Long marriage: thin and super powerful

Chapter 246 Their Beginning

Chapter 246 Their Beginning

Sweeping the floor, cooking, washing clothes, taking care of the "brother", eating cold dishes and meals, and sleeping on the sofa at night, if she didn't follow suit, the adoptive mother would beat and kick her, and drag her hair to death hit.

At this moment, it was too much like the beating by the adoptive mother. Bo Fangqing will always remember that scene. The adoptive mother pulled her hair and beat her face violently, until she couldn't open her eyes. She was very frightened, but powerless.

Qiao Ge felt the same, let go of her, and Bo Fangqing lay on the ground panting heavily, not daring to provoke Qiao Ge anymore.

Instead, he closes his eyes and tears stream down his face.

Seeing that she had settled down a lot, Qiao Ge patted his hands, which seemed to be very dirty.

"This is the fate of messing with me! You want to use me to be your scapegoat, and you don't care how much you have! Luoxue is kind and not your opponent, but I am not kind, so you have found the wrong person. In the future, Remember to grow your brain! Qiao Ge, don't mess with it!" Qiao Ge said.

Bo Fangqing lay on the ground and continued to cry.

Still angry, Qiao Ge stepped on Bo Fangqing again, "Do you remember?"

Qiao Ge stomped hard.

The pain was so painful that Bo Fangqing woke up from her grief in an instant. The fear and weakness that had appeared in her eyes just now disappeared, replaced by strong hatred. She said unconvinced: "It's ridiculous! What do you mean now? Want to be Good guy? To win back that idiot Luo Xue's heart, and then repeat the incident five years ago, and snatch that idiot's husband again? I advise you to give up on that idiot! I won't let you succeed!"

Ever since she was abused by that adoptive mother when she was eight years old, she vowed never to be a weak person again.

As long as anyone offended her, she will definitely pay back double.

Therefore, after she has financial conditions, the first person to take revenge is the adoptive mother's family.

Both foster parents lost their jobs and their son was killed in a car accident.

Seeing that she was still stubborn, Qiao Ge became even angrier.

She stepped on the back of Bo Fangqing's hand again, exerted force secretly, and sneered: "Don't regret what you said!"

Fingers connected to heart, Bo Fangqing was so pale in pain, cold sweat covered his forehead.

Qiao Ge deliberately tortured Bo Fangqing in this way. She knew which part of her body was the most vulnerable and painful. She couldn't kill her, but she could make life worse than death.

Qiao Ge wanted Bo Fangqing to have a taste of immortality.

As long as Bo Fangqing resists, she will continue to use force.

Bo Fangqing was so painful that her whole body was limp, and she didn't dare to move, for fear that Qiao Ge would continue to torture her.

"Are you convinced?" Qiao Ge sneered again.

Bo Fangqing still didn't say a word, even though he was about to die.

Qiao Ge's high-heeled shoes stepped on the back of her hand again, slowly exerting strength, and said lightly: "I've been very idle recently, if you think it's not enough, I can continue to play with you to the end!"

She looked at the time and felt that it was almost time. She took a tissue from her bag, wiped her hands, and left gracefully.

Qiao Ge thought while walking, why did she lay such a heavy hand on Bo Fang?Besides Bo Fangqing's desire to destroy the relationship between her and Luoxue, there was another reason for wanting to vent her anger on Luoxue's behalf.

Bo Fangqing finally struggled to get up from the ground, she lifted the hand that was stepped on, the hand that was usually white and tender was already bruised and swollen.

She clenched her fists secretly, thinking bitterly in her heart that she must pay blood for all the people she hates.

The dinner officially began. According to the wedding process, both the bride and groom toasted the guests present to express their gratitude.

During the toasting session, the bride wanted to change her wedding dress, and Bo Shaolan went upstairs with her to change the dress.

As soon as he arrived at the room, he blocked the others from the door, and seized the time to make love with Luo Xue for a while.

Dong Ming and Lin Ya looked at each other, and couldn't help sighing, Boss Bo has sprinkled the dog food all night, and even changed his evening dress to sprinkle it again.

Bo Shaolan hugged Luoxue in his arms and kissed her deeply.

Just now downstairs, it was just a short kiss, which couldn't satisfy him at all.

In an empty room, he wanted a kiss.

With one arm around Luoxue's waist, he supported Luoxue's small head with the other.

He could no longer restrain himself, hugged her around the waist, and walked towards the big bed.

Luo Xue's face was like a boiled shrimp, she wanted to hide, but there was nowhere to hide.

