Chapter 262 Evidence
She did so just now, but the shoe fell on the blanket on the ground.

The salesperson was speechless.

Luo Han walked over triumphantly, and said proudly: "You are the one who broke the shoes, you threw them on the ground just now, and your attitude just now was so bad, like a shrew, barking your teeth and claws, originally you I like this shoe very much, but suddenly I don’t want it anymore, because I scratched it and wanted to plant it on me!”

"haha, really?"

"Sister, after all, we are also a family. My mother is also kind to you in nurturing you. Once you marry a rich husband, you will turn your face and deny anyone. Where is your conscience? And those shoes, obviously I bought them first. You wanted to snatch it from me, but in the end you destroyed it in order not to let me get it. Your heart is too poisonous. No wonder your brother-in-law would do such a thing? I think you will get divorced sooner or later, like you People with a bad temper really disgrace our family!" Luo Han accused, "Sister, don't be ungrateful, there will be retribution in the future."

Ye Qingyu is best at fanning the flames: "She is like that, she likes to pretend to be pitiful and innocent, so that everyone can sympathize with her, Xiaohan, let's go! Leave her alone."

They just wanted Luo Xue to take the blame.

Describe Luo Xue as a scheming girl with a vicious heart.

The salesperson despised Luoxue even more, and pulled Luoxue hard, as if she was afraid that she would run away.

Unexpectedly, Young Mistress Bo is such a person, she really feels worthless for Young Master Bo.

The salesperson believed the mother and daughter's words: "Miss, you broke our shoes and slandered our shoes as unqualified. You must pay the money, or I will call the police."

Luoxue narrowed her eyes and spit out two words: "Let go!"

"Miss, you scratched our shoes, not only did you not lose money, but you wanted to run away! Young Master Bo married someone like you, you are really blind." The salesman was worried that he would pay for it, so he couldn't help but speak harshly.

"I didn't scratch your shoes." Luo Xue frowned.

The salesperson got angry too, and raised his voice: "It's obvious that you scratched the shoes, but you still want to argue, if you don't lose money today, don't even think about leaving!"

Luo Han and Ye Qingyu laughed triumphantly, and the people around slowly gathered to watch the excitement, and they were even more proud.

Let's make a fuss, make a fuss, it's better to make a fuss on the news, then this person will have another crime.

Luo Xue was dragged to death by that salesperson.

As soon as she looked up, she saw the successful smiles on the faces of Luo Han and Ye Qingyu, and immediately knew that she had fallen into their trap.

She can't admit defeat!

At this time, there was a commotion in the crowd, and a man full of aura walked towards him, with an extraordinary bearing, which made people involuntarily part ways, as if welcoming an ancient emperor.

It was Bo Shaolan.

He has a stern expression, thin lips tightly pursed, and his cuffs are lightly rolled up, revealing a luxurious watch. He is slender and mighty without anger.

Dong Ming followed closely behind, also a man with extraordinary temperament.

"Shao, Lan..." When Luo Han saw Bo Shaolan, his face changed extremely quickly, he seemed extremely wronged, as if he wanted Bo Shaolan to stand up for her.

Bo Shaolan completely ignored her and strode towards Luoxue. Seeing the salesman holding Luoxue tightly, his face was terribly gloomy... Luoxue's skin was originally fair and delicate, and the arm being pulled was pink.

Bo Shaolan's black eyes suddenly surged, and his cold eyes shot, "Let go!"

Full of momentum!

The salesperson let go immediately, his face turned pale with fright.


"Your beauty, your manager is rushing over, and everything will be discussed after your manager arrives." Dong Ming stepped forward and said.

After hearing this, the salesperson secretly exclaimed that it was not good.

Seeing that it was Bo Shaolan, he was too scared to raise his head.

Bo Shaolan went over to hold Luoxue's hand, and seeing the redness on her wrist, one could imagine how much strength the salesman had used to pull her just now.

His dark eyes sank, and the air condensed instantly.

Seeing that it was him, Luo Xue raised her lips and smiled slightly, "Why are you here?"

why did he come here?She still has the nerve to ask?If he didn't come, how would she be bullied by them?

How many times he has said that he must call him if something happens, but this woman just doesn't remember.

Bo Shaolan hugged her into his arms distressedly.

Completely disregarding the eyes of others.

Luo Han and Ye Qingyu's faces were ashen. They thought their relationship was the same as the news said. Bo Shaolan had a woman outside and ignored her, so they dared to be so presumptuous.

Unexpectedly, their relationship was not affected in the slightest. They wanted to ridicule this person properly, but instead they provoked Bo Shaolan.

Bo Shaolan and the others can't afford to offend him. It's not that they don't know his methods.

They looked at each other, panicked, and planned to sneak away.

Luohan pulled Laye and whispered softly, "Mom, why are you still standing there, run away."

Ye Qingyu had this intention and was about to run away.

Dong Ming came over, stopped them, and said coldly, "Don't leave yet."

Ye Qingyu yelled deliberately: "Why? She scratched the shoe and wanted to sell it to us. It's her fault, not ours."

"Mrs. Luo, what you say is unfounded. The truth is about to surface. You'd better wait a while before leaving, otherwise, you will be even more embarrassed later." Dong Ming said with a blank expression.

