Long marriage: thin and super powerful

Chapter 228 You Will Definitely Come

Chapter 228 You Will Definitely Come
He wanted to convey his guilt to her with a kiss.

She loves him, really loves him, she wants to understand the loneliness and sadness in his heart.

She hugged his neck closer and kissed him proactively.

When Qiao Ge walked to the door, Fang Haihua had been waiting for her there for a while.

Fang Haihua was dressed like a lady, noble and decent, with a smile on his face.

This is the most standard smile of a lady.

Qiao Ge hates these noble ladies, she is obviously uncomfortable, but she still has to smile, life is really tiring.

When she was pregnant, Fang Haihua didn't know where to find her contact information, so he went directly to her door.

The first thing he said was to ask her to leave Bo Shaolan and ask her to make a price.

That contemptuous look in her eyes is still fresh in her memory.

"You don't meet the standard of being our daughter-in-law of the Bo family. You should leave Shaolan while you can still bargain."

Qiao Ge picked up the warm water on the table and poured it directly on Fang Haihua's face, "Who cares about your stinky money?"

At that time, her goal was the young lady of the Bo family, and she thought that as long as she successfully married Bo Shaolan, she would have the rain and the wind in the future.

Fang Haihua never thought that Qiao Ge would be so arrogant and dare to throw water on her in public.

Qiao Ge raised the most confident smile, "Mrs. Bo, how much do you want to give me this time? But now my sister is not short of money."

Fang Haihua couldn't hide his dislike for Qiao Ge in his eyes, and he didn't want to talk too much nonsense.

"Five years ago, you couldn't marry into the Bo family. Five years later, the result is still the same. Don't think that our Bo family is easy to bully. You should have heard of the family history of the Bo family. How can you sit in the sea without some means?" The position of the city's No. [-] richest family?"

"Hehe, it's finally something new to talk about." Qiao Ge smiled softly, "Means? Talk about means? I guess you are not my opponent, and I, Qiao Ge, have not been fooling around all these years."

After speaking, Qiao Ge strode away.

Fang Haihua's face turned livid with anger.

"I have never seen such an arrogant person!"

Fang Haihua stared at Joe's back, feeling out of control again.

Bai Rong came over and persuaded: "Madam, the old lady said, don't fight her, it's not worth it."

Yes, not worth it.

Fang Haihua could tell that Mrs. Bo didn't like Qiao Ge either. As long as Mrs. Bo disagreed, Qiao Ge would be nothing more than a clown no matter how mischievous he was.

Qiao Ge's forehead was knocked out, her knee was broken, and she walked out of Bo's house swaggeringly, which alarmed the entire Bo family. The servants talked a lot: "What's her name? Even the young master dares to hate you?"

"She, she had a relationship with the young master before, had a child with the young master, and was about to get married, but the old lady didn't agree."

"No way? Can't tell..."

"Okay, okay, don't let Aunt Rong hear it, you will be punished."

Qiao Ge sat in the driver's seat and glanced at his bleeding knee.

She sneered: "Bo Shaolan, you still haven't changed..."

Five years later, the temper is still the same.

"I bet you will come to me tonight!"

Qiao Ge's gaze changed suddenly, becoming decisive, the kind of determination to go all out.

Her view of love has never changed. If she falls in love with someone, she will do everything for him, even if it means breaking her body to pieces.

But, will her efforts be rewarded?
She has been waiting for five years.

In fact, she cared about her friend Luo Xue from the bottom of her heart.

However, she was helpless, and everything she did was unavoidable.

She has to.

For her love.

Even if it is smashed to pieces.

Qiao Ge drove to the effect area.

There is a bunch of blue baby's breath in her passenger seat, which is her favorite flower.

When going to the flower shop to buy flowers, the salesperson took her to see the delicate roses, but she shook her head and asked for a bunch of inconspicuous blue gypsophila.

But the salesperson still praised her, "Miss, you really know how to choose. This blue gypsophila is often out of stock. It happens to be in stock today, and you just bought it. Good luck to you and the person you send flowers to." Good luck."

The person she sent flowers to?

her child?
Does it really bring good luck to children in heaven?
"Hehe." She chuckled lightly.

Her child was the unluckiest one.

As soon as Qiao Ge stepped on the accelerator, the car flew like flying.

Her child was already formed, with tiny hands and feet, but he was stillborn and died of asphyxiation due to lack of oxygen.

Back then, Mrs. Bo approached her and gave her a considerable amount of money.

She buried her baby, that little blob of blood.

Haishi's cemetery is so expensive, it cost her one-third of the money, and she insisted on buying it. She didn't want her child to be a lonely soul, at least she had a place to live.

When she came to the cemetery, there was nothing on the tombstone, but the grave was clean, and the management fee she paid here was quite a lot every year.

She can't go back to China, and every Ching Ming Festival and Double Ninth Festival, she asks the management staff to burn paper money instead of her.

She stood in front of the tomb for a long time...

Although Qiao Ge made a fuss, Mrs. Bo didn't take it seriously. Tomorrow will be a big day, and the Bo family is very busy.

Bao Silan didn't dare to talk too much, and also hoped that tomorrow's wedding would go smoothly.

After dinner, Luoxue told Bo Shaolan that she wanted to see her mother.

Mrs. Bo knew about it, and she was not allowed to go out alone because the journey was far away.

