Long marriage: thin and super powerful

Chapter 252 Who is that man

Chapter 252 Who is that man

Mr. Bo must be unhappy to be scolded by this.

Coincidentally, Bo Fangqing also came in.

She greeted everyone happily, as if there was a happy event.

Bao Silan couldn't help asking her: "Fang Qing, could it be that you have a happy event too? Why is it different from usual?"

Yao Feili also looked up at Bo Fangqing, took a chicken leg for Bo Silan, and said, "Honey, eat more."

Bo Fangqing took a look at Bo Shaolan, pretending to be mysterious, "Yesterday is the wedding day of my eldest brother and sister-in-law. As a younger sister, of course I am happy."

Everyone always thinks this sounds weird.

The old lady Bo looked her up and down, her eyes were sharp, as if she wanted to see through her.

"Your mouth has become sweeter? Huh? I heard that Qiao Ge was looking for you last night. Why did she look for you?"

"It's okay, she's bored." Bo Fangqing wanted to fool around casually.

Bao Silan joked again, "Fang Qing, you're a big girl now. I just heard from my grandma that she's going to marry you off, and I've arranged a good marriage for you. At your age, you're the most lucky. , choose a good family and marry yourself out."

After hearing this, Bo Fangqing was very unhappy.


She is the one who wants to be the grandfather of the young master Bo, and she looks down on others.

She sneaked another glance at Bo Shaolan, only to see that he was serving Luoxue with vegetables, gentle and considerate.

He didn't give her a single extra look.

as usual.

She comforted herself, after all, she just got married, so he wouldn't dare to be so blatant.

"Understood, grandma." She said this on purpose to stimulate Bo Shaolan and see if he would respond.

But all of Bo Shaolan's thoughts were on Luoxue.

She even asked Luoxue affectionately: "Honey, eat more."

Luo Xue also gave him a piece of meat, "Honey, you should eat more too."

Bo Fangqing's mood fell to the bottom instantly, "I'm a little tired, I'll go back to my room first."

No one asked if she had eaten.

Bao Silan turned to look at Yao Feili, "You said you were drunk last night, but is your head still hurting now?"

"It doesn't hurt, it won't hurt as soon as I see my wife."

"Glib, let's go home later. You've been on business trips all this time, so I don't want to go back to live here. I don't care. If you're still on business trips this month, I'm going to be angry."

The old lady Bo also nodded: "Feili, you have to spend time with your wife."

"Understood, Mom." Yao Feili said.

Bo Fangqing lay on the bed, thoughtful, the smile faded from her face, she put her hand on her lower abdomen, and said silently, if you are pregnant, you will win this game, and I will be pregnant with the Bo family's child The eldest grandson, the hen that can't lay eggs is about to give way to me.

I am the hostess of this Bo family.

Luo Xue, Qiao Ge, you all go to die!
In the Haishi Hotel, there are always people who did not leave the show.

At noon, Qiao Ge woke up lazily, rarely in a good mood, so she took a late sleep.

Johnny dared not bother her either.

After returning to China, Qiao Ge put off all the work, and he treated her as a vacation. After all, she has been working day and night in the past few years.

He had already ordered lunch for her, and it was still her favorite meal. He felt that he must have owed her something in his previous life, so he worked hard for her in this life.

But he was willing, no matter how Qiao Ge abused him, he would be willing.

Qiao Ge finally got up. He had just washed his hair and came out with his long hair wiped. He was wearing a nightdress with suspenders. He didn't shy away from Johnny at all. He seemed to be used to it.

Johnny looked up at her. "Honey, are you hungry? I've ordered lunch for you."

He pointed to the packing box on the table, Qiao Ge must have more servings.

"My dear, thanks." Qiao Ge winked at him.

She sat down at the table and began to eat lunch.

A row of lunch boxes were laid out, all of which were her favorite foods.

After taking two bites, Qiao Ge raised his head and asked, "Have you done what I asked you to do?"

"That's natural. There's nothing I, Johnny, can't do." Johnny shook his phone at her and sent her a video file.

Qiao Ge picked up the phone, opened WeChat, and received the files. There were three videos.

The first video shows Bo Fangqing walking in the corridor, swaying left and right, like stepping on clouds.

Qiao Ge said: "It's considered that she is a bit sensible, and she knows how to leave the crowd first and go back to her room, instead of having a fit in public. This woman is very scheming."

Johnny shook his head, whoever called Bo Fangqing who offended his aunt deserved to be punished.

Before Bo Fangqing returned to the room, he leaned on the wall and bent over, looking very uncomfortable, and the drug effect was getting stronger and stronger.

At this time, a man came towards her. This man was not bad looking. Qiao Ge had never seen this man before, so he didn't know who he was.

The monitoring equipment of the eight-star hotel is still very good. Although the corridor is very dark, the portraits taken are very clear.

Qiao Ge remembered this man.

The man leaned over Bo Fangqing and said a few words, and Bo Fangqing threw himself into the man's arms and hugged him, looking very intimate.

