Long marriage: thin and super powerful

Chapter 254 The Eccentric Grandpa

Chapter 254 The Eccentric Grandpa

Every photo of Bo Shaolan and Qiao Ge looks very ambiguous, making people think about it.

"Beauty throws her arms into her arms! Young Master Bo is so blessed!"

All kinds of harsh words emerged one after another.

The background of the photo was in the hotel corridor, the lighting was a little dim, and the scene where Qiao Ge stretched out his hand to hook Bo Shaolan into the room was also accompanied by a video.

The reporter who wrote this news has very good writing skills, so he knows how to arouse the curiosity of the audience.

The article is accompanied by a photo of Bo Shaolan and Luo Xue kissing at the wedding that day. The comparison of the two photos is extremely ironic, and it is especially easy to cause misunderstandings about Bo Shaolan by the audience.

Directly push Bo Shaolan into the image of a scumbag.

At the end of the article, there is a comparison of photos of Luoxue and Qiao Ge, a gentle beauty and a charming beauty, each has its own merits, and they are equal.

I also specially wrote a sentence: The wealthy family is as deep as the sea, Mrs. Bo, hold on!

They also did a search on Qiao Ge's identity, exaggerating how beautiful she is, she is also an original singer, how many concerts she has held abroad, how many awards she has won, and wrote in great detail.

They didn't mention Luoxue's life experience at all. The article also mentioned that Qiao Ge and Luoxue were very good girlfriends in the past. They also attached a group photo of them in college and revealed that Qiao Ge was pregnant with Bo Shaolan's child back then. A new point of attack appeared again. They said that Luoxue was the real third party, the key person who broke up the relationship between Bo Shaolan and Qiao Ge. In fact, Bo Shaolan's favorite person was Qiao Ge.

This article is obviously not good for Bo Shaolan and Luoxue, which makes people speculate endlessly. For those violent stories, the article always mentions that it is a woman who broke the news.

Luoxue finished reading this article in one breath, her heart was overwhelmed.

She was clear about this matter. She deliberately gave them a chance that night. She deliberately went to see her mother, and on the way back, she received photos and text messages from anonymous people.

She was upset that night, so she drank and got drunk. Later, I heard that she was picked up by Bo Shaolan.

At that time, she had already made all the psychological preparations, but she was still willing to believe Bo Shaolan in her heart, thinking that he was provoked by Qiao Ge, and they were going to talk about things, not love.

But the video was so clear that her husband was hooked by Qiao Ge...

She also wanted to ignore it, pretending not to care, but...

Qiao Ge is not someone else, they had children before, and their relationship is extraordinary.

They're going to come back from the ashes, that can happen anytime, anywhere.

What did they do when they entered the room?Who knows.

Who secretly took these photos and videos?Or did Qiao Ge premeditate? ...

All kinds of questions came to mind.

She kept reassuring herself that they were fine, they were fine...

But the tears still flowed down uncontrollably.

Inside the library.

As soon as Bo Shaolan knocked on the door, Mr. Bo's voice came: "Come in."

After he entered, he closed the door behind him.

Bo Fangqing stood outside the door, listening to the movement inside, just as she imagined, old man Bo was furious: "Look at this news, it's all a mess! How do you explain it?"

Bo Fangqing was going crazy with jealousy.

When she saw the news about Bo Shaolan and Qiao Ge hit the headlines, her complexion changed drastically. She really didn't expect Qiao Ge to make this one.

It was simply overwhelming.

This is Qiao Ge's style - ruthless and reckless.

Qiao Ge's charm is radiant, which is the type that men like. Unexpectedly, her elder brother can't resist it.

If her elder brother and Luo Xue divorced in the future, she would have another strong opponent.

Thinking of Qiao Ge's brutality against her that night, she secretly pursed her lips.

Bo Shaolan turned his head to watch the news on the computer, slightly surprised: "Who put this up?"

His words had already confirmed Mr. Bo's guess, it turned out that this was indeed the case.

Mr. Bo was trembling with anger, "You have lost all face of the Bo family! What else do you have to say! You went to see that woman knowing that you were going to get married the next day, that's not beating yourself." Face? How grand the wedding was held that day, how big is the irony today! If you do this, how many people will laugh at you!"

His roar went outside.

Bai Rong just walked in from the outside, and when she heard the deafening roar, the corners of her mouth twitched slightly.

She immediately went to report the incident to Mrs. Bo.

The old lady Bo was taken aback, unexpectedly, the old man found out, and the old man would definitely question Shaolan.

She hurried to the study to save the scene.

In the end, when she saw Bo Fangqing eavesdropping outside the study, she immediately became angry: "What do you want to do!"

The tone is full of vigilance.

Bo Fangqing was taken aback, and at the same time cursed the old lady Bo thousands of times in her heart, faltering: "Grandma, I, I..."

She couldn't find a suitable reason for a while.

"How did Grandpa know?" Mrs. Bo's eyes were very sharp.

The old man's mobile phone was obviously thrown into the swimming pool, and the network cable at home was also turned off, but the news still reached Mr. Bo. This must have something to do with Fangqing Bo.

Bo Fangqing faltered: "Grandma, it was Grandpa who asked me to connect him with the Internet cable. I didn't know he was there to read news online, and then he ordered me to invite the elder brother."

The old lady Bo got angry and slapped Bo Fangqing violently, "It's you again! After raising you for so long, I finally raised a white-eyed wolf who didn't protect the Lord at all!"

