Long marriage: thin and super powerful

Chapter 248 Bo Shaolan, I want you to look good

Chapter 248 Bo Shaolan, I want you to look good
If she doesn't "wake up", she may have to sleep on the ground forever.

Not only is Bo Fangqing ruthless, but even his special assistant is ruthless.

"Miss San, are you okay?" Dong Ming breathed a sigh of relief.

Bo Fangqing struggled up from the ground, glared at Dong Ming, and asked her if she was okay?She gritted her teeth and said, "It's okay."

"It's fine." Dong Ming said.

"Where's my elder brother?" Bo Fangqing asked knowingly.

Dong Ming coughed, "Mr. Bo, he's going to greet his guests. You know, today is his wedding day."

After hearing this, Bo Fangqing hated the wedding even more.

But she acted to the end, and said weakly: "It's okay, I know, it may be that I have been too busy with work recently, and my body is a little weak, please, I will go upstairs first."

She spoke very pitifully, looked shaky, and pretended to be very similar.

"Do you want someone to help you back to your room?"

"I did it myself." Bo Fangqing walked forward while supporting the wall.

Dong Ming looked at her distressed appearance, and shook his head lightly. He knew what Bo Fangqing was thinking.

Knowing that the person Mr. Bo likes is the eldest young mistress, he still goes astray.

As soon as Bo Fangqing entered the elevator, the coldness in his eyes was so terrifying that it made people chill.

After Luoxue changed into her dress, the makeup artist immediately fixed her makeup and hairdo.

Compared with the previous sets, this skirt is simpler and lighter, showing the gentleness of a little woman.

The hairdresser originally wanted to pull up her hair, but when she saw a few clear hickey marks on her neck.

They all smiled ambiguously.

Mr. Bo and Mrs. Bo are so affectionate.

The makeup artist and the hair stylist exchanged glances, and the hair stylist said, "Mrs. Bo, we want to change your hairstyle for you. Put your hair down and put two small braids behind your head. You look beautiful, no matter what. Hairstyle, you can control it."

Luo Xue said: "Why don't you pull it up? It's more neat this way."

The hair stylist hesitated: "Mrs. Bo, it's mainly on your neck..."

Luoxue understood instantly.

Must be the hickey on the neck?
Bo Shaolan, you pervert!

Want him to look good tonight!

"Mrs. Bo, do you still want to show it?" the hair stylist asked tentatively.

Luo Xue was so ashamed that she couldn't bear it.

"Put down your hair." Luoxue said softly, "That place, can you help me powder it?"

"Okay." The makeup artist replied.

Bo Shaolan, my face is about to be lost by you, and I can't show my love like this.

How embarrassing is it for her?
After finishing her hairstyle and changing her dress, Luoxue checked again and again, for fear that there might be some omissions, her face is not good.

When she came downstairs, Bo Shaolan was toasting with the guests.

When he heard the commotion, he turned his head and his eyes lit up.

His wife is always so beautiful.

Everyone was also amazed by her, saying that today's bride is so beautiful.

Bo Shaolan quickly walked over to hold her hand, and found that she had let down her hair, and he even took a special look at her neck.

Luo Xue glared at him coquettishly.

"Xiaoxue, what's the matter? Did Shaolan bully you just now?" Granny Bo found out and joked immediately.

Luo Xue's face was as red as overcooked shrimp.

The old lady Bo continued to joke: "Shaolan, did you bully her?"

Bo Shaolan hugged Luo Xueyi into his arms: "How is it possible? I can't even hurt her in time."

Bai Rong smiled: "Old Madam, this young couple has a romantic relationship, we don't understand their romance."

Everyone couldn't help laughing.

The old lady Bo was in a very good mood, cheerful: "Grandma, I'm looking forward to this cup of granddaughter-in-law's tea, but my neck is so long. Love it, love it."

Bao Silan glanced at Luoxue and Bo Shaolan, and said triumphantly, "It's so pretty, how about Auntie's vision? She's so beautiful."

"Yes, yes, you are the best aunt." Mrs. Bo said cheerfully.

Bo Shaolan was wearing a white suit. He was already extremely handsome, but now he is even more handsome.

His figure is already top-notch, inverted triangle, wide shoulders and narrow waist, natural airs, no matter which suit he wears, he has his characteristics.

No matter where he goes, he is the focus, with flowing ink hair, three-dimensional facial features, and deep eyes.

Luoxue is a white evening dress, and the white color matches her very well. It makes her skin as delicate as snow. The most popular one-shoulder nowadays reveals her beautiful collarbone. The arms are faintly visible, the catkins are white and clean, and the diamond ring exudes dazzling light.

The hair is braided into small braids, and it is matched with a crystal hairpin. It is unique and beautiful, gentle and pleasant, sweet and moving, and unusually elegant, showing the tenderness of a little woman.

Such a beautiful talent, people are all amazed.

Zhou Xiaoyu praised, "It's so beautiful, so handsome, and so suitable."

Yin Chengfeng moved her hand, "Are you drunk?"

"Yes, I'm drunk." Zhou Xiaochen replied.

Everyone laughed again.

The bride and groom toasted.

When they came to the table of those brothers, everyone had a quarrel and forced them to eat a piece of meat with their mouths, but finally Bo Shaolan swallowed it by himself.