Luo Xue said, "Grandma, I'm getting married tomorrow, and I want to have a private conversation with my mother."

The old lady Bo pondered for a while, "Okay, it's good for you to have this kind of filial piety, why don't you let Shaolan accompany you?"

Luoxue shook her head. "Grandma, I'm fine, don't worry, just let the driver take me there."

Bo Shaolan looked at her, and seeing her insistence, he had no choice but to chime in, "Grandma, let her go. Mother-in-law can't attend her wedding tomorrow, so let her spend time with mother-in-law. I will make arrangements for it."

Luoxue smiled gratefully at him.

The old lady Bo looked at the faces of the two of them and found that there was no difference, so she let them go.

Bo Shaolan accompanied her to the room to get things, hugged her into his arms, and said apologetically, "My wife, I'm sorry."

"You didn't apologize to me." Luoxue looked up at him, "I'll be right back after I finish talking with my mother, and welcome our wedding."

"Well, I'll wait for you to come back." Bo Shaolan kissed her on the face and said.

Bo Shaolan accompanied her downstairs, telling the driver over and over again to take care of Luoxue and be careful.

He watched the car go away before closing his eyes.

Suddenly, his gaze suddenly became extremely cold. He took out his mobile phone and called Chu Kenan, "Brother, I have thought it over."


He had to deal with that matter, and for the smooth progress of tomorrow's wedding, even if he had to be smashed to pieces, he would not hesitate to do so.

"You have to remember, even if you lose completely, you still have my big brother." Chu Kenan said.

"Thank you brother, I have already contacted Beidou."


Then, they ended the call.

Bo Shaolan pursed his lips tightly, put one hand in his trouser pocket, his eyes were deep, his brows were furrowed, and his sorrow grew thicker.

Luoxue, for our future, let's work hard together.

The sanatorium was far away and remote, and it took an hour to reach the destination after driving.

The dean heard that Luo Xue was coming, so he came out to receive her personally. The doctors and nurses were very enthusiastic, and they all knew that she was Mrs. Bo, so they dared not neglect her in the slightest.

After the doctor told Luoxue about Fang Lin's situation, he said, "Mrs. Bo, I'm going out first. Call me if you need anything."

Luo Xue thanked him.

The doctor was originally facing an enemy, but seeing Luo Xue being gentle and polite, he secretly heaved a sigh of relief.

Luo Xue came to Fang Lin, sat down, and held her hand. It could be seen that the situation had improved, and her mother's face had grown more fleshy.

She couldn't help being grateful to Bo Shaolan, if it wasn't for him, her mother wouldn't have been treated so well.

While massaging Fang Lin, she said, "Mom, can you hear me?"

But Fang Lin lay there quietly.

"Mom, I have found my happiness. I will get married tomorrow. Shaolan, your son-in-law, who I love deeply, treats me very well. When will you wake up? I hope you can attend my daughter's meeting tomorrow." wedding."

"Mom, I didn't invite them tomorrow. I really hate them. If it weren't for them, you wouldn't be like this. I know it's wrong, but I just can't help it. Why do I have such a father? I treat it like a commodity, trying to squeeze me dry all the time, wanting to keep taking advantage of Shaolan, I see him clearly, so I decided not to let him participate in my wedding tomorrow."

"Mom, it's a good thing I have the Qin family to take care of me. It's all thanks to you. You have been quietly arranging everything for me. Mom, my daughter really hurts. Why did Dad treat you like this?"

Luo Xue cried as she spoke.

These words have been suppressed in her heart, unable to tell others.

So she confides in front of her mother, regardless of whether her mother can hear it or not.

What happened to Qiao Ge really hit her.

Time flies so fast, in the blink of an eye, an hour has passed.

"Mom, you must get better." Luoxue choked up.

No matter what happens, don't lose hope for the future.

It was already night when Qiao Ge returned to the hotel where he stayed.

Because she had been immersed in her own thoughts, the phone kept ringing, but she didn't answer it.

It was her agent calling.

Qiao Ge didn't care about him, he was in a bad mood and couldn't get up to talk about work.

She swiped through her Moments with her mobile phone, and at the same time was vaguely looking forward to it.

Will Bo Shaolan come?
The phone rang suddenly, and she saw that it was an unfamiliar phone number.

The corners of her mouth raised slightly, it seemed that the fish was about to take the bait.

Bo Shaolan, I am sure to win.

Qiao Ge's slender fingers slipped. To her surprise, it wasn't Bo Shaolan who called.

It was his sister calling.

There was a mockery in her eyes, and she said lightly: "Is there something wrong?"

"Sister Qiao Ge, I knew you would definitely come back."

Qiao Ge said nothing, but narrowed his black eyes secretly.

Bo Fangqing was embarrassed when she heard that the person on the other end of the phone ignored her, "Sister Qiao Ge, actually I have something important to ask you, can you go downstairs?"

After finishing speaking, Bo Fangqing hung up the phone first. She thought that Qiao Ge would definitely come.

Qiao Ge just thought it was ridiculous. It seems that Bo Shaolan's marriage attracted many interested people, including himself, right?
Qiao Ge didn't go downstairs, but slept in the room.

After sleeping for an hour, I woke up hungry and realized that I hadn't eaten dinner, so I got up and went downstairs to find something to eat.

She didn't want to eat hotel meals and wanted to go out for food.

As soon as she reached the first floor, she was stopped by someone.

(End of this chapter)

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