Chapter 238

Yes, just as she imagined, this is what she wanted.

"Get out of here immediately!" Bo Shaolan said in disgust.


If the murder was not a crime, he would have torn Qiao Ge's body to pieces.

Qiao Ge laughed mockingly, seeing Bo Shaolan's furious appearance, he couldn't help thinking of a person, and it was the same when that person was angry.

"Bo Shaolan, you will have the chance to see me more in the future!" Qiao Ge smiled charmingly, and left gracefully.

Bo Shaolan's temples throbbed and he gritted his teeth with hatred.

If she hadn't been pregnant with his child and lost the right to be a mother after a miscarriage, he would never have kept her until now.

He didn't understand, he and Qiao Ge had never met before, how did he mess with her?This woman made a mess of his life.

Say she likes him?Not like it.She made trouble all day long, which would only make him hate her more, and the remaining guilt towards her in his heart was almost gone.

I don't know what Qiao Ge is going to do?

Bo Shaolan is a weak-tempered person, after falling in love with Luoxue, he can no longer hold other people in his heart.

That night, even he himself wondered why he made such an oolong!
He often competes with his brothers for drinking, and the drinking capacity is not bad. That night, he drank unconsciously and lay down with Qiao Ge. He recalled the scene of that night more than once.

I just felt like I had a sweet dream.

That dream was very beautiful, but the person in the dream was not Qiao Ge, but Luo Xue.

In the dream, what he hugged was Luoxue, and the fragrance lingering on his nose was obviously from Luoxue, how could it become Qiaoge's later?
What he was thinking about was Luoxue.

But the evidence is there, he can't quibble, he did something wrong.

And when Luoxue pushed open the door, he happened to be hugging Qiao Ge.

At that time, Bo Shaolan wanted to die.

If Qiao Ge had no children, he and Luoxue would not have broken up. Luoxue had already forgiven him and said not to separate from him.

Who knows, when she met him and Qiao Ge going to the hospital,
Every time he thinks of these things, he hates himself to death for letting down his beloved woman like this.

After that time, Luo Xue wanted to break up with him, and he was ashamed to look for her again, thinking that he was a bastard and not worthy of her.

After breaking up with her, he drank every day except drinking. Qiao Ge was always by his side and always mentioned the child to him.

Said: "Shaolan, don't be sad. If you feel that being with me is a burden, I can kill the child. After all, that night, you were drunk and made a mistake, and you didn't do it willingly."

Bo Shaolan was overjoyed, this was what he wanted.

As long as Qiao Ge agrees to kill the child, he can go after Luoxue and explain that he accompanied Qiao Ge to kill the child that day.

But when Qiao Ge went to the hospital, she regretted it again, saying that she was not willing to part with the child in her stomach.

Looking at her pitiful and frail appearance, Bo Shaolan felt compassion. If it wasn't for his drinking, he wouldn't have hurt the two women, and would have killed a fresh life.

But when he thought of the appearance of falling snow pear flowers with rain, he immediately became ruthless.

The person he loves is Luoxue.

Just want to have kids with her, not other women.

But when he accompanied Qiao Ge to check his body, the doctor told him solemnly that Qiao Ge's uterine membrane is much thinner than that of ordinary people. If the first child is aborted, he may become infertile in the future.

After hearing this, Qiao Ge turned pale with fright, crying and begging him to let her and the child go.

She also said that she only wanted a child, and as long as he let her child go, she promised that she would never bother him and Luoxue in the future.

At that time, Bo Shaolan's heart softened.

Because he doesn't love Qiao Ge, he will never marry her.

He can only guarantee her a worry-free life in the future.

What he never expected was that Qiao Gezao was secretly doing something to destroy his relationship with Luoxue.

When Bo Shaolan noticed it, it was too late.

Luo Xue had already forgiven him, but when Qiao Ge made trouble, Luo Xue became disheartened towards him and decided to break up with him.

In order to fulfill them, Luoxue wanted to break up with him, and even contacted Qin Jingfeng, intending to leave her hometown and go to Luo country.

No one thought that Bo Shaoyang would help, take Qiao Ge away, and both of them fell into the sea.

Afterwards, Qiao Ge had no children and was infertile for life. Bo Shaoyang was sued by Qiao Ge in court and arrested. Although he was released later, he mysteriously disappeared.

When Bo Shaolan knew that Qiao Ge's child was gone, he smiled with relief.

From now on, he will no longer be threatened by Qiao Ge, nor will he need to marry Qiao Ge.

But he knew that even if Qiao Ge's child was gone, Luo Xue would not be with him anymore.

He laughed at himself as a cold-blooded animal, and when his child was gone, not only was he not sad, but he even laughed.

Maybe that's why Qiao Ge hated the Bo family, as if his whole family felt sorry for her.

His mother had approached her and asked her to leave him, and his grandmother had also approached her and asked her to leave him, and he was very much in favor of their approach.

He only knew that the person he loved was Luoxue, not Qiao Ge, and it would be better if she left, so he wouldn't be upset.

Luo Xue left, and his heart also died.

The Bo family is not a heartless person. In order to compensate Qiao Ge and ensure her a worry-free life in the future, they gave her a large amount of money.

Qiao Ge accepted the money, and before leaving, he asked Bo Shaolan to come out and said something like this.

