Chapter 250
Ye Qingyu makes barley powder because she wants Luoxue to make a fool of herself

After Bo Fangqing drank this cup, she was going to die of pain.

A strong thought came to Bo Fangqing's mind!

She tried her best to restrain herself, not to make a fool of herself in front of everyone, she was still a big girl, so she couldn't just lose her innocence.

She staggered to leave the reception.

At first, she was able to control herself, but after a minute or two, due to her exercise, the potency of the medicine evaporated faster, and she felt even more uncomfortable, and her eyes began to blur.

Bo Fangqing couldn't help speeding up his pace, ignoring the strange gazes of others, he struggled forward and walked out of the garden, found the elevator with his remaining rationality, entered the elevator, and pressed the floor he was on.

In the elevator, she panted heavily, hoping to get some relief.

But her body was as uncomfortable as being burned. She squatted inside the elevator, clinging to the elevator wall, and got some coolness.

When the elevator dinged, Bo Fangqing hurried out and stumbled towards his room.

"Love?" An unusually gentle voice sounded.

Bo Fangqing paused, and looked towards the source of the sound. With a slender figure and a well-fitting suit, she blinked her eyes, but her vision was blurred and she couldn't see who was coming.

"Love?" The man called again.

Vaguely, she seemed to see Bo Shaolan.

With joy in her heart, she threw herself towards the man and wept with joy: "Brother, do you finally think of me?"

Her voice was infinitely wronged, almost venting all the love that had been suppressed in her heart for more than ten years.

With the addition of the medicine, she looked charming and coquettish.

The man hugged her, patted her on the back, and comforted her softly: "Are you all right? What's going on?"

Bo Fangqing's tears flowed faster, and he felt that he had finally guarded the moon and saw the clouds.

Her beloved man finally understood her heart, she clutched his clothes tightly, as if afraid that he would run away.

She twisted her body in his arms, expressing her strong need, as if grabbing a piece of life-saving driftwood.

While hugging her, the man asked her room number, and took out the room card from her bag.

The door opened and he carried her in.

Bo Fangqing hugged the man's waist tightly, and both of them rolled onto the bed.

"Qingqing, you can't do this." The man scolded lightly.

Bo Fangqing couldn't help hugging the man even tighter. When she first came to Bo's house, Bo Shaolan called her like this, and then he gradually turned his back on her.

Never called her love again.

She could no longer restrain the love in her heart, thinking that the man she was hugging was him.

Bo Fangqing's sanity has been swallowed by the medicine.

She thought it was him.

She feels very happy.

She finally became his woman.

They tossed and tossed until it was dark, and then Bo Fang's feelings subsided.

The reception was over again, Ye Qingyu and Luo Wenxun kept staring at Luoxue, the scene they imagined did not happen, Luoxue was still talking and laughing happily with the guests, seeing off one batch of guests after another.

How is this going?

Ye Qingyu questioned Luohan, "I obviously saw her drinking? Why is nothing wrong?"

"Mom, I also saw her drink it. Although it was only a small sip, I was also wondering. Could it be that those medicines are not effective?"

"Impossible, there will be no problem with that medicine."

"But why is she okay? It's still fine. I left after seeing her swallow it, and there were so many people around her at the time, it's impossible for her to vomit."

Ye Qingyu also wanted to wonder if there was something wrong with the medicine?But she didn't think so, there must be something wrong?
"This person actually let her escape." Ye Qingyu said bitterly.

Luo Wenxun looked very ugly.

He rarely expressed his opinion.

Because, a man approached him just now and said he wanted to talk to him about something. He thought he was looking for business, so he happily walked aside with that man.

As a result, the man handed the mobile phone in front of him. When he saw it, he was taken aback. It was evidence that he had made false accounts.

The man didn't say much, but just warned him: "If you want to survive, you'd better be honest! Otherwise, I'll ruin your reputation!"

He was so frightened that his feet went limp.

"Who sent you here?" Luo Wenxun asked unwillingly.

"You don't need to worry about this, remember it for me in the future, Luo Xue is not someone you can touch." The man warned him again.

After speaking, he left in a flash.

Luo Wenxun's feet were trembling, isn't that evidence in the hands of that dead girl?How did it get into that man's hands?

But he named Luo Xue not to be bullied!
What is the relationship between that man and Luo Xue?Luo Wenxun relied on his intuition, that man was not Bo Shaolan's subordinate.

But who would it be?

"Husband, our plan has failed." Ye Qingyu originally wanted to use this to re-coax her, but in the end...

Luo Wenxun glared at her sharply, "Stupid."

Then, Luo Wen Xun walked away angrily, Ye Qingyu was very resentful in her heart, but she didn't dare to explode.

Luo Han stomped his feet angrily.

After the reception was over, it was past eleven o'clock, and Luoxue felt that her feet were sore and tired, and she was about to lose her footing.

Bo Shaolan had already noticed it. Before the reception was over, he knew that she had lost face and considered her feelings. Now that all the guests have left and only his family is here, he doesn't have to worry about it anymore. He just hugged her up and said, "Grandpa, grandma, dad Mom, it's getting late, you should go to rest too."

Luoxue wished she could dig a hole in the ground, it was too embarrassing, the elders were still there.

The old lady Bo said cheerfully: "Go and go! Knowing that loving your wife is a good thing, your aunt said at nine o'clock that she was tired and went to bed early, and today you are also tired, go to bed early, I am getting old , I’m not used to sleeping in hotels, your grandpa and I should go home and sleep.”

"Grandpa and grandma, then I won't see you off." Bo Shaolan said.

After speaking, I can't wait to go upstairs.

Luoxue struggled to get down, "I can walk by myself."

"But I like to hug you."

Luo Xue buried her head in his arms, "People will laugh at me like this."

"Who is laughing?" Bo Shaolan had a smile on his lips, "Tonight is our bridal chamber wedding night, we are the biggest tonight."

Bo Shaolan always turns nonsense into truth.

Luo Xue always listened to him foolishly, thinking that everything he said was right.

I remember in high school, when Luoxue was growing taller, she gained weight for a while. She said all day long that she wanted to lose weight and not eat. In fact, she was not fat at all, but she just felt fat. In order to prove that she was not fat, Bo Shaolan, I like hugging her the most.

Obviously she was a bit heavy, but he said he wasn't heavy, just to let her eat more and not lose weight.

"Our bridal chamber wedding night should have been a year ago." Luo Xue joked.

Her smile is like a flower, her eyes are like scissors, her mouth is slightly turned up, and she is rarely mischievous.

"That's why I chose this place. I will come here again to make up for you." Bo Shaolan said with a smile.

Compensate well?

Luoxue whimpered in her heart.

Bo Shaolan opened the door while hugging her, and made a series of movements with ease. With a kick of his back foot, the door slammed shut.

He hugged Luoxue and rolled on the bed, hugging her tightly.

Luo Xue thought he would make some big moves, but he didn't.

She moved her body, could it be that he made good compensation for what he said?To let her rest for the night?
After a few minutes, he sat up and took off her shoes. He originally wanted to take off the dress for her, but Luo Xue took it off on her own initiative.

To his surprise, she is usually passive in this kind of matter.

After taking off the dress, she sat beside him, bent down, and kissed him deeply.

Tonight is their bridal chamber wedding night, how can they spend it peacefully?
He always surprises her, now it's her turn to surprise him.

It was her character, but she gave him a night to remember.

He paid so much for himself, and she really wanted to repay him.

(End of this chapter)

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