain a foothold in the Bo family, mothers are more expensive than children , if she gives birth to a son, we Xiaohan will have no chance, if the fat water does not flow to outsiders, how can you take advantage of that wild girl!"

Ye Qingyu breathed a sigh of relief.

At the same time, she was also secretly worried that Luo Wenxun had always been watching her do a lot of sinister things.

Originally thought that Luo Wenxun was just an idiot with no brains, but it seems she was wrong.

"Husband, you should think about it carefully. That wild girl is stupid, but Bo Shaolan is not."

"I'm still pretending, if it wasn't for your cunning, I wouldn't have married you either!" Luo Wenxun said directly.

"Husband..." Ye Qingyu was startled, unexpectedly Luo Wenxun scolded her like this!

Luo Wenxun stared at her and said. "I will leave this matter to you. If you fail to do it, you must step aside. Most of the young girls are rushing to marry me!"

Luo Wenxun said without shame.

Although Ye Qingyu was angry, she didn't dare to attack.

Over the years, Luo Wenxun's Yanyan Yingying outside, if she hadn't dealt with it secretly, her position as the wife of the first house might have been lost long ago.

"Got it, husband."

"you can go now."

"Got it, husband."

As soon as Ye Qingyu closed the door, the disguise on her face was immediately removed, and she went upstairs to find Luohan.

When Luo Han saw Ye Qingyu coming in, he asked anxiously: "Mom, how is your discussion with Dad going?"

"That wild girl will surely die this time."

"Great! Seeing that she is still arrogant!" Luo Han was so happy that she wanted to jump up.

"Mom, how are you going to defeat that wild girl?" Luo Han asked curiously.

"Xiaohan, you don't need to worry about this, Mom, for your happiness, you must succeed."

Time passed quietly, and before I knew it, it was September, and there were still nine days to go before she and Shaolan got married.

Luo Xue always felt that there was one thing she hadn't done, and she thought about it before she remembered it.

It turned out that she didn't choose a wedding dress.

How can she be a beautiful bride without a wedding dress?

And Bo Shaolan didn't choose the groom's outfit, she couldn't help but wonder, maybe Bo Shaolan forgot about it?
She tossed and turned and couldn't fall asleep, so she pushed Bo Shaolan beside her. "Husband, husband, what else is missing in our wedding?"

Bo Shaolan gave a grunt, and went back to sleep. "You just need to be happy to be your bride, and I will do everything."

"No, husband, it's..."

Just as she was about to get to the point, Bo Shaolan hugged her and kissed her lips, "Sleep, wife, have a good dream."

"En..." Luoxue didn't feel sleepy at all.

She sighed softly, maybe he was too busy to take care of this at all.

She should also do something, and she can't rely on him for everything.

The next day.

When Luoxue woke up, it was cool again, and Bo Shaolan had gone to work early.

She picked up WeChat habitually, saw his messages, and told her not to wait for him to go to bed at night, but to take a beauty sleep obediently, and prepare to be a beautiful bride.

Bo Shaolan has been busy recently, not only busy with her own marriage, but also busy with the new project in Hangzhou, she couldn't help feeling sorry for him.

After she went downstairs to have breakfast, she chatted with Mrs. Bo for a while, and then called Qin's mother, saying that her wedding was approaching and she had something to discuss with her.

Qin's mother was naturally happy, and asked her to come earlier, and she asked the servant to prepare lunch.

Luo Xue also happily agreed.

Qin's mother called Qin Jingfeng and asked him to go home for dinner at noon, saying that Luoxue would come over at noon.

After hearing this, Qin Jingfeng immediately agreed.

Qin's mother has always treated Luoxue as a daughter, and she also hopes that she will get married in a prosperous manner.

After receiving her mother's call, Qin Jingfeng put down the phone melancholy.

The girl he loves is getting married.

With a swipe of his long and slender fingers, Qin Jingfeng clicked on the photo album and opened a photo. Looking at it, his eyes became moist.

Those four years in Luo Country were the happiest time for him, because he was with her. At that time, he didn't express his feelings to her, and got along with her naturally, because he respected her.

He loved her so much that he couldn't bear her to be reluctant.

He also regretted it, but finally he was relieved.

As long as she is with the person she loves and is happy, he is satisfied.

He immediately arranged work matters with Yang Yang and left the company early.

As soon as he left the company, he saw Pan Yanyan coming.

He wanted to hide but couldn't hide, so he had to face it. He told Pan Yanyan more than once what he was thinking, saying that he was not suitable, but Pan Yanyan just didn't give up and stalked.

Pan Yanyan went directly to please Qin's mother.

In the early autumn, with the cool breeze blowing, Pan Yanyan was dressed up beautifully. Just by looking at her appearance, she was still considered a beauty.

But no matter how beautiful she is, it's not Qin Jingfeng's favorite type.

Pan Yanyan rushed over immediately, ignoring his attitude at all. "Brother Jing Feng, what a coincidence, I was about to go up to find you, and you came down, which shows that we have a good understanding."

(End of this chapter)

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