Chapter 269

In order to meet him, she put on light makeup and lipstick, just thinking that he would look at her more.

"Brother, you must give me an account of what happened that night."

Bo Shaolan was extremely impatient, his eyes were terribly cold.

After reading the messages she sent, he felt extremely disgusted. He suspected that she was crazy.

"Is there something wrong with you?"

"What's wrong? Hehe, is this what you told me?" Bo Fangqing growled, his face distorted, "Yes, I have something wrong, because of you! I'm just crazy."

Bo Shaolan didn't want to talk nonsense with her, he said coldly: "Didn't you say you knew what happened a year ago? Why didn't Xiaoxue have a child?"

Bo Fangqing felt even more ironic, "If I didn't say that, would you come out?"

"Hurry up." Bo Shaolan's patience had reached its limit.

If it wasn't for Xiaoxue, he wouldn't bother to talk to her.

"She just hates you and killed the child in order to get revenge on you. She looks pure and innocent on the surface, but in fact she is a scheming girl who is merciful everywhere. She not only provokes Qin Jingfeng, but also provokes Brother Shaoyang. Before you got married, she It also provoked Yan Ye." Bo Fangqing's face looked a little hideous, "The child is just her revenge tool, and she will do anything to hurt you! Do you know why she hasn't had a child for so long? Because she doesn't want to be with you. Have a baby, brother, wake up, don't be fooled by her."

"Enough." Bo Shaolan stopped her suddenly.

He didn't respond to her words, as if he didn't hear her.

"Brother, this is the reason." Bo Fang's eyes turned red anxiously, and he wanted to grab Bo Shaolan's arm, but Bo Shaolan threw him away in disgust.

He felt he was on his nerves.

Bo Fangqing suddenly pounced on Bo Shaolan, tugged tightly, and pleaded bitterly: "Brother, I know you like me, don't you? That's why you were with me that night, and you still said that you love me Yes, you will still marry me, on your wedding night, you were not with Luoxue, but me, don't you admit your feelings for me?"

This man is really crazy.

Bo Shaolan felt like he was going crazy, did this woman have delusions?
Bo Shaolan pulled Bo Fangqing away forcefully, with disgust on his face, "If you are really sick, you'd better get treatment as soon as possible, ha ha, I will marry you, what the hell is this!"

They chatted on the terrace, but they didn't see Luoxue hiding in the corner.

Luo Xue also heard their conversation, and felt that she heard a huge joke.

Bo Fangqing cried and said: "On the night of your wedding, I was drunk. I wanted to go back to the room, but I fainted on the ground. You showed up in time and carried me into the room. That night, you stayed with me all night. .”

Spend the night with her?
She must be very ill.

Luo Xue couldn't help laughing, thinking that Bo Fangqing was a lunatic, on her wedding night, she was the one who accompanied Bo Shaolan, unless he had the ability to clone himself, he would only meet Bo Fangqing.

This is impossible.

Anyway, she thought it was funny when she heard it.

Bo Fangqing, I thought you were a smart person, but I didn't expect you to be a lunatic.

"You are not only insane, but also hypochondriac. I stayed with you all night, am I crazy?" Bo Shaolan has never seen such a shameless person, what nonsense!
Originally, he wanted to humiliate her relentlessly, but he endured it anyway, for fear of provoking her into something ill.

After listening to Bo Shaolan's words, Luoxue smiled again and slipped away quietly.

This is what she expected.

She still has confidence in her husband.

She would have looked down on him if he had looked like a woman who was unkind.

What made her strange was, what happened to Bo Fangqing?Actually sing this play?Not hesitating to tear face off with Bo Shaolan...

Bo Fangqing looked at Bo Shaolan in disbelief, never thought that Bo Shaolan would be this kind of person?Bai took advantage of her and humiliated her.

No, she is not reconciled.

That night, although she was drunk, she could clearly feel his passion and madness.

Why does he have to leave it clean.


Bo Fangqing didn't want to give up, and burst into tears: "Brother, you can't do this, if you don't take responsibility, you will take advantage of me for nothing."