"Bo Shaolan, you are too cruel. You'd better pray that I don't come back in the future. Once I come back, I will definitely not make it easier for you!"

Her words were like a curse, ringing in his ears all the time. He knew Qiao Ge's character. Once he became crazy, no one could stop her. She knew the hatred in her eyes at the moment when she lost her child... He still remembers it to this day. clearly imprinted in the mind.

In the past few years, he always had a dream repeatedly. He dreamed that Qiao Ge forced Luoxue to jump into the sea, and then left laughing wildly. Luoxue disappeared, so he chased Qiao Ge crazily and shouted: "Qiao Ge, don't go!"

He was worried that Qiao Ge transferred his hatred to Luo Xue.

Bo Shaolan would rather Qiao Ge hate him than transfer it to Luo Xue.

Before, whenever he thought of Qiao Ge, he couldn't help feeling guilty...

But now, he only hated her, she pushed him too hard.

If she dared to lay a poisonous hand on Luoxue, he would definitely not let her go.

He had already paid a heavy price once.

Therefore, eat a sting and grow a wisdom.

Bo Shaolan's deep black eyes shone with an unpredictable light, like the star eyes of a vast sea, secretly surging with uncontrollable turbulent waves.

Qiao Ge shook her long hair, and her slender high-heeled shoes rattled very rhythmically. Her walking posture was very beautiful.

For this reason, she deliberately went to learn the trend.

Because he likes her wearing a cheongsam, saying that a woman in a cheongsam has a taste.

Thinking of him, her gaze softened.

For him, even if her body is broken to pieces, even if she falls into the abyss!She has no fear.

Qiao Ge, come on!She cheered herself up secretly, and the corners of her mouth raised again.

In an instant, it became all kinds of styles again.

She hasn't had dinner yet, how could she leave so soon?
"Qiao Ge." Someone called her from behind.

Qiao Ge could tell whose voice it was. He stopped and turned around, only to see Bo Fangqing mockingly looking at her, the kind of schadenfreude after watching a joke.

Bad guys are hypocritical.

Qiao Ge didn't bother to pay attention to her and was about to leave.

Bo Fangqing called her again: "Qiao Ge!"

Sure enough, she was an actress, and when she asked for something, sister Qiao Ge called her very affectionately.

Qiao Ge didn't stop, and continued to walk forward chicly.

Unconvinced by being so ignored by her, Bo Fangqing quickened her pace to catch up with Qiao Ge.

Today, she specially dressed up, wearing a white gauze skirt. The reason why she wore white was to imitate Luo Xue's usual preferences, in order to attract Bo Shaolan's attention.

But no matter how artificial people imitate, they can only be four different.

"Hehe, I didn't expect you to have today." Bo Fangqing's eyes were full of contempt, "It's a pity that my elder brother disliked me like that."

Qiao Ge glanced at her sideways, and said with a light smile, "Bo Fangqing, you are not an actor, and your expression was wasted for nothing. You, you are the most suitable to play the role of a villain, and you must be acting in your true colors."

Bo Fangqing was so angry that his nose was about to smoke, "This is about you! In order to marry my eldest brother, you have tried all kinds of dirty tricks."

"Speaking of unscrupulous means, how can I compare to you? You finally became the adopted daughter of the Bo family, and now you want to be the daughter-in-law of the Bo family. It's a pity, you made a wrong calculation. How could the Bo family let you like this?" Things that can't be on the table have damaged the reputation of the Bo family? You have done a lot of tricks behind the scenes, and it didn't break up your elder brother and your sister-in-law, but made them more affectionate. Can I say that you can only be a An idiot who didn't accomplish enough, but failed." Qiao Ge happened to be suffocating.

This ignorant thing just hit her muzzle, so don't blame her for being ruthless.

"I'm an idiot, and you are even more idiot!" Bo Fangqing retorted.

"I, Qiao Ge, have always dared to do things. I never hide it. I am straightforward. I am not like some people who have done all kinds of bad things and pretended to be kind and innocent. Do you think Bo Shaolan is a fool? Do you think he doesn't know what you are like? You think too highly of yourself."

She directly took off the mask of this disgusting white lotus, so that she would not feel sick when she saw it.

"Qiao Ge, if you don't eat the toast, you have to drink as a fine. You have offended my elder brother, and you will definitely end badly. Fortunately, you should also be careful." Bo Fangqing raised his chin and said.

Qiao Ge couldn't help but sneered, "Then it depends on whether you have the ability?"

"Hmph! Just wait for me, and soon you will regret offending me." Bo Fangqing said loftily.

"You are the one I regret when I see it. You dare to provoke me without asking who I am, Qiao Ge. It seems that I am tired of work." Qiao Ge's eyes froze.

When she first entered the entertainment industry, there were many people like Bo Fangqing. She would tear up every one of them. Now that her status is stable, she misses those chic days instead. It feels so good.

She flicked her long hair habitually, and her high heels rattled like a queen.

She drifted away, leaving her love behind.

Bo Fangqing was so angry that her face was contorted, and then she walked away angrily.

Since Qiao Ge is not used by her, don't blame her for being serious.

Bo Shaolan was afraid that Luoxue would leave again, so he hurried to the room where she was. When Lin Ya saw him, she panicked. It was her ineffective supervision that caused such a thing to happen.

(End of this chapter)

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