Bo Fangqing was beaten until her ears were ringing. The swelling of the place where she was beaten before had not subsided, and now she was beaten again, which made her gnash her teeth in pain.

In her heart, she directly cursed the old lady Bo to die soon!She raised her teary eyes aggrieved, "Grandma, I'm sorry..."

"You still dare to pretend to be innocent in front of me. Don't think that you can do anything wrong when I'm old. You'd better die of that heart early! If you dare to act recklessly, don't blame me for being rude! If you know how to be grateful, I will still I promise you a good man to marry, if you do something weird again, you know, I will definitely beat you back to your original shape." Mrs. Bo's eyes are fierce and imposing, just one look is enough to make people tremble .

How could old lady Bo not know about Bo Fangqing's tricks?

Yes, Bo Fangqing did it on purpose.

Although she loves Bo Shaolan, her love is also selfish.

She thought that she would be the one who benefited from the news. Not only could she use the power of the Bo family to kill Qiao Ge, but it could also create a gap between Bo Shaolan and Luo Xue.

Can she let go of such a good opportunity?

Although she was beaten by Mrs. Bo, she didn't regret it.

Bo Fangqing resisted the burning pain on his face, looking very pitiful.

The old lady Bo glared at her before walking into the study.

Bai Rong also took a look at Bo Fangqing and walked into the study.

"Old man, what kind of temper are you throwing? Early in the morning, the house was in a mess! It was obviously the woman's fault. Instead of helping your grandson, you helped outsiders bully our grandson, you Are you old and confused?" Mrs. Bo scolded Mr. Bo as soon as she entered the door.

At the same time, I looked at Bao Shaolan, and saw that he was punished to kneel on the ground, so I went to pull him up, "A man of that age, who is already married, and punish him to kneel, will you give him some dignity!"

Bo Shaolan didn't stand up, "Grandma, this is my fault."

The old lady Bo kept calling her sweetheart, "You are stupid, the man has gold in his knees, get up immediately."

She scolded Mr. Bo again, "You old man, he usually gave you a lot of face, it's just a piece of news, you're just howling here! This arm is really turning outward, I don't care, it's that woman's Wrong, my grandson is right!"

Mr. Bo was also furious, and shouted again: "Look, what kind of people you spoiled yourself! Being played around by women, sooner or later Bo will be defeated by him."

The old lady Bo's complexion suddenly sank, "You old bastard! In the past few years, if it weren't for Shaolan, you would be able to sit here and enjoy the blessings. You are dreaming! Or you have other plans! I want to give Bo's to you That prodigal grandson!"

"Don't go crazy here!"

"You are the one who is crazy! You always look down on him, you only have that grandson in your eyes, and he is always elusive these days, so you are starting to move around again, trying to get my grandson's idea, let me tell you, you It's better to die! As long as my old woman doesn't die for a day, the Bo family will belong to Shaolan, and others, don't think about it!"

The old lady Bo said angrily: "You old bastard, if something happens to my grandson, I will definitely have nothing to do with you!"

Mr. Bo was so angry that he blew his beard, "You are crazy!"

"I'm not crazy, I understand very well in my heart, you have been rejecting my eldest grandson, everything is another grandson, Bo Zuyao, don't think that I don't know the little things in your heart."

After finishing speaking, the old lady Bo insisted on pulling Bo Shaolan up, "Get up, Shaolan, you are right about this matter, grandma believes you, you must have been framed."

"You guys, are you going to piss me off?" Mr. Bo blushed with anger.

Bo Shaolan was still kneeling on the ground, he looked straight at old man Bo, and said word by word: "I can swear to God, nothing happened between me and Qiao Ge."

Bo Shaolan's eyes were clear and his expression was calm. He repeatedly emphasized that he also hoped that his grandfather would trust him.

He knew that his grandfather didn't like him as much as Bo Shaoyang, because he had a stubborn personality, seldom talked and couldn't make people happy, but he had a clear conscience.

Grandpa only loved Bo Shaoyang extremely, and only scolded him.

When Bo Shaoyang didn't go back to Bo's house, he was the family's sweetheart, everyone doted on him, and with him as the center, grandpa also liked him very much.

But as soon as Bo Shaoyang came back, Grandpa's love for him gradually diminished.

When he was eight years old, his grandfather brought Bo Shaoyang back and said that he would be his younger brother in the future.

Grandpa didn't explain why to his family, but just told Bao Sishen to treat Bo Shaoyang like his own son.

At that time, Bo Shaolan was young and didn't know what threat Bo Shaoyang's arrival would pose to him. When he heard that he had a younger brother, he was very happy.

Grandpa also told him: "Shaolan, take good care of your brother in the future and let him more."

Bo Shaolan nodded half-understanding: "I will."

He took Bo Shaoyang's hand, "Brother, from now on my brother will protect you."

However, Bo Shaoyang behaved very well-behaved in front of his grandpa. When grandpa was not present, he would throw away Bao Shaolan's hand, with a look of disgust on his face, and said coldly: "Get out, I don't have a brother. If you call me brother, I will call you brother." kill you!"

Every time Bo Shaoyang beat him, it was always Bo Shaolan who got scolded.

Bo Shaoyang is grandfather's darling, always thinks that Bo Shaolan is bullying him, and always puts the blame on Bo Shaolan.

Bo Shaoyang is also hostile to Bo Shaolan, as long as it is Bo Shaolan's things, he will grab it, and if he can't get it, he will complain in front of his grandpa.

If Bo Shaolan was not convinced and tried to reason with his grandfather, he would be slapped in the face by his grandfather.

(End of this chapter)

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