The light skirt hangs on the floor tiles, as beautiful as a dream...

This is the room where Jie Luoxue got married. The hotel staff knew how to do it very well. They arranged it like a new house. The floor was covered with fragrant rose petals, even the bed was no exception, revealing warmth and romance everywhere.

Bo Shaolan fell onto the bed with Luoxue in his arms, and rose petals fluttered.

He couldn't wait to kiss it - when he saw her walking towards him from the other end in a wedding dress as beautiful as a fairy, his mood at that time was indescribable.

He was thrilled and excited as the spotlight got closer and closer to him.

He finally waited for her.

She is so beautiful that he has a selfish idea, he doesn't want to share her beauty with others and take her away.

But he held back until the wedding ceremony was over.

It just so happened that the wedding ceremony was over, and he wanted to go up to change the dress, which met his request. He was reluctant to let others enjoy this most beautiful moment, and he wanted to untie the wedding dress for her personally...

He never tires of watching Luoxue.

In those few years, he also wanted to indulge himself, to forget her, to start over, and when he saw other women, he would always think of her. At the last moment, he still defended her like a jade.

In the end, it was rumored that he might have a problem.

Luoxue was like a poison he couldn't quit, it fascinated him endlessly.

Luo Xue, who had put on her dress again, looked a little more noble, her skin was rosy and rosy.

Under the nourishment of Bo Shaolan's love, she seemed to be soaked in honey, and her whole body exuded an aura of happiness.

People can't take their eyes off, especially Bo Shaolan.

She drooped her black eyelashes, extremely shy.

Bo Shaolan hugged her from behind and whispered in her ear: "Little thing, you have finally become my rightful Mrs. Bo."

Luoxue was extremely shy, and her heart was filled with happiness, "Mr. Bo, I will entrust it to you from now on, you have to take good care of it."

"Mrs. Bo, this is necessary." Bo Shaolan kissed her earlobe again.

"Shaolan, it can't be like this... There are still people outside." Luoxue whispered, and Bao Shaolan brought her in to change clothes, so he couldn't make the people outside wait too long.

It would be bad if the process of the wedding banquet was delayed. Now is not the time to rest. She must stop him in time, otherwise it will become a joke.

It's too impolite, there are so many people here today, all of them are elders and the like.

Luoxue thought for a while, and begged, "Shaolan, don't do this, can you?"

When Bo Shaolan saw her pitiful appearance, he immediately regained his sanity, even if he didn't want to, he still had to take into account the feelings of the guests outside.

He doesn't care, but his wife is not as thick-skinned as him, so she can only let it go.

Bo Shaolan tried hard to restrain himself.

For him, it was as uncomfortable as cutting his flesh.

The beauty in front of her eyes is really too beautiful.

In order to extinguish the raging fire in his heart, he hugged her quietly.

Luoxue didn't dare to move, and after a minute, she couldn't help but asked, "Shaolan, what's wrong?"

"Don't talk, let me be quiet." Bo Shaolan's voice was deep and magnetic, "Let me be quiet first..."

Luoxue didn't dare to mess up again.

She knew how Bo Shaolan felt, and she also felt bad for him.

Usually when her relatives came, at night when he was sleeping with her in his arms, he would take a cold shower and stay in the bathroom for a long time.

Three minutes later, Bo Shaolan was a person with strong self-control. He stood up straight, looking like an elite again. He helped her arrange the dress and buttoned it, "I'm going out, see you later."

If he doesn't go out again, he doesn't know what will happen next.

He has always had no control over her.

Luo Xue nodded, and couldn't help but smile sweetly.

At critical moments, he can always restrain himself and never force her.

Bo Shaolan walked out of the room and into the living room, his heart was still turbulent.

He was standing on the balcony, and the sea breeze was blowing. This is a sea view room. Looking down from the balcony, the night view of the sea city is really beautiful.

The reason why he chose to stay at Haishi Hotel was also because it was the first time he and Luoxue met here.

Luo Wenxun tried to get him drunk, but he saw through him, so he followed suit and was taken to another room by Luo Xue.

After four years of separation, they met again for the first time, and in this way, he thought it was her design, anger took the limelight, and his actions were rough.

That night, let him never forget it, it was so beautiful.

At that moment, he couldn't believe it was real, thinking it was just a dream.

It wasn't until the next day when he woke up that she was still by his side that he dared to confirm that it was true.

At that moment, he was helplessly excited.

He felt that God loved him too much, he lost her for four years, and finally she returned to him.

(End of this chapter)

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