Chapter 235
"Is there anything else?" Bo Shaolan asked.

"It's gone." Qin Jingfeng looked at him quietly, as if he had said this, and he also breathed a sigh of relief.

Qin Jingfeng is a gentleman, and his intention was to fulfill his last wish.

I hope that Luoxue and Bo Shaolan will live happily ever after, without any estrangement.

Bo Shaolan drank the bottle of whiskey in one breath, and then said to Qin Jingfeng, "Thank you, I'm leaving, don't worry about her being at home alone."

Qin Jingfeng tightened his hand holding the wine glass.

Heart hurts.

"Bo Shaolan, are you showing your affection in front of me on purpose?" Qin Jingfeng stared at him.

Bo Shaolan raised his chin, "Yes."

After saying that, he turned around and strode out of Shangmei Bar.

Qin Jingfeng shouted to him unwillingly: "You have to remember my words!"

Bo Shaolan didn't even look back, she walked swiftly.

Qin Jingfeng continued to drink, one cup after another.

He just wanted to get drunk, and drink away his worries.

He was so drunk that he lay on the bar counter, thinking of every detail of his time with Luo Xue.

When he was five years old, Fang Lin brought her to his house as a guest, and his mother said to him: "Jing Feng, in the future you will have another younger sister, Xiaoxue."

He immediately looked at her, only to see her with big cute eyes, softly calling: "Brother..."

That cry, brother, made his heart break.

From then on, he cared for her in every possible way, pampering her to grow up. He thought that when she grew up, she would become his bride. Unexpectedly, Bao Yaojin appeared halfway and took her away. She no longer needed him.

Qin Jingfeng thought, if he could meet her again in his next life, he would never be a gentleman.

Bo Shaolan's heart was like an arrow, and Qin Jingfeng's words rang in his ears over and over again.

"She keeps calling your name. Normally she never mentions your name, but she calls your name when she is sick. One can imagine how depressed she is usually..."

"...Unexpectedly, Luo Wenxun tricked her to go back. She couldn't wait to go back. In fact, I knew that she was going back to pursue her love, because Luo Wenxun told her that you have always been single."

Bo Shaolan's heart felt sweet as if he had drunk honey.

Luo Xue probably didn't know about this matter, did she?How could Qin Jingfeng tell her at that time?
This stupid woman.

He couldn't help speeding up the accelerator, feeling uncomfortable even wasting an extra second.

The next day, at eight o'clock.

When Luo Xue woke up, she felt dizzy and nauseated.

She looked around and was in her room.

She remembered that Zhou Xiaoyan and Qin Jingfeng held a farewell bachelor party for her last night, and then she drank...

After that, she couldn't remember anything.

Could it be Bo Shaolan...

died!She whispered in her heart, Bo Shaolan said that she was forbidden to drink.

She was very disturbed.

Bo Shaolan was not in the room, where did he go?

She felt that her throat was a bit dry, and she wanted to find water to drink, but found a pot of honey water on the coffee table, she poured a glass and drank it, it was warm, did it just come out?
After drinking, she just wanted to brush her teeth.

When he looked up, he saw Bo Shaolan pushing the door and coming in, wearing casual clothes, extremely handsome and refreshed.

"At the wedding scene, you must check it carefully. There must be no mistakes. You ask the makeup artist to rush to the hotel immediately, and we will go there after breakfast." Bo Shaolan ordered.

Luo Xue froze in place, like a child who made a mistake, lowered her head, looking at her moving feet.

Bo Shaolan couldn't help but find it funny when he saw her pleading guilty.

This stupid woman won't bow to him and admit her mistake, will she?
"It's okay, it's okay, it's only eight o'clock, and we're holding a dinner party, so there's still time." Bo Shaolan's pampering expression was evident in his eyes, "After brushing your teeth, let's go to breakfast."

Bo Shaolan put the phone in his pocket, walked towards her, and hugged her straight away.

Luoxue exclaimed, climbed onto his neck, and looked at him nervously.

Bo Shaolan laughed again, "You are not allowed to drink anymore, do you hear me? If you don't pay attention, you will become an alcoholic."

Luoxue retracted her head into his embrace, "Okay, I won't drink from now on."

Her voice was very low.

Bo Shaolan made a serious face on purpose, "Hmph, if you drink like this in the future, you will be spanked."

"I..." Luoxue was taken aback for a moment, not knowing how to refute.

"Okay, hurry up and pack up, and then go to the hotel." Bo Shaolan said.

He really wanted to ask her some questions, but in the end he kept them in his heart, not wanting to affect their relationship because of other people.

I think this stupid woman must know that he went to see Qiao Ge.

So she just cried.

Luo Xue jumped down from his arms, she patted her head, it was indeed a mistake of drinking.

Today is her wedding day.

She ran into the bathroom, brushed her teeth and said, "Hey, why didn't you wake me up earlier?"

After brushing, she ran to the dressing room again, flustered, and even put on her clothes backwards. Bao Shaolan couldn't stand it anymore, "Don't worry, take your time."

Bo Shaolan dressed her with her own hands, and she even wanted to dig a hole in the ground to hide.

Bo Shaolan's expression was quite serious.

She likes his serious look the most.

Can't help but stare blankly.

When they arrived at the living room, there was no one there, and the whole family had gone to the hotel early to get busy.

"Sorry." Luoxue said in a low voice.

