Long marriage: thin and super powerful

Chapter 274 Thinking of Her Everywhere

Chapter 274 Thinking of Her Everywhere

Then, he walked away quickly. There are some things that he can't just bow his head.

The old lady Bo shook her head and sighed again, "It's been so long, but I just can't learn to be more tactful, that's why I let that person take the limelight."

The old lady Bo's eyes gradually darkened.

Qiao Ge's words lingered in his ears: "I hope I can call your grandma justifiably..."

Qiao Ge surprised her.

Luoxue is a good woman at home, she always keeps things neat and organized, and she is very familiar with Bo Shaolan's clothing habits.

She packed her luggage very meticulously, and Bo Shaolan watched her packing and felt that the scene was so beautiful.

He walked over quietly and suddenly hugged her.

Luoxue was startled, she patted her chest and said, "Husband, you villain."

"Men are not bad, women don't love." Bo Shaolan blew hot air in her ear.

"It's getting worse and worse." Luo Xue said angrily.

Bo Shaolan rubbed against her neck, his voice was slightly hoarse, "I'm not bad, how can I take you home?"

Luo Xue smiled and tried to struggle out of his embrace.

Her husband is not bad, but black-bellied.

"I've been tired all day, take a good bath." Luo Xue urged him.

"Take a shower tonight."

Without waiting for Luoxue to respond, he directly picked her up and walked into the bathroom.

Luo Xuebuyi, "There will be more opportunities in the future."

"I'm only talking about the present."

"When did you learn to mourn the spring and the autumn." Luoxue struggled away.

After all, this is the Bo's family, she can't be too presumptuous, she has to behave, there are elders around, as a junior, she always has to be scrupulous.

She kissed Bo Shaolan on the face, and coaxed him: "Husband, be obedient, my wife will accompany you well tomorrow night."

Bo Shaolan expressed his dissatisfaction, and he took off his clothes in front of her without any hesitation.

Due to his long-term fitness, he has maintained a particularly good figure.

She pushed him into the bathroom, "Hey, go take a shower."

Bo Shaolan wanted to help her undress again, "Come together."

"Don't be ashamed." Luo Xue scolded him.

"In front of your own wife, why should you be ashamed? This is called flirting."

"You are not serious."

"What kind of seriousness do you want with your own wife?" Bo Shaolan hugged her and kissed her again, before entering the bathroom reluctantly.

Luo Xue smiled and shook her head.

She continued to pack the things, looking at the stacked things in the suitcase, maybe it was like this.

No matter where you move, as long as you are with him, you will have a sense of belonging.

When Bo Shaolan came out, she had just finished tidying up, and she also went into the bathroom to take a shower.

Bo Shaolan was on the bed waiting for his wife to come out.

When Luoxue came out of the bathroom, she saw Bo Shaolan waiting for her.

She couldn't help but find it funny, her husband didn't feel comfortable without tossing around all day.

As soon as she came to the bed, he pulled her into his arms.

She struggled to get up and said that her hair was not dry yet.

Bo Shaolan immediately got up and took the hair dryer, let her sit in his arms, turned the hair dryer to the lowest setting, and gently dried her hair.

His big hands ran through her hair, flicking it one after another.

He was a head taller than her, and Luoxue looked very petite in his arms.

Luoxue nestled in his arms, happiness welling up in her heart.

If he hadn't been in a hurry, he wouldn't have used the hair dryer, saying he was afraid of damaging her hair.

The only sound in the room was the rustling of the hair dryer.

After finishing, Bo Shaolan quickly put her on the bed and held her in his arms.

His beard made her itchy, and she couldn't help but shrink back.

Luo Xue put her arms around his neck and asked, "Why did you make this decision suddenly?"

Bo Shaolan bit her collarbone, "For our private space."


"Every time you wake up late, you feel embarrassed and uncomfortable, and I love you." Bo Shaolan kissed her earlobe.

"Bad guy, suddenly so sweet."

Bo Shaolan said again: "It's not very convenient here. See, you could be happier, but it's because you're not happy here."

Luo Xue blushed, how could she not be happy?It should be that he wants to pursue higher happiness.

Bo Shaolan said again in a low voice: "Little thing, when we have dinner, it's rare that our husband and wife are in the same heart. Tonight there will be a prize."

Husband and wife concentric?

Does it mean that she and he are on the same front to move back to the villa?

Does she dare not face him?

She knows him too well.

Finally rested, Luoxue fell asleep directly, and Bo Shaolan was still full of emotions, he knew she was tired, so he could only let it go.

A faint fragrance exudes from her body, and the sound of shallow breathing.

Bo Shaolan was thinking about something.

He let her go carefully, put on his nightgown, and tiptoed out to the balcony.

The cool wind hits, looking at the dark night thoughtfully.

