Chapter 242

Bo Shaolan fell in love with photography in order to record every detail of their relationship.

Later, Luoxue also liked photography, and there was his reason, but she didn't know that Bo Shaolan fell in love with photography because of her.

When he went to college, his photographic skills even surprised professionals.

From mobile phone shooting to SLR, Mr. Bo was the best when he was a student.

Luoxue has been kept in the dark about this matter.

When Luo Xue saw it, she couldn't help but feel excited. Compared with other gifts, this was a thoughtful gift, and it was even more precious.

Bo Shaolan looked at her teary eyes affectionately, seeing the surprise in her eyes.

He knew, she understood his thoughts.

She always had no confidence in him.

When she saw what he did, why not believe him?
He loved her throughout her youth, and his heart only belonged to her.

The people in the venue were moved by Bo Shaolan's scene. They never expected that the cold-tempered Young Master Bo is such a devoted and affectionate person.

I have been in love for 13 years before I waited for today's wedding.

It has been rumored that he has sexuality before, not that he doesn't love, but that the person he loves is far away.

The host spoke in a timely manner: "The groom must have a lot to say to the bride at this moment, doesn't he? Groom."

After speaking, he handed the microphone to Bo Shaolan.

Bo Shaolan was not used to it. He was a low-key person, showing no emotions.

Normally, if he was asked to express his feelings, he would talk to Luoxue only when he was in a deep love.

His love words will only be spoken to Luo Xue alone, not for show.

However, on their important day, he still wanted to leave her with the best memories.

When they get old in the future, they can still play today's video over and over again.

So, today he made an exception, for her sake, let's just say something.

Bo Shaolan turned to look at the big screen, found a photo, and pressed pause.

This is a photo of her sitting in the classroom and reading a book.

The classrooms at that time were not as modern as they are now, with wooden desks and wooden blackboards, and the desks of her classmates were full of books. She was wearing a loose school uniform with a student haircut.

It was the time when school was over, and the dusk was getting heavier, falling on her body, as if coated with a layer of light gold, she frowned slightly, with delicate features, as if she was thinking about something.

The photo was taken so beautifully, the girl's delicacy is vividly displayed in the photo, her facial features are delicate, her fair skin contrasts sharply with the drooping black eyelashes.

The angle was captured very well. It can be seen from this that the photographer must have taken a long time to capture this scene.

"When I first met her, I thought she was really stupid, and her grades were always at the bottom. No matter how hard she tried, she just couldn't catch up. I thought at the time, I will definitely not marry such a stupid person as my wife, otherwise The children born in the future will all be like her, all stupid. They are good-looking, but they are too stupid. It takes her a long time to figure out such a simple problem. In short, she really too stupid."

As soon as her deep and magnetic voice fell, everyone couldn't help covering their mouths and chuckling.

Unexpectedly, the serious Bo Shaolan has such a sense of humor.

"She also knows that she is stupid, and she wants to ask questions from me who is good at studying. This is the only thing I think she is smart about." After Bo Shaolan finished speaking, a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

"But she is so stupid. No matter how many times I say it, she still half understands. I was so angry that I ran out of patience, so I yelled at her. She was so stupid. I didn't teach her anymore. She was so hurt that time. Instead of asking me for a problem, I went to someone else..."

Bo Shaolan deliberately paused.

The guests were really happy this time.

Bo Shaolan looked at Luoxue deeply, his voice was full of tenderness and doting.

"She stopped looking for me, and I realized that she had stolen my heart, and I didn't know it at the time."

Luo Xue was taken aback.

Immediately remembered.

In junior high school, everyone was in their youth, and they all had someone they liked, and she was no exception.

She likes Bo Shaolan.

But the way she expresses her love to him is different. Unlike others, she stops him to express her love directly, or writes a long love letter, or sends love meals.

She saw with her own eyes that many female classmates did this to him, but he directly ignored them.

So, after thinking about it, she had to fight a bloody way.

She studied a lot of love novels, and later, she finally came up with a rule, the best way to deal with this kind of aloof boy is to make trouble for him.

Her grades are not good, and she is always ranked last. She can use this to get close to him and ask him questions on the grounds of studying.

At that time, there will be a double harvest in love and studies, and she will wake up from her dreams with a smile.

At the beginning, she was very scared, for fear that he would embarrass her, and sure enough, the first sentence he said to her: "Idiot, I can't do such a simple question! I don't want to teach!"

Luo Xue was already mentally prepared to be rejected by him. If he called her stupid and refused to teach her, she would go find someone else. At that time, Lan Han was at the same table as him.

Lan Han was very enthusiastic about her, and he was very patient in giving her lectures, Luo Xue thought, although it wasn't Bo Shaolan who taught her, it would be nice to get closer to him.

Lan Han helped her answer the questions as soon as school was over, but she was very active.

When she was discussing the topic with Lan Han, Bo Shaolan was also on the sidelines, still reading high school textbooks.

Yes, the high school textbooks are still in the third year of high school. An IQ like him can actually skip a grade directly, but he didn't.