"Only this time." Bo Shaolan scratched her nose.

Luo Xue was so ashamed that on the wedding day, she, the bride-to-be, actually got drunk.

When she came to the hotel, Qin's mother was waiting for her, and even Zhou Xiaoyu was earlier than her.

As a junior, Bo Shaolan gave Qin's mother a big gift, "Godmother, thank you for your hard work."

Qin's mother accepted it with a smile, "This is what it should be. Xiaoxue has always regarded me as a godmother. I feel very happy to be able to help her with something."

"Thank you." Bo Shaolan said solemnly.

Luoxue on the side was so moved that tears welled up in his eyes.

Bo Shaolan glanced at Lin Ya, Lin Ya knew that Bo Shaolan had something to arrange for her, so she immediately followed him out.

"Boss." Lin Ya came behind him.

Bo Shaolan looked out the window with a solemn expression, and said: "From now on, always pay attention to the people and things around the eldest young mistress, especially guard against these two people, Bo Fangqing and Qiao Ge."

"Qiao Ge?" Lin Ge asked suspiciously.

Bo Shaolan said: "Yes, she is not allowed to approach the young mistress."

Lin Ya said, "Understood, Boss."

"There are also people from her natal family who have fallen home." Bo Shaolan frowned even deeper, "Mr. Chu has arranged bodyguards around the hotel. They were transferred from Jinbihuanghuang. You can send them at any time. In short, make sure that the wedding It's going on smoothly and there can be no mistakes."

"Understood, Mr. Bo." Lin Ya replied solemnly.

Bo Shaolan nodded in satisfaction and went to work.

The intention to harm others is unacceptable, but the intention to guard against others must be there. The human heart is sinister, and he has to guard against it.

Lin Ya secretly cheered herself up, and then walked into the room with a smile on her face. Luoxue started to do body care, followed by hair care. There were a lot of things to do.

Lin Ya has always been meticulous in her work, she has already written down the things to be done today in her notebook, what time and what minutes do she need to do?She wrote it all clearly.

At that time, when she handed the notebook to Bo Shaolan, Bo Shaolan personally revised it, and the revision was very detailed, such as what dishes to eat for lunch?

She was really envious of the eldest young mistress. To be able to marry such a good man who cared so much, she must have had a high incense in her previous life.

His meticulous arrangement is to try his best to protect his woman and exclude all harm.

His tenderness is only focused on one person.

Luoxue was soaking in the bathtub full of roses, looking at the people busy on her behalf, she seemed to be dreaming.

She is finally getting married.

married him.

It's something she's always dreamed about.

To achieve.

The most prosperous area in Haishi, crowded with people, many fans have been waiting in the square early, they held up the sign of "Jojo, I love you", they screamed the name of their idol, and wore clothes with the photo of Qiaoge .

There were so many people that guards were needed to maintain order. As a rising star, Qiao Ge attracted a large number of fans with her unique singing voice.

In the past few years, she has won many awards abroad, coupled with her beauty, her popularity has remained high, and some well-known domestic companies have begun to extend olive branches to her, and all kinds of high prices want to lure her back to China.

Mr. Wang is very optimistic about Qiao Ge. He has talked with Johnny countless times and wanted to invite her to return to China for development, but Qiao Ge flatly refused. As soon as he found out that Qiao Ge had returned to China, he immediately contacted Johnny and tried his best to invite Qiao Ge to attend his company. commercial performance.

He would rather pay 5 million yuan in 100 minutes than let her show up to build momentum for his company.

When Qiao Ge's car arrived, due to too many fans, the short journey took an hour to reach the hotel.

Seeing this scene, Mr. Wang knew that he had invited the right person.

Mr. Wang knew that her appearance would definitely cause a sensation, so he sent someone to pick up Qiao Ge in advance.

Because he and Johnny had five minutes to discuss Qiao Ge's appearance, so he didn't dare to waste a second.

Qiao Ge was waiting to appear in the presidential suite specially prepared for her, standing in front of the window, staring at the chameleon bar opposite.

eight years.

She met him eight years ago, in this Shangmei bar.

At that time, she was in the third year of high school and was about to give up the college entrance examination. From then on, she gave up on herself, drank all day, played truant, fought, and dressed in non-mainstream.

She hated her adoptive parents, especially her adoptive father.

Since meeting him, she has worked hard and vowed to be admitted to H University.

The power of love is too great.

She never believed in love before, but after getting to know him, she has been sinking ever since.

A glance is a lifetime.

Johnny opened the door and came in. Seeing her staring out the window in a daze, he called her a few times and ignored him.

He felt so strange, came to the window, and looked in that direction, feeling inexplicable for a while.

Is his Miss Qiao falling in love with the scene?

Maybe in that bar there is her inseparable feelings?

"Aunt Qiao, it's time to get ready, we're going downstairs." Johnny raised his voice deliberately.

Qiao Ge immediately recovered from her contemplation, hiding all her thoughts in her eyes, and in an instant, she was that charming girl again.

It was also the first time for her to accept this kind of commercial performance. She usually held concerts. If she didn't owe Johnny a favor, she would have directly rejected this kind of commercial performance.

In 5 minutes, she only needed to say a few words on stage and it was over, and Mr. Wang didn't make things difficult for her.

When she left, she looked out the car window, and her gaze fell on the bar for a long time, unwilling to move away.

(End of this chapter)

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