Long marriage: thin and super powerful

Chapter 299 What is his intention?

Chapter 299 What is his intention?
"Be careful." The man held her up and saved her from falling.

Luoxue managed to stand still, her face turned pale with fright, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

She apologized repeatedly.

The man looked to be in his 50s, and the young man behind him was somewhat similar to him. He was tall and slender, and looked like he had practiced martial arts.

The same is true for the figure of the old man. As soon as he approaches, he has an aura that cannot be ignored. His eyes are hale and hearty. He must be someone with a history. He looks kind and kind, but his aura seeps out all the time, which makes people awe-inspiring. Respectfully.

The old man was startled when he saw Luoxue, and then he recovered his composure, remaining calm and silent.

"It's okay, it's okay." The old man subconsciously looked at her, "Your forehead is red."

Luoxue touched her forehead, "The skin is relatively stingy, it will be fine after a while."

She politely stepped aside and let them go down first, which was appropriate.

The old gentleman nodded to her and went downstairs.

Luoxue continued to go upstairs.

She had just walked a few steps when the old man stopped suddenly and turned around until he saw Luoxue disappear in front of his eyes.

Those eyes full of vicissitudes suddenly surged.

"What's wrong?" the young man asked.

With a look of melancholy on his face, the old man turned around and continued downstairs.

Under the guidance of the shop assistant, Luoxue came to the office of the boss behind the scenes.

The clerk knocked on the door cautiously, and they went in after getting permission.

Luoxue asked Lin Yan, Lin Yu and Lu Lu to wait outside the door.

The boss is not as serious as he imagined, but smiling, exuding the shrewd temperament of a businessman.

After Luoxue greeted politely, she clarified her reason for coming. As soon as she finished speaking, the boss said regretfully, "Mrs. Bo, Mr. Bo also contacted me in advance, but I found a buyer for that ruby. He didn't want to buy it." Selling, and still looking for other treasures, the old gentleman just left."

"He won't sell it? He still has to look for other treasures, which ones are he looking for?" Luoxue was quite surprised.

How come it has the same purpose as hers?

"This is the privacy of the guests, and it is not convenient for me to disclose it."

"He just left?" Luo Xue asked.

"Yes, I just left. The guest came here to ask about the whereabouts of other treasures." The boss said.

Luoxue immediately remembered the old gentleman she bumped into just now, could it be him?

Luoxue immediately got up and rushed out the door.

Seeing Lin Yan and Lin Yu, they thought that something had happened, so they immediately chased after him.

"Quick, stop them." Luo Xue said hastily.

Lin Yan and Lin Yu were smart people, they knew who Luo Xue was looking for, so they rushed downstairs.

Unfortunately, they were still too late, and the black commercial vehicle had already gone.

When Luoxue came downstairs, Lin Yan and Lin Yu ran back panting, "Young Mistress, we can't catch up, but we wrote down the license plate number."

Lin Yan and Lin Yu have super memory. Because of their professional habits, they have quickly memorized every detail of the target person.

"Eldest young mistress, do you want to call Special Assistant Dong immediately and ask him to check?"

"Not yet." Luo Xue said, "I'll talk to Mr. Bo myself, we'll go to the company now."

So, a group of them drove to Bo's.

Luoxue was very depressed.

Various questions flashed through my mind.

She has arrived as quickly as possible, but it is too late, what is the origin of the old gentleman?Generally speaking, in Haishi, there is no one who does not sell Bo Shaolan's face, but the boss chose the old gentleman. From this, the old gentleman must have a high status.

She had to figure out the origin of that old gentleman.

She believed that Bo Shaolan must have investigated this matter as well.

That's why she went to find Bo Shaolan.

When he came to Bo's, Bo Shaolan was busy, so she waited for him in the office. After Lin Ya brought her a glass of water, she went out to work.

At this time, the door of the office was pushed open, and it was Bo Shaoyang.

He was holding a stack of documents in his hand, and he looked very dignified in a black suit.

It's not as foolish as before, and the hair is also neatly cut.

Surprise flashed in Luoxue's eyes, and Lin Ya followed behind and said, "Manager Bo, Boss is in a meeting."

"En." Bo Shaoyang said he knew.

He walked straight to Luoxue and greeted her, "Xiaoxue."

"Brother Shaoyang." Luo Xue raised a bright smile, "This dress is not like your style."

"Really? Then what about my previous dressing style?" Bo Shaoyang laughed.

Luo Xue tilted her head and thought for a while, "Anyway, it's not like now."

Bo Shaoyang raised his wrist to look at the time, "I guess the big brother will finish the meeting in an hour. Instead of waiting for him here, why don't we find a place to catch up? How about it?"

He sat beside Luoxue, with an evil smile, "In the garden, did it scare you? I wanted to chat with you for a while, but the occasion didn't seem right."

"Okay." Luoxue agreed without hesitation.

Bo Shaoyang wanted to touch her head like before, but Luoxue flinched reflexively and avoided it.

Because Bo Shaolan said that she should keep a distance from Bo Shaoyang and not be too intimate.

Bo Shaoyang paused his hand in the air, smiled awkwardly, and put it down.

Lin Ya looked at them, frowned, and said, "Eldest young mistress, please contact me if you have anything to do, I'll go out and get busy first."

"Okay, thank you."