The reason why he suddenly made this decision was not because of his grandfather and Bo Fangqing, but because of Bo Shaoyang.

He knew that Luoxue's heart loved him.

But Bo Shaoyang, he can't guarantee that he will cause trouble?On the surface, it seems that he doesn't care about anything, but in fact, no one knows what he is thinking.

What Luoxue saw was only Bo Shaoyang's surface, and only he knew the real Bo Shaoyang.

Bo Shaoyang still has a certain weight in Luoxue's heart.

For the incident five years ago, Bo Shaoyang successfully made Luoxue feel guilty towards him.

Bo Shaolan will never be Bo Shaoyang's opponent when it comes to winning people's hearts.

Usually, there is nothing wrong with Bo Shaoyang, but in fact it has indeed affected him.

This time Bo Shaoyang came back suddenly, obviously he was prepared.

Bo Shaolan's eyes gradually darkened.

Chu Kenan was right, this Bo Shaoyang must be guarded against.

Five years ago, he was too vigilant, that's why that happened.

The autumn wind was also biting, and he gathered his nightgown. Originally, he wanted to go out to smoke a cigarette, but he was worried that Luoxue would know that he would go out to smoke in the middle of the night, so he decided to avoid it after thinking about it.

Bo Shaolan walked back to the room, hugged Luoxue into his arms, and fell asleep.

Early in the morning, when Bo Shaolan went to the company, he took Luoxue to the villa by the way.

Since Mama Li went to the nursing home to take care of Fang Lin, Fang Haihua worried that Luoxue would be too lonely in the villa, so he sent a trusted servant to take care of their daily life.

This servant is called Mrs. Xu, and she is kind and diligent.

This sister-in-law Xu has always won the trust of Fang Haihua. She has worked as a servant in the Bo family for more than ten years, and she was sent there to facilitate knowing the every move of Bo Shaolan and Luoxue.

Fang Haihua always reminded them to have children earlier, as if he was afraid that they would have another contraceptive incident.

Young people are always playful, but the elders are the ones who are anxious.

During breakfast, Fang Haihua mentioned this matter again, Luoxue didn't dare to say anything, she hadn't used contraception recently, but the baby didn't come for a long time, she went to the hospital for an examination, and the doctor said that she was much better than before.

Bo Shaolan knew that she was thin-skinned, so she always spoke up for her: "Mom, we will definitely work hard."

We will definitely work hard.

Luoxue complained in her heart, husband, you are trying too hard.

Luo Xue didn't dare to say a word.

She also hopes that she can get pregnant soon so that she can rest too.

The old lady Bo was even more anxious, "Xiaoxue, have a baby sooner. Grandma is getting older every day. Now her biggest wish is to be able to hold my great-grandson. You must work hard."

Luo Xue really wanted to dig a hole to hide, "Grandma, I understand."

She was born too much.

Seeing that her ears were red, Bo Shaolan knew that she was shy, so he immediately rescued her and said, "Grandma, Mom, we have worked very hard."

The old lady Bo laughed, "Grandma also knows that you have worked very hard, hahaha..."

Luoxue's face was as red as boiled shrimp, she couldn't stay any longer, and after finishing the porridge, she said, "Grandma, Mom, let me go upstairs to see if there is anything else I want to get?"

Then, he ran extremely fast and disappeared for a while.

She was terrified of being born.

At nine o'clock, they went out and left with Mrs. Xu.

Originally, she and Mrs. Xu planned to have a big cleanliness, but unexpectedly the villa was clean and everything was neatly tidied up.

A young servant was busy inside.

Bo Shaolan told her that this servant was specially hired by him, and he knew how to defend himself. When he was not at home, if bad people came in, he could still protect her.

"Her name is Lulu, and she has stayed with eldest brother before. She is an all-round servant, and can also be said to be a personal bodyguard." Bo Shaolan explained.


Lulu is so strong and hardworking, "Young Mistress, my name is Pan Lu, they all call me Lulu, I have been President Chu's personal bodyguard, I can definitely protect your personal safety, if bad guys dare to invade you Young mistress, I promise to kick him away."

Luo Xue couldn't help laughing after hearing what she said, thinking that Pan Lu was quite humorous.

And at the same age as her, Bo Shaolan was really thoughtful and found her a companion. After all, Mrs. Xu is old, and there is still a generation gap.

As soon as they entered the room, Bo Shaolan couldn't wait to kiss her.

After he finished kissing, Luoxue put her arms around his waist and asked, "Honey, did you plan ahead?"

"After the wedding, I thought about it. I can't live at home all the time. I have to go out and live alone."


"Actually, Mrs. Xu would be fine if she was alone."

"Mrs. Xu is old after all. If you go out, you must be accompanied by a younger servant. You can't take Mrs. Xu out."

"Honey, you always think of me everywhere."

(End of this chapter)

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