Bo Shaolan's eyes were full of disgust, he pushed hard to prevent her from approaching him.

When Bo Fangqing rushed over again, he flashed, and Bo Fangqing threw himself directly on the ground.

"Get out, don't let me see you again." Bo Shaolan's face was gloomy, his brows were furrowed, and he was so disgusted that he wanted to vomit.

His eyes were full of contempt: "If you still want to stay in this house, just be honest with me, or I will be the first to drive you out of the house."

After finishing speaking, Bo Shaolan decided to turn around and leave.

Bo Fangqing lay on the ground, extremely embarrassed, her whole body seemed to be falling apart, she secretly clenched her fists.

Her tears fell like broken pearls.

"Otherwise I will be the first to drive you out of the house."

The first to drive her out of the house, that night, if it wasn't him?Which one is it?
Bo Shaolan, are you not afraid that I will find out the evidence?
I will ruin your reputation.

But according to what she knew about Bo Shaolan, if he really did it, he would definitely admit it, unless he didn't.

Her complexion suddenly changed.

What if someone else?
impossible!impossible!Sitting on the ground, Bo Fangqing shook his head violently, trying to get rid of this terrible thought.

It must be him.

She clearly saw his face, and it was he who hugged her.

If it wasn't for Bo Shaolan, she wouldn't have let him into the room, nor would she have made out with him.

At that time, he kept calling his name, and he responded gently to her.

She hugged his waist tightly, and he said that he loved her and that he would marry her in the future.

She was happy and happy at that time.

These two sentences are like a reassurance.

"It's his, it must be his, my feeling is right."

Bo Fangqing gradually lost his mind.

Thinking of every word Bo Shaolan said, she began to panic.

But she finally forced herself to think in that direction.

Bo Shaolan's bedroom was filled with warm light.

The yellow bedside lamp was on, and when Bo Shaolan entered the room, his heart felt warm.

Seeing Luoxue lying on the bed, sleeping peacefully, Bo Shaolan breathed a sigh of relief, but the slapped face made him feel distressed.

These days, she has to bear too much pressure, and he feels that he is too sorry for her.

He tiptoed to the bed, took off his nightgown and shoes, got into bed, and stretched out his hand to hug Luoxue into his arms.

He kissed her hair, and the faint fragrance hit the tip of his nose.

Hands were gently placed on her stomach. Once upon a time, there was a crystallization of their love here.

Whenever Bo Shaolan thought of it, his heart ached.

It's been more than a year, and that incident is like a time bomb buried in my heart. It's okay if it doesn't happen, but if it happens, it will tear my heart.

Back then, Qiao Ge was pregnant with his child, and he also lost the child, but he thought it was a burden.

And Luoxue was pregnant, he was so excited about being a father for the first time.

Luo Xue was his favorite woman, he only wanted to have children with her, other women were not eligible.

Perhaps this is the difference between love and not love.

When he knew that he and Luoxue had no child, he was extremely desperate.

That day, he rushed back desperately to stop her from doing stupid things, and almost got into a car accident, but it was still too late.

He didn't cry at that time, but his heart was bleeding.

He will never forget that kind of heart-wrenching pain in his life.

At that time, he wanted to kill her, but in the end he endured it.

As long as he thinks about it, his heart hurts so hard that he can't breathe.

More than a year later, the wound still cannot heal.

So when Bo Fangqing used this as a bait for him to come out, he finally came out.

He always reminded himself that maybe Luoxue also had some reasons beyond her control.

Luoxue just pretended to be asleep, she didn't sleep at all, she could feel the strength of Bo Shaolan's hands, stroking her stomach repeatedly.

What's up with him?
Could it be that he remembered the child?

She pretended to be half asleep and half awake, turned around, and looked at him with half-opened eyes, "Shaolan, what's wrong?"

"How did you wake up?"

"You keep touching my stomach, can I not wake up?"


"Husband, I love you." Her voice was as gentle as a cry.

It's sweet to hear.

He hugged her and fell asleep quickly with the sound of her heartbeat
(End of this chapter)

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