According to Qiao Ge's feeling, Bo Fangqing knew this man.

If it's a stranger, a woman who sees Bo Fangqing in this situation will either walk away or call someone over, and instead of hugging her into the room, and someone who is as vigilant as Bo Fangqing, actually let him into her room .

Moreover, Bo Fangqing was still hugging the man, looking at him obsessively, as if he really liked this man.

It is said that the entire hotel was taken over by the Bo family last night, so as to prevent strangers from entering, it must be a member of the Bo family.

She clicked on the second video, which was the video of the man walking out of the room at four o'clock in the morning.

The time he helped Bo Fangqing enter the room was after ten o'clock in the evening, and he didn't come out of the room until after four o'clock in the morning.

During the few hours in between, I could imagine with my knees, what happened between him and Bo Fangqing?

And when this man came out, he was sneaky, like a thief, for fear of being seen by others.

Qiao Ge smiled meaningfully, "What a joy! The person Bo Fangqing wanted to marry was Bo Shaolan, but was taken advantage of by another man. If she knew what kind of mood she would be in."

Johnny said: "This little girl is really ignorant, and she got into trouble with you, a big devil! You don't want to threaten her with these videos, do you?"

"It depends on the situation." Qiao Ge collected the video and was in a good mood. "To punish the wicked, one must be ruthless and merciless!"

"How did you expect that she would definitely come to drink that glass of milk?" Johnny sympathized with Bo Fangqing, "Actually, the person who should drink that glass of milk most is your best friend's stepsister."

"Huh? Are you looking for her?" Qiao Ge said with narrowed eyes.

"Will I fall in love with that kind of vulgar woman? Even my own sister will be harmed. This kind of woman should be punished the most. I heard that the third miss of the Bo family is still a big girl." Johnny said, "The one in the video The man ate it up, wiped it off, patted his ass and left, he must be a habit of stealing, so he probably wouldn't care about her, would he?"

Qiao Ge took a piece of meat and put it in his mouth, with a cold expression, he said: "This is the end of her messing with me, look at God also help me, but let her drink that glass of milk, probably because she has done too many bad things. Retribution."

Qiao Ge suddenly had a brain hole, Bo Fangqing woke up, would she take defensive measures?What would she do if she had a child?
She knew that Bo Fangqing was an ambitious person, and her goal was Young Mistress Bo, she was so active last night, would she have mistook that man for Bo Shaolan?

Hehe, the Bo family is going to be in trouble again...

Luoxue, you can ask for blessings.

She watched the third video again, which was the video of Bo Fangqing walking out of the room triumphantly. Looking at her appearance, she didn't feel any pain at all, but she seemed to have won the lottery.

Qiao Ge knew that his guess was [-]% accurate.

"Don't be fooled by this white lotus. Her heart is very strong. For the purpose, there is nothing she can't do! You don't understand her world, it is much dirtier than you imagined."

Yoni sighed, "You're going to be a psychologist."

"By the way, I want to discuss something with you. I'm not going back to Luo country for the time being. I want to test the waters in China. Can you help me find a suitable villa? I want to find a place to stay. The size doesn't matter. It doesn't matter how much money you have, as long as you stay close to Bo's house."

"Grandma, don't you give up? That old woman of yours loves his wife so much, you probably won't have a chance, I advise you not to waste your time, it's boring, I've already done the things you entrusted to me, say To be honest, sometimes you are quite wicked. When someone just gets married and their love is not over yet, you give them a bomb. I can't stand it. I'm worried that you will anger Bo Shaolan, and you will be the one who will suffer. "

Qiao Ge stopped eating, leaned on the chair, and said lightly: "This is between me and him."

Johnny shook his head, Qiao Ge is so capricious.

He got up and went out for air.

Qiao Ge knew that Johnny was angry, and he did not know how many times he persuaded her about this matter, but she still insisted on going her own way.

She knew that he was doing everything for her own good, for fear that she would suffer.

But she has to do it.

This is the grievance between her and the Bo family.

Qiao Ge lost the mood for a moment, picked up the cigarette on the table, took out one, lit it and smoked it.

Johnny was right, she did a wicked thing, she'd seen through life, and she'd take whatever came her way.

Since she was childless and infertile, she had no scruples.

At that time, she hated the world, hated everyone, and felt that the whole world was sorry for her. There were two reasons why she supported her until now, the first was for revenge, and the second was for him.

She loves him, but what about him?
Once she chose the road of no return, she never regretted it, and she was hurt badly, and she never regretted it.

She slowly exhaled a white smoke ring, smiled slightly, and put the cigarette out in the ashtray.

At this time, her mobile phone dinged.

She casually picked up her phone to look at it, and her eyes lit up suddenly when she saw the name displayed on it.

The third day of the wedding.

Bo family.

"What's going on here?" A servant turned pale with shock while holding a mobile phone, "Something happened, something happened, Aunt Rong."

Just when Aunt Rong came out of the house, seeing the panicked look of the servant, she knew that something bad was about to happen.

(End of this chapter)

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