Long marriage: thin and super powerful

Chapter 266 Don't Get Close to My Wife

Chapter 266 Don't Get Close to My Wife
How could he not know how strong his grandfather was.

There was a huge wave in his heart, it was difficult to calm down, his throat was like a scorpion, and he couldn't say a word for a long time.

The person in his arms leaned against him very quietly, and the faint fragrance lingered at the tip of his nose, gradually calming him down.

Luo Xue understood him.

Knowing that he was hurt in his heart, she could only accompany him silently after being treated like this by her master for a long time.

Suddenly, she felt a drop of warm tears dripping on her face. She wanted to reach out to touch it, but was stopped by Bao Shaolan. He lowered his head and kissed it.

Then he let her go, got up, and strode to the bathroom.

Luoxue's heart was cut like a knife.

The boy does not cry easily.

Bo Shaolan was so wronged that she shed tears.

Luoxue blinked and suppressed her tears, she must not be sad, this would make Bo Shaolan even more sad.

What has Bo Shaolan experienced in this family all these years?What made him have such a big prejudice against grandpa?
In her impression, Bo Shaolan took good care of Bo Shaoyang.

But after the quarrel just now, she doesn't think that's the case?

She really wanted to know, but she didn't dare to ask, for fear of hurting Bo Shaolan's wound.

It turned out that he grew up in such an environment, and he would become so outstanding, probably because he wanted to prove his strength to his grandfather.

Luoxue lowered her eyes, covering her thoughts.

She couldn't sprinkle another pinch of salt into his wound at this time, she would rather pretend to be confused.

In the living room, after a fierce quarrel, they dispersed.

Mr. Bo rushed back to his room to rest angrily, Mrs. Bo went to chant Buddhism, and Fang Qing just wanted to run away, but Fang Haihua stopped her.

Bo Fangqing panicked, and obediently came to Fang Haihua, "Mom."

Fang Haihua glared at her, and suddenly slapped Bo Fangbo on the left cheek, "I really want to treat you as my daughter, and I have never beat or scolded you, but how did you repay me!"

Bo Fangqing pretended to look at her innocently, and said aggrievedly, "Mom, what's wrong?"

"You know very well what you have done. I don't usually talk about you, but it doesn't mean I don't know. You actually pushed your elder brother into the fire pit. You are really raising you for nothing." Fang Haihua said angrily, "You want to be close to the big tree?" , This is human nature, but you think you are smart, don't blame me for not reminding you when the time comes, there is still time to turn around now."

Fang Haihua gave her a disappointed look, and left angrily.

Bo Fangqing was as dumb as a wooden chicken.

How did Fang Haihua know?She has always been very good at hiding.

She was bored last night and asked Bo Shaoyang's return date on Knuckles, thinking that the information had disappeared again, but who knew that there was a reply this time, and Bo Shaoyang actually said that he would come back in a few days.

She immediately told Mr. Bo the news, and by the way, revisited Mr. Bo's events five years ago. She provoked Mr. Bo's anger, so she announced the news and warned everyone at dinner.

In the end, Luo Xue was specially warned to let that person know how to behave.

When she went to find Mr. Bo, there was no one at home. Could it be that there was a camera in the house?
She suddenly felt helpless.

Grandma warned her again and again, Fang Haihua also came to warn her, Bao Sishen didn't take her seriously, who would she rely on if she didn't rely on grandpa?
Grandpa faces Bo Shaoyang, grandma faces Bo Shaolan, the family has long been divided into two factions.

Although she loves Bo Shaolan, but Bo Shaolan doesn't have her in his heart, all she can do now is to squeeze Luoxue down, and then she will be Bo's eldest mistress, so she will naturally stand by her elder brother's side, but the time has not yet come.

Just now, she saw that old man Bo not only scolded Luo Xue, but also smashed that person, she was very happy.

She knew that as long as grandpa scolded Luoxue, Bo Shaolan would definitely stand up for her, and then grandpa would hate Luoxue even more, and would regard that person as a troublesome woman, and when she had a child, grandpa would definitely favor her.

Bo Fangqing put her hands on her lower abdomen and said silently, she must be pregnant, and she must be pregnant with a boy.

When Fang Haihua opened the door and entered the room, he saw Bao Sishen sitting on the sofa thinking.

His expression was solemn.

Fang Haihua sat next to him. Although her husband didn't say a word on the flat ground, he was meticulous in his work.

Leaning against him, she said quietly, "Honey, what should we do now?"

