Chapter 277

When Zhou Xiaoyu heard this, the dog really couldn't spit out ivory, "Who do you call a tomboy? You bastard, you actually call me a tomboy? Kill you."

Then, she threw herself on Yan Ye and beat him, Yan Ye held his head and let her beat him.

After venting his anger, Zhou Xiaoxuan said: "Hmph, don't ask me for anything in the future. If I promise you again, my surname will not be Zhou."

Then, slam the door and leave.

Yan Ye gritted his teeth from Zhou Xiaochen's beating, and his face swelled up a bit, he asked inexplicably, "What did I do to her?"

"You provoked her, but you didn't know it."

"With her fierce appearance, who would dare to provoke her?" Yan Ye said puzzled.

"Why is she being so fierce to you? Don't you understand?" Luoxue covered her face and snickered.

Luoxue was someone who had experienced it, and knew that Zhou Xiaochun cared about someone's performance, and when her concern was not responded to, she became angry from embarrassment.

This is a harbinger of falling in love.

"Why should I understand her? This woman either beats me or scolds me, completely disregarding my face." As soon as Yan Ye spoke, his swollen face throbbed with pain.

Luo Xue asked Yan Ye with a smile, "Yan Ye, do you really have no feelings for Xiao Yu?"

"How could I have feelings for her?" Yan Ye felt incredible.

"Think about it for yourself, how is it with her?" Luoxue seduced him like a confidant elder sister.

"If she was gentler, she would still look like a woman. She is quite beautiful, but she is too fierce and not at all feminine." Yan Ye commented, "He always drinks and drinks to me, except for me, no one else. The man in the house will definitely not want to talk to her."

Luoxue laughed again, and said with ulterior motives: "She is doing this because she is interested in you, and you and her are at odds. Go after her, she is a good girl."

Then, Luoxue was about to leave, "You should reflect on yourself, why did you make her angry? I have to go home, otherwise my husband will come looking for you."

"Xiaoxue, the person I like is obviously you, how could it be her?" Yan Ye shouted at her back.

Luoxue smiled without saying a word, while Yanye was still shouting behind her: "Xiaoxue, I came here because of you..."

Luoxue closed the door softly, smiled, and left.

She came to the front desk to check out, when someone stopped her and said, "I've already bought your order."

"Ah?" Luoxue looked at the person who came.

It's Chu Kenan.

"Meet you again." Chu Kenan smiled.

"Yeah, big brother, who are you coming with?" Luo Xue looked behind him.

At this time, Zhou Yiran walked towards them, "Hi, Xiaoxue, we meet again."

"Have you found it?" Chu Kenan looked at Zhou Yiran dotingly.

"En." Zhou Yiran raised the phone in his hand, "As I get older, my brain becomes more and more difficult."

"Once a woman falls in love, her IQ will generally drop to zero." Chu Kenan said with a smile.

"Who is dating you?" Zhou Yiran said angrily.

"It seems that I'm still not working hard enough." Chu Kenan smiled ambiguously.

"Oh, don't talk about it." Zhou Yiran had a rare feminine side, and then looked at Luoxue, "Xiaoxue, I made you laugh again."

Luo Xue smiled, "Sister-in-law, we are really destined."

Chu Kenan secretly gave her a thumbs up, and Zhou Yiran shyly said, "Xiaoxue, I'm not your sister-in-law yet, call me Yiran from now on."

"Understood, sister-in-law."


Chu Kenan smiled even more wickedly, hugged Zhou Yiran, and said, "Let's go."

"I'm going back." Zhou Yiran said.

"Let me see you off." Chu Kenan said, and then looked at Luoxue, "Do you want to go together? Anyway, we will drop by."

Luo Xue thought about it, then agreed, and sent a message to Lu Lu who was waiting outside, asking her to go back first.

According to Bo Shaolan, Chu Kenan helped them a lot, and she also wanted to thank him.

She waited for them to drive over at the entrance of the hotel. Chu Kenan and Zhou Yiran walked side by side, whispering to each other.

It looks very intimate.

The sun shines on them, what a pair of handsome men and beautiful women.

Chu Kenan put his hands on Zhou Yiran's shoulders, and from time to time put his mouth close to her ear to whisper a few words.

Zhou Yiran raised her hand to hit him.

This flirting face painting is really seductive.

Luoxue probably also knows about Chu Kenan. Chu Kenan is a man with a cleansing obsession. If he doesn't like it, he would rather be single. Although he is in the flowers, he never misses the flowers.

People who don't know him think he is a cold person.

Until Zhou Yiran appeared, everyone thought that Chu Kenan would not be emotional.

Who knows but is emotional.

It can be seen that Chu Kenan has a soft spot for Zhou Yiran.

As long as it is someone who has been in love, you can tell at a glance, is it really in love or just for fun?

Luoxue dared to say that Chu Kenan was serious this time.

In a corner she couldn't see, there was an old black car parked, and there were two men sitting in it, with the same sunglasses and hats.

They were quietly watching Luoxue's every move.

When Chu Kenan came by car, he was alone. Chu Kenan explained: "She is in a hurry, so she asked her driver to pick her up."

