Long marriage: thin and super powerful

Chapter 296 I Only Have You In My Heart

Chapter 296 I Only Have You In My Heart
Yao Feili reached out to stop her, "Qingqing, are you in such a hurry to leave? Can uncle eat people?"

Bo Fangqing couldn't help being disgusted, and Yao Feili regarded her as such a frivolous woman, "Uncle, I'm sorry, get out of the way, I have to go back to my room."

"En?" Yao Feili blinked at her, with an inexplicable light emitting from inside, "Have you lost weight recently?"

After hearing this, Bo Fangqing felt inexplicable, did it have anything to do with him whether she was thin or not?

"Uncle, please respect yourself." Bo Fangqing held back his anger.

"I just want to care about you." Yao Feili looked at with a smile, "Have a good rest and have a good dream."

Bo Fangqing wondered if there was a wrong nerve line in him?
She walked away quickly, as if worried that Yao Feili would catch up.

Yao Feili watched Bo Fangqing go upstairs steadily, the longing in his eyes was undisguised.

Bo Fangqing felt his back was like a thorn, and when he looked back, he found that Yao Feili was still looking at her.

He raised his lips and smiled at her, which immediately made Bo Fangqing's skin crawl.

Does she always feel that something is wrong?

Why did Yao Feili look at her with that kind of eyes, as if he wanted to eat her? Could it be that he fell in love with her?
Usually, she behaved well at home and never looked at him more than half an eye.

In short, Bo Fangqing was uneasy.

She walked to her room in a panic. Since she kept her head down thinking about things, she didn't know if she bumped into someone. She was startled, and immediately protected her stomach for fear of any mistakes.

Looking up, it turned out to be Bo Shaoyang.

"Qingqing." Bo Shaoyang's voice sounded so gentle.

Bo Fangqing patted his chest, and said in a coquettish tone: "Brother Shaoyang, people are scary, you can scare people to death, you know?"

"Qingqing, what are you thinking?" Bo Shaoyang said with a smile on his face.

Bo Shaoyang knows what role should be played on any occasion. In front of Mr. Bo, he definitely looks mature and stable. After wandering outside for several years, after years of washing, he has lost his former publicity and knows how to hide his edge better. His breath didn't change, he looked ruffian.

"Brother Shaoyang." Suddenly, Bo Fangqing was afraid of him.

Bo Shaoyang suddenly pushed Bo Fangqing against the wall in a very rude manner, "It seems that your scar has healed and you forgot the pain? Did you call Brother Shaoyang? En?"

How could Bo Fangqing forget?The name Shaoyang brother is Luoxue's patent.

Bo Shaoyang didn't think of her as a woman at all, and Bo Fangqing's head hit the wall with a thump, the pain was so painful that she was about to burst into tears, and she didn't dare to scream for pain.

"To treat people like you, you must be punished to death." Bo Shaoyang grabbed her long hair.

"Let go of me." Bo Fangqing felt like he was about to be dragged up.

Seeing her in so much pain, Bo Shaoyang was happy, and smiled mischievously, "Give me a long memory in the future, what should be done and what should not be done, otherwise..."

Even if he didn't say the following words, Bo Fangqing would be horrified when he heard it.

Bo Fangqing couldn't help being puzzled.

what does he mean?What do's and don'ts?Is he warning her?

Seeing the panic in Bo Fangqing's eyes, Bo Shaoyang suddenly let go, clapped his hands, and walked away.

Bo Fangqing leaned against the wall, gasping for breath, her head was in pain, and she looked at the direction Bo Shaoyang was going away with hatred, full of resentment.

Then she walked back to the room, really wanted to throw something on the table to vent, but finally held back.

This is not her home, she can't do whatever she wants.

It's because of the snow again!

What kind of eyes are they, she is obviously stupid and stupid, yet so many people like her?
Bo Fangqing swears that she will be destroyed in the future.

inside the car.

Bo Shaolan kept his handsome face the whole time, and his anger still persisted. He hugged Luoxue tightly in his arms, his arms kept tense.

Luoxue didn't dare to say anything.

She didn't know how to comfort him.

The driver was even more like an enemy, driving with tense nerves, for fear of offending the boss, and the atmosphere was eerily quiet.

Back at the villa, Bo Shaolan strode in and went straight upstairs, followed by Luoxue.

Luoxue asked Mrs. Xu to make a pot of Qingxin Jianghuo tea, and then served it to the room. Mrs. Xu sensed that the atmosphere was not right, so she didn't dare to ask more.

Luoxue put the tea on the table, poured a cup to cool it down, and Bo Shaolan sat on the sofa, smoking one puff after another, white smoke rings rising up, the two front buttons of the shirt were unbuttoned, the sleeves were lightly rolled up, and the middle finger Holding a cigarette between her and her index finger, her posture is graceful...

Luoxue handed him a cup of tea, but he didn't want it. Luoxue snatched the cigarette dangling from his mouth and threw it in the ashtray.

Bo Shaolan frowned, seemingly dissatisfied.

Luoxue handed him the tea again and let him drink it, her eyes were firm.

Bo Shaolan accepted it obediently, and drank it in one gulp. Luoxue put her arms around his waist and snuggled up to him, "Don't smoke in the future. I heard that babies don't like cigarettes."

Bo Shaolan was taken aback, a strange light shone in his black eyes.