"Hehe, she scratched the shoe, what does it have to do with us!" Ye Qingyu bluffed.

At this time, Manager Huang from the mall hurried over.

When the manager saw Bo Shaolan, his face was full of smiles, and he said flatteringly, "Mr. Bo, I'm late and kept you waiting."

Bo Shaolan looked at him expressionlessly, as if to say, my people have been wronged by you, so you can figure it out.

Manager Huang is an old fritter, looking at the salesperson, his expression changed suddenly: "What's going on?"

The salesperson was so frightened that he couldn't speak: "Manager, I, I..."

"Tell me what's going on?" The manager put on a face.

"Manager, it's like this, that lady..." she stammered, "Miss Luo and Mrs. Bo both saw a pair of shoes at the same time, but she refused to give in to each other. Later, Mrs. Bo threw the shoes on the ground, and when Miss Luo picked them up, , I found that the shoes were scratched, and I said it was the scratch of Mrs. Bo, so I dragged Mrs. Bo and refused to let her go... Manager, I am also a businessman. The company stipulates that if a customer breaks something, he must compensate at the original price. The original price of this pair of shoes is [-], if Mrs. Bo refuses to pay, then I will pay."

When the manager heard this, his face became long. "Are you new here? You don't know any rules. You also know that she is Mrs. Bo. How could she scratch your shoes? Do you have any brains!"

When Bo Shaolan heard this, he frowned tightly. Dong Ming walked over and said to the manager, "Manager Huang, you salesman has made our eldest grandma's hand red. Is this your attitude in serving customers?"

Manager Huang was even angrier when he heard this. Recently, he heard rumors that the Bo family intends to buy this commercial city. By then, Bo Shaolan will be his boss. From now on, he, the manager of a small shopping mall, will depend on his face. be human.

Because a pair of shoes ruined one's future, it's not worth it.

Manager Huang is a person who knows how to assess the situation. When he came to Bo Shaolan and Luoxue, he sincerely apologized: "Mr. Bo, Mrs. Bo, I'm sorry, I offended you. I hope you have a lot of adults. Don't take it to heart. In order to express our respect I'm sorry, since Mrs. Bo likes the pair of shoes just now, I'll ask the clerk to give you a new pair, is that okay?"

Give her another pair?
Everyone was stunned.

The clerk was a little bit unconvinced, it was clearly the young lady Bo who scratched the shoe, the manager not only didn't blame her, but also gave her something, isn't that deceiving too much?

Everyone even sighed that it is good to be rich, and you don't have to suffer the consequences wherever you go.

But Bo Shaolan didn't want this kind of effect, not to mention a pair of shoes, he could afford to give it to his wife in the whole commercial city.

Bo Shaolan opened his thin lips lightly, and said coldly: "Manager Huang, are you sending me away?"

"No, Boss, don't misunderstand me, I didn't mean that." Manager Huang quickly wiped off his cold sweat.

Bo Shaolan sneered: "Looks like I'm going to get together with Chairman Wang."

Dong Ming understood, and was about to call Chairman Wang... Luoxue said, "Shaolan, wait a minute."

"what happened?"

Luoxue stood up straight, and said to Bo Shaolan, "I want to handle it myself."

"En." Bo Shaolan looked at her dotingly.

After listening to the salesperson's statement, he absolutely believed that his wife would not do such a thing.

Presumably, the manager also believed that Luoxue had scratched the shoes, so he didn't mention watching the monitor to be realistic.

He was insulting her wife, that's why he wanted to call Chairman Wang.

The person he loves is not the kind of vexatious or bullying woman, but if this matter is not handled properly, she may be charged with another crime.

"Honey, I won't admit to things I haven't done." Luo Xue said, "If I don't clarify this matter, those who framed me will laugh smugly, and innocent people will be used and implicated. He was also charged with an unreasonable crime."

Luo Xue knew that Bo Shaolan was protecting her weaknesses. For her sake, he would definitely stand up for her. Then this matter would become a big hit, and it would be on the news again. Then those journalists who did good things would write something to slander her.

Luoxue looked at Ye Qingyu and Luohan.

Ye Qingyu and Luohan felt guilty and their eyes flustered.

"Honey, you are a good guy." Bo Shaolan praised her.

Manager Huang breathed a sigh of relief, "Mrs. Bo is still sensible, and I will fully cooperate with you in investigating this matter."

Luo Xue smiled slightly, and said to the salesperson, "Please bring that scratched shoe here."

The salesperson was a little puzzled, but she followed her advice. She brought the shoes and showed the scratched uppers to everyone.

Luoxue picked up the shoe and said to the salesperson, "The shoe fell on the ground, but if it falls on the blanket, it won't scratch the shoe. If you look carefully, what does this scratch look like?"

The salesperson picked up the shoes and looked at them carefully for a while, then said: "The sharp nails are also stained with nail polish, and they are purple."

"En, the analysis is good." Luoxue showed the shoes to others, and everyone saw them too.

Then Luoxue spread out her hands for them to see: "I have never liked to paint my nails, and I happen not to be wearing a wedding ring today. I have the habit of cutting my nails every day, and I don't like long nails, so I don't have the ability to scrape the upper of this shoe out so much. deep scars."

(End of this chapter)

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