"Okay." Luo Xue sat in the co-pilot.

Chu Kenan started the engine and drove away.

The black car at the corner followed immediately.

They could tell that Chu Kenan was not a simple person, so they didn't dare to be too arrogant, for fear of being discovered.

Chu Kenan was not driving too fast, chatting with Luoxue while driving.

One of the men in sunglasses said, "Who is that man?"

"I don't know, but it looks familiar. It can be seen that I have practiced."

"It is estimated that he knows that we are following him. He has been going round and round. He obviously wants to play with us." The man in sunglasses who drove the car said, "Report the situation to the boss and say that our operation today is temporarily cancelled."


The man sitting in the passenger seat immediately took out his mobile phone and dialed a mobile number, "Boss, we have been discovered, and the target person is being protected, so we cannot get close."

After getting permission, the man driving the car immediately turned around and stopped following Chu Kenan.

Seeing that the car had been abandoned, Chu Kenan raised his mouth, turned his head in front of him, and sent Luoxue back to the villa.

After Luoxue arrived home safely, Chu Kenan drove to his home and called Bo Shaolan at the same time, "In the future, when your wife goes out, you must send someone to follow her. Today she is being targeted."

Bo Shaolan tightened his hand holding the phone, his face was heavy, "Who is it?"

"I'll go back and send someone to look it up. These two are very low-key and can't see their faces clearly, but I remember the license plate."

Bo Shaolan immediately wrote down the license plate, "Thanks, brother, I'll treat you to a drink another day."

"En." Chu Ke cut off the phone after finishing speaking.

Bo Shaolan didn't feel like working anymore, so he called Dong Ming to come in.

Dong Ming could hear the strange tone in Bo Shaolan's tone, put down the work at hand, and immediately walked into the CEO's office.

"Boss, what's the matter?"

Bo Shaolan said: "Go and check the whereabouts of the car with this license plate number immediately, and give it to me as quickly as possible."

"Okay." Dong Ming replied.

"Hold on."

"Also, find me two capable female bodyguards."

Dong Ming thought for a while and said, "Mr. Bo, I guess this is a bit difficult."

"No matter what method you use, you must find it for me."

Dong Ming didn't dare to refuse, "Understood." Then he went out to handle errands.

Bo Shaolan's face was serious.

It seemed that that person couldn't wait.

Bo Shaoyang, I'm waiting for you to accept the move, just come.

Bo Shaolan narrowed his eyes secretly, and gently turned the pen with his slender fingers, thoughtfully.

As soon as Luoxue returned to the villa, Mrs. Xu said, "Eldest young mistress, someone called the villa just now, saying that it is your father, who wants to come over to have a reunion with you tonight."


After the shopping mall incident, Luoxue blocked that family.

Luo asked how to find here?
It can be considered that he is amazing.

She said lightly: "I'm tired and want to go to sleep. If he comes, there's no need to greet him specially. If I haven't woken up yet, just let him wait."

Aunt Xu nodded and said, "Understood, young mistress."

Luoxue is intentional.

Unexpectedly, the moment she lay down, she would sleep soundly. If Bao Shaolan hadn't disturbed her, she probably would have slept until tomorrow.

Faintly feeling that someone was kissing her, itchy, she opened her eyes in a daze, and bumped into Bao Shaolan's deep eyes, and put her arms around his neck, "What time is it?"

"It's past seven o'clock, wife, you slept soundly." Bo Shaolan bent down to kiss her.

Luoxue turned her face away, and heard a gurgling sound coming from her stomach.

She is hungry.

When she was about to get up, Bo Shaolan also heard the sound of her stomach, so he let her go.

Luo Xue, who had just woken up, was as dazed as a kitten, nestling in his arms.

I really want to stay in his arms all the time, as long as he is by my side, she will become lazy.

His breath smelled so good that she couldn't help rubbing against his arms.

Luoxue snuggled into his arms, hugged his waist, and both stood in front of the dressing mirror, "Shaolan, from now on we need to wear more couple outfits, to rediscover the feeling of being in love before."

"En." Bo Shaolan responded.

When he was in middle school, he hated wearing school uniforms the most. Uniform school uniforms, regardless of gender, were the same school uniforms. Seeing her wearing the same clothes as other boys made him feel uncomfortable.

Luoxue looked up at him, "But you hate wearing couple clothes the most, and you always call me childish."

"Now I don't hate it anymore." Bo Shaolan said.

As a young man, he was always a bit proud, and always felt that a man had to be mature and stable in order to protect his woman, so he refused to do anything that he thought was childish in the past.

For example, Luoxue often clamors to wear couple outfits with him, but he always refuses.

Now that he is a little older, he thinks that maturity comes from the heart, and as long as she is happy, he can still be naive with her.

"Honey, you're so handsome today, I can't bear you to go out, you always say I'm stupid, but there's one thing I'm not stupid about, that is, I chose you, which means I have a pretty high EQ, haha."

"Well, this is the only one that isn't stupid." Bo Shaolan answered her honestly.

(End of this chapter)

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