Then, Bo Shaoyang and Luoxue walked out of the office, went downstairs, and found a tea restaurant.

Bo Shaoyang, who was covered in a suit and leather, was really different from the usual him, which made her not used to it.

In the garden, I saw him dressed in black, looking dangerous and mysterious.

Luoxue took a sip of lemon juice, thought for a long time, and said, "Brother Shaoyang, have you changed your phone number? Why didn't you answer my calls before?"

Bo Shaoyang was startled, "No, I just don't want to pick it up."

"Why don't you want to pick it up? It made me worry about you for so long." Luo Xue said.

"There's a reason why I don't want to answer your call, to let you stay away from all right and wrong, and start a new life abroad." Bo Shaoyang smiled charmingly, "Time is the best medicine, I'm right, you've already Made it through."


"Don't keep saying thank you, it's too old-fashioned, and my business has nothing to do with you. This is the grievance between me and Qiao Ge, and has nothing to do with you, so don't say thank you or sorry to me."

Luo Xue didn't quite understand what he meant.

His grudge with Qiao Ge?
If it wasn't for her, how could Qiao Ge sue him?Let him be ruined?
Bo Shaoyang made her feel a little deep and unpredictable, and always felt that many things were not as simple as they appeared on the surface.

"I still want to ask you, why did you come back to marry Shaolan after going abroad for treatment?" Bo Shaoyang looked at Luoxue sincerely, like a big brother who knew him dearly.

"I haven't finished my fate with him, I came back to continue my relationship with him..." Luoxue half-jokingly said.

"I was surprised to hear that you and elder brother got married. Back then, that incident was a big deal. After all, he was the one who betrayed you first." Bo Shaoyang said casually.

Luoxue smiled and replied: "Brother Shaoyang, this is my fate with him."

Love is always unreasonable, isn't it?

Bo Shaolan finished the meeting and returned to the office.

Lin Ya immediately came in to report on her work, "Mr. Bo, I have printed out the contract agreement of Linhai Group and here it is for you."

"Well, let the manager of the PR department come over, I have something to discuss with her." Bo Shaolan ordered.

Dong Ming also came in and reported the progress of other projects to him. Bo Shaolan was never free for a moment.

Bo Shaolan quickly browsed the contract agreement of Lin Hai Group, "Well, not bad, find a time to invite Mr. Lin to sign this contract."

"Understood, Mr. Bo, and the contract agreement of Shengyan Group. I have also printed it out. I have been calling over there to remind you. Please have a look."

"En." After taking a sip of water, Bo Shaolan continued to review the second contract agreement. In fact, he was already very tired, but facing the mountain of work, he still worked hard to deal with it, not daring to worry about it. Not a little sloppy.

"Mr. Bo?" Lin Ya held the approved contract in her hand, hesitating whether to speak or not.

Seeing her hesitating appearance, Bo Shaolan became a little impatient, "Say."

"The eldest young mistress came here just now."

As soon as Bo Shaolan knew that Luoxue was looking for him, Bo Shaolan immediately recovered and asked, "Where is she now?"

"Originally, the young mistress was waiting for you here, but when Manager Bo came, they went downstairs." Lin Ya said cautiously.

After Dong Ming heard this, he didn't dare to take a breath, and looked at Lin Ya sympathetically, wondering which nerves of Lin Ya's nerves were twitching?How can such a big matter be straightforward.

Sure enough, Bo Shaolan immediately became terribly gloomy, "Manager Bo?"

"Well, manager Bo of the design department, Bo Shaoyang, the manager personally appointed by Chairman Bo." Lin Ya replied.

Since he was the manager personally hand-picked by Chairman Bo, it caused a sensation in the company.

Bo Shaolan frowned, and there was already great anger in his eyes.

"I'll be out for a while, call me if I have something to do." Bo Shaolan stood up vigorously, put on his suit jacket, and strode away.

Just as Lin Ya was about to leave, Dong Ming stopped her, "Secretary Lin, you made a very serious mistake just now. In the eyes of Boss, the matter of the eldest and young mistress is the most important thing."

Then he walked out without looking back.

Lin Ya's expression was ignorant, she also focused on work, and those two contracts were very urgent and had to be dealt with immediately.

"Hey, Special Assistant Dong, stop." Lin Ya chased after him.

Dong Ming paused.

Lin Ya came to him and asked suspiciously: "I put work first, what's wrong?"

Dong Ming shook his head, "Sure enough, I have never been in a relationship. I have worked with Mr. Bo for so long, and I still don't know Mr. Bo. In his eyes, nothing is more important than the matter of the eldest and youngest mistress, let alone the eldest and youngest mistress. Another man went out, what if something happens?"

"Something happened?"

"Yes, this Manager Bo, you will know what he is in the future. He is the person Boss hates the most. Look, he went to find them without saying a word. Be careful next time." Dong Ming said earnestly. .

Lin Ya didn't dare to say anything.

Inside the tea restaurant.

Bo Shaolan rushed into the elevator as fast as he could. As soon as the elevator stopped, he stepped out.

When the front desk staff saw Bo Shaolan running out quickly, they thought something had happened.

Bo Shaolan's heart was filled with great anger. He had warned her not to have any contact with Bo Shaoyang.

Why is she disobedient again?
And what is Bo Shaoyang's intention?
(End of this chapter)

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