Bao Sishen stretched out his arms to hug her, and suddenly said, "Honey, is Shaolan's marriage right or wrong?"

"Husband, what do you mean now? When Shaolan wanted to get a marriage certificate with her, I asked you to persuade him not to make a hasty decision, but you didn't listen."

Bao Sishen said bitterly: "It's not my recklessness, but Mom's decision. Logically speaking, Mom has always done things properly. She must have her reasons for doing things like this. When Shaolan fell in love early, she asked us not to interfere with them. There must be something hidden about this.”

Fang Haihua was also lost in thought, "Husband, I think so too. Why does grandma like her so much? Apart from being more beautiful and gentle, this girl Luoxue has a really poor family background. She is currently not helping us Shaolan at all."

"When they were playing friends in high school, my mother told me that she would be Shaolan's wife in the future. I was wondering at the time, but she said, I would know later."

Fang Haihua frowned.

Regarding this issue, she also made insinuations, but her mother-in-law has been playing tricks, and only said: "That girl Luoxue will be Shaolan's lucky star in the future."

"Husband, have you found out what happened to Shaoyang?... What's the origin?"

Bao Sishen has deep eyes, and Bo Shaolan also has a pair of deep eyes, which are heroic.

"When you see walking, be careful in everything, and don't slack off."

Bo Shaolan's bedroom.

Luoxue lay on the bed and chatted with Zhou Xiaoyu on her mobile phone. Bo Shaolan forbade her to sleep on her back, saying that she would press on the wound, so she could only do so.

And he went downstairs to help her heat the milk.

Bo Shaolan went downstairs wearing home clothes.

It happened that Bo Fangqing was cooking noodles in the kitchen. She didn't have a good appetite these days, she didn't eat much for dinner, and she was hungry again when she went to bed.

The Bo family has always advocated self-reliance, self-sufficiency, so Bo Shaolan never liked to order servants.

When Bo Shaolan came to the kitchen, seeing Bo Fangqing, his face darkened.

"Brother." Bo Fangqing instantly became tender.

Bo Shaolan glanced at her, ignored her, opened the refrigerator, took out the milk, took a clean cup, filled it up, and put it in the microwave to heat.

Bo Fangqing stopped cooking the noodles and looked at him bewilderedly.

Even though he ignored her, she still couldn't help her heart trembling. Thinking of that night, her heart was delighted.

The air exudes his masculine breath faintly, which is her favorite smell.

If she wasn't at home, she really wanted to throw herself into his arms.

She looked at him quietly.

While heating the milk, he poured himself a glass of orange juice and drank it slowly until the glass bottomed out.

Even drinking a clear juice is so pretty.

His handsome face is as sharp as a chisel, and because of his long-term fitness, he has a strong figure. This is an extremely perfect man.

The casual home clothes still couldn't conceal his good figure, his long legs against the sky, and his broad shoulders... Bo Fangqing quietly took in his eyes.

If she could have such a perfect man, she would have enough in this life.

Bo Fangqing decided to take the initiative. She imitated Luo Xue's usual way of speaking, "Brother, I want to chat with you alone for a while."

There were only her and him in the kitchen, and Bo Fangqing's eyes were full of affection.

Bo Shaolan washed the glass of water he drank, put it on the desk, and turned to look at her, "I was looking for you too."

When Bo Fangqing heard this, her heart trembled, thinking that Bo Shaolan was going to talk about what happened that night.

In fact, Bo Shaolan's eyes were full of disgust and disgust, if it wasn't for Luoxue, he really didn't want to talk to her.

Bo Fangqing looked at him expectantly, and said shyly, "Oh? Brother, what do you want from me?"

Bo Shaolan looked down at her with no expression on his face. He was tall and slender, but Bo Fangqing could only look up at him, and he could only see indifference in his eyes.

Bo Fangqing couldn't help feeling a little disappointed.

But she thinks it's just his cover-up, he doesn't want others to suspect him, that's why he's so indifferent to her, after all, he's at home.

After a while, Bo Shaolan said slowly, "Don't get close to my wife again."

In the future, you are not allowed to approach my wife half a step...

Bo Fangqing was full of surprise, and said in disbelief, "Brother, is that what you told me?"

"What do you want to do, I can't control it. If you dare to bully my wife again, don't blame me for being rude." Bo Shaolan said coldly.

His words were like the cold wind in the twelfth lunar month, shaking Bo Fangqing's whole body.

She was heartbroken.

What did he think of her?Taking advantage of her, she turned her face and refused to recognize anyone.

(End of this chapter)

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