He pursed his thin lips and stretched out his arms to wrap her around her.

"Shaolan, don't be angry. That's your grandfather. Let's let him be more in the future. As he gets older, his temper will become weird. In my heart, you are a very attractive man who knows how to advance and retreat. In the future Let's take a step back, let's have a brighter future, bear with it, and let the sea be calm, okay?" She thought for a while, and then said, "What happened five years ago was just an accident, don't take it to heart, no one expected such a result. "


In her eyes, was it really an accident?
Bo Shaolan's eyes instantly became complicated.

"The world is unpredictable, as long as we have a clear conscience."

Bo Shaolan hugged her tightly, wanting to say, it was just an accident back then, what is the truth?As grandma said, the jury is still out.

Perhaps, the war has officially begun.

Looking back now, there are doubts everywhere in that matter, and he must investigate clearly.

But he didn't want her to participate in it, he only wanted her to be well, and they would never want to do anything to her again.

Bo Shaolan's hand touched the swollen lump on her head, he paused his hand, closed his eyes, took a deep breath, his voice choked up, "little thing, we, we must be good, good."

"Well, we will be fine." Luoxue was affected by his emotions, and nodded vigorously, "We will have children soon, I want to have two boys, two girls, and a family to live happily , When they grow up, those who marry marry, those who marry a wife marry a wife, we will also be old, and the house will be full of children and grandchildren..."

She fantasized about a happy life in the future.

The corners of Bo Shaolan's mouth raised slightly.

He also had a blueprint for a better life in his mind, which he longed for most.

His and her children were born, and grew, and then their children had many more children, and spread out...like the tree in the garden, spread out.

Luo Xue could feel the relaxation of his body, and knew that her words had worked.

She knew that he was under a lot of pressure, mainly from his grandpa. He had been working hard, but he still didn't impress his grandpa.

She understands him.

Luoxue snuggled into Bo Shaolan's arms, clung to him tightly, listening to his strong heartbeat.

Bo Shaolan stroked her smooth back, and after a long time, he said, "Try not to have too much contact with him."

Luoxue looked up, "Is it Brother Shaoyang?"

It turned out that he was jealous again, Luoxue knew, this jealous jar, isn't he afraid of internal injuries?
Luoxue couldn't help laughing, her husband was so cute.

"Don't call him Brother Shaoyang." Bo Shaolan said again, with strong jealousy.

"Well, I won't bark from now on." Luoxue stuck out her tongue mischievously.

Bo Shaolan frowned, "Only be nice to my husband."

"Roger that!"


"I will definitely keep it in my heart."

"He is not as simple as you think." Bo Shaolan had to remind her, "It's very dangerous."

Although Luo Xue heard it strange, she believed his words unconditionally.

Everything he said was right!
"Husband, I only have you in my heart."

Bo Shaolan looked at her four times, staring straight at her, and said meticulously, "This is necessary."

Luoxue said seriously, "Mr. Bo, you too."


Finally, there was some smile in Bao Shaolan's eyes, and the kiss was repeated again, very violent, just like his violent feelings.

"Call my husband, call loudly."

"Husband, husband, I love you, I have loved you for 1 years..." Luoxue called out out of breath.

It was almost dawn before Luoxue could sleep.

Bo Shaolan still didn't feel sleepy, he took her into the bathroom to take a shower, dried her body himself, and fell asleep hugging her.

In fact, I regretted it. In fact, she and Bo Shaoyang didn't do anything in the garden, and she called for help before.

I ate so much dry vinegar again.

It really shouldn't.

He knew that she only had him in her heart, and she didn't know Bo Shaoyang well, so it was normal for her to have a few words with him.

In fact, in the garden, he wanted to teach her a good lesson. After all, he was at home, and Bo Shaoyang was back... He had to deal with it.

Bo Shaolan gently stroked the swelling on the back of her head and applied medicine for her.

Sitting on the edge of the bed, looking at her peaceful sleeping face, in the final analysis, he was still not confident enough, worried that she would be abducted by other men.

"Luoxue, never leave me!" Bo Shaolan lay down and whispered in her ear.

The next day was Sunday. Bo Shaolan, who was always a workaholic, would rest if he could, for fear that Luoxue would be lonely.

They slept until after one o'clock in the afternoon.

Luoxue was indeed tired last night, so she had to catch up on sleep.

They got up and changed their clothes, had a delicious lunch, and then snuggled up in the living room to watch TV, enjoying this rare leisure time.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, Chu Kenan called and said that in order to celebrate the first anniversary of meeting Zhou Yiran, he specially invited his brothers to come and get together.

Bo Shaolan originally thought about the world of two people, but when Chu Kenan spoke up, he didn't dare not listen.

Luo Xue said that on such an important day for them, a gift must be prepared for them.

The first anniversary of our acquaintance, how romantic, I lament that they are romantic, and I even remember the day of acquaintance.

When they came to Jinbihuang, they all came, Lan Han brought Gu Miao, Yao Yang brought Xie Linlin, these two couples, seeing Bo Shaolan held a romantic wedding last time, were moved and planned to hold the wedding on another day.

Not to be outdone, Yin Chengfeng also seriously talked about a girlfriend for fear of being made fun of.

Drinking is a must at a party, but that's a man's forte.

(End of this chapter)

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