Gu Miao said: "I'm so envious, Second Sister-in-Law, can you give me some advice? How can you manage your husband so submissively? It would be great if my Lan Han was less than a third of her in your house."

Luo Xue pursed her lips and smiled. "Row."

Zhou Yiran also joined in the fun, "I want to too."

Everyone immediately became a group of joy, "Brother, are you happy?"

Chu Kenan looked deeply at Zhou Yiran, "Don't worry about her, I'm already willing."

Everyone laughed again.

Bo Shaolan held Luoxue's hand, toasted the guests at each table, and expressed his gratitude.

It just ignored Luo Wenxun's family of three and Qiao Ge.

Qiao Ge didn't care, Bo Shaolan didn't want to see her, it wasn't a matter of a day or two, she knew herself.

Luo Wenxun and Ye Qingyu were very concerned, especially Luo Wenxun, who had been slapped in the face at the wedding banquet tonight, and his old face could no longer be kept.

If it wasn't for the purpose, he really didn't want to come here!
Before, he boasted everywhere that he was Bo Shaolan's son-in-law, and everyone gave him a little bit of praise, but after being slapped in the face like this, it seems that he can only be laughed at in the future.

Luo Han couldn't hold her breath anymore, she approached Ye Qingyu and said, "Mom, what should we do next? That dead girl doesn't care about us at all."

Ye Qingyu narrowed her eyes, "Don't worry, mom thinks of a way, if they don't come, let's forget it this time, and you can go there later when the reception is held in the garden."

Luo Han said unwillingly: "Okay."

After Luo Wenxun listened, the gloom in his eyes became more intense.

That dead girl embarrassed him like this tonight, and he will ruin her reputation tonight.

Luo Wenxun was so angry that he wanted to spit out blood. He was supposed to sit at the main table, but he was placed at the most remote table.

He hated that people from the Wen family took away his opportunity to show off.

Damn girl, you are so heartless, don't blame me for being cruel.

Qiao Ge observed the family of three while drinking, with the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

After the dinner party, the next is the reception.

The reception was even more extravagant, and the band invited was also world-renowned, allowing the guests to see the wealth and prosperity of the Bo family.

After the guests had eaten and drank enough, they came outside the garden, the music played, and everyone danced to their heart's content.

As tonight's protagonists, Bo Shaolan and Luoxue were coaxed by everyone to have a dance.

Bo Shaolan was so excited that he pulled up Luoxue and really danced lightly, arousing applause from everyone.

Unexpectedly, Bo Shaolan could dance so well.

In fact, everyone didn't know that he specially learned to dance for tonight's reception.

Luo Xue originally had some dancing skills, but this handsome man made everyone feel relaxed and happy.

Those who were able to attend the wedding banquet of the Bo family felt extremely honored. Business depends on contacts. With a wide network of contacts, there are naturally many ways to go. Moreover, none of the guests tonight is a powerful person in Haishi.

As long as she is a woman, she envies that Luoxue can marry into such a wealthy family as the Bo family, and become the young mistress of the Bo family, and the young master Bo is talented, beautiful and rich. Marrying such a man is simply a winner in life, a rare thing Yes, young master Bo still loves her so much.

Some celebrities who couldn't eat grapes and said grapes were sour whispered: "It's so surprising. I didn't expect that Young Master Bo is so infatuated and romantic. He started chasing girls in the first day of junior high school. We were all deceived by him. If I knew it in junior high school Get close to him."

"When he was close to her in junior high school, he must have a crush on you. Do you have the looks of a bride? You'd better take it easy."

"They have been in love for 13 years, I really can't see it! I really want to know what method that woman used to fascinate Young Master Bo so fascinated."

"Don't think about it. She is lucky. She can be in the same class as Young Master Bo on the first day of junior high school. You can get the moon first if you are close to the water."

"Tsk tsk tsk, it's too romantic."

Bo Fangqing went back to the room, tidied himself up, and asked the waiter to find ice cubes. After finally reducing the swelling, he couldn't wait to go down to the reception.

She let down her long hair to cover the swelling on her face, not daring to walk in front of people and watch everything at the reception.

Hate to the bone.

She has been out for so long, but no one is looking for her.

They knew that Qiao Ge was looking for her, so they weren't worried?
Her eyes fell on Bo Shaolan, and her eyes gradually became obsessed.

But Luoxue is the only one in his eyes, and he only loves Luoxue.

When she thought of his indifference to her, she hated him even more.

After a song, Bo Shaolan led Luoxue to the rest area to rest.

Ye Qingyu, who had been observing them, felt that the opportunity had come, and immediately winked at Luohan, who was a little stage frightened.

Ye Qingyu pushed her, "If you don't go, there will be no chance."

"I'm afraid." Luohan said, usually Ye Qingyu would block everything for her, but when it was her turn to play, she was afraid.

"What are you afraid of? With Mom here, I will bear it for you, otherwise our suffering tonight will be in vain." Ye Qingyu encouraged.

"If Bo Shaolan..."

"No but..."

Coincidentally, Dong Ming had something to do with Bo Shaolan, and it seemed that there was something important to discuss, but Bo Shaolan seemed worried about Luoxue, so he gave some instructions to Luoxue before reluctantly leaving.

As soon as Bo Shaolan left, Luoxue was immediately surrounded by people who wanted to get close.

Ye Qingyu was happy to see her. "Xiaohan, our chance has come."

(End of this chapter)

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