When Luo Xue was listening to Lan Han's speech, she was always absent-minded, causing Lan Han to repeat it over and over again.

Lan Han also wanted to convince her, and stroked his forehead and said, "Are you listening? It feels like you are not listening, but in a daze. To be honest, these math problems are too difficult for girls, girls? , you just need to be obedient and find a good husband to marry in the future."

"Huh?" Luoxue also wanted to study hard, but she...

At this time, Bo Shaolan couldn't help but said: "Who would marry such a stupid wife as her? She's so stupid! And you, Lan Han, I've been listening to it for a long time, and you've been talking nonsense, no wonder she can't understand !"

Lan Han was unconvinced, "You know how to teach, so come here."

Bo Shaolan snorted and snatched Luoxue's textbook, "Come here."

Luo Xue was stunned, didn't he despise her for being stupid?Why are you willing again?

"Can't come over?"

"oh oh."

She'll be there right away, don't regret it.

"Don't hurry up!"

She is already at the fastest speed.

Luoxue secretly laughed in her heart, it's great!She finally got her wish.

Bo Shaolan was about to become her "dish".

She doesn't want to be stupid, and she also wants to get top grades in her studies, but she is too young for Huaichun, and she immediately fell in love with him, who is the coolest in the class, so she always wants to get close to him, and all her thoughts go to him .

Since he was willing to teach her, she felt that going to school was not too good.

He explained to her carefully one by one. His voice was so nice that she was fascinated by it. Those mathematical symbols are so cute!
She wished she could go to school 360 days a year, so that she could have a reason to be with Bo Shaolan every day. Her happiest time was discussing math problems with him.

When she listened to it, she would raise her cheeks and look at him in a daze. His side profile was more beautiful, so handsome, and she would never tire of seeing him again and again.

Once, she was in a daze again, and Bo Shaolan suddenly became fierce, "Luoxue, do you want to learn it or not?"

It was only after Luo Xue came back to her senses that Bo Shaolan seemed to have lost his patience. He packed up his books and wanted to go home, and continued to bombard her: "You don't have good grades, and you dare to be in a daze! You can figure it out yourself, I won't teach anymore."

Luo Xue stood there stunned, tears welling in her eyes, she was extremely wronged, his words were too hurtful.

It turned out that he hated her so much.

He is so smart and she is so stupid, how could he like her?
She no longer went to look for Lan Han, nor Bo Shaolan, because she was deeply shocked, and when he said "no more teaching", his expression was so disgusting.

In order to make him look up to her, she decided to keep working hard.

Hmph, if it weren't for him, she wouldn't be thinking wildly all the time, with such poor grades!
Every new semester, the school will rearrange the classes according to the grades. Her grades are so poor that she will definitely be separated from Bo Shaolan. If she wants to enter the key class, she must study hard and squeeze into the top ten in the class.

In order to improve her grades, she found a deputy monitor again. This time she was serious, she stopped being distracted, and didn't want to go home after school. She studied very hard and decided to get a good grade and enter a key class.

After persisting for a week, after school one day, Bo Shaolan came to her and said proudly: "Bring the math test paper that was handed out today, and I will explain it to you."

Her math score was only 56 points.

Luoxue lowered her head and dared not take it out.

"I only got 56 points in the test, and I don't want to find out the reason! How can I improve my grades!"

Luoxue grabbed her schoolbag, but refused to take it out.

Bo Shaolan snatched her schoolbag and took out her math test paper, which was 56 points.

He couldn't help laughing. "It really is an idiot."

Luo Xue wanted to snatch it back, but he refused.

She really wanted to dig a hole in the ground to hide.

I was so anxious that tears were about to flow down.

But he said, "Wait for me after school."

"What?" Luoxue thought she was hallucinating, didn't he just say no to teaching? ...and called her a fool.

Somewhat in disbelief, she raised her head to look at him.

Bo Shaolan sat down, took out a pen, spread out the test paper, and said, "Why are you still in a daze, listen carefully."

Luoxue let out an oh, and immediately sat up straight.

"Be so serious in front of others, but be in a daze in front of me!" Bao Shaolan said suddenly.

Luo Xue stared at him blankly, thinking that he was teaching her a lesson again.

She shrank her head and murmured in her heart: Because you are handsome, that's why I am thinking wildly.

She didn't dare to be distracted anymore, and listened to his lecture very carefully, and the unhappiness in her heart disappeared without a trace in an instant.

She listened happily to his lecture again.

In fact, the real reason... only Bo Shaolan knows.

He intentionally murdered her, it was Luo Xue who had been peeking at him, which made him very upset.

Since helping her with her homework, he has dreamed of her almost every night.

Therefore, he was trying to hide his ears and steal his bell.

He felt so ashamed.

After thinking about it, I think she is a big problem.

He, who has always been proud and conceited, loves face, and thinks that if he kills her and says not to teach her, he will be able to get out of that predicament. Who knows that it will still be the same at night, and it will get worse.

When Bo Shaolan saw that she really didn't ask him any more questions, he was quite disappointed, but he just refused to bow his head.

(End of this chapter)

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