Chapter 301 They are socializing together

Didn't I say that?If the eldest young mistress is here, she must be smarter...

Dong Ming was about to run away.

"Come in." Bo Shaolan said with a straight face.

Dong Ming had no choice but to bite the bullet and walk in, my God, what a tragedy, what is the punishment this time?
"Mr. Bo, I will pay attention next time. As long as the young mistress is here, I will definitely knock on the door. This problem must be corrected. Don't fire me. I am not married and have children. I need to save more money and marry a beautiful woman." Jiao Niang, you know, the current housing prices are high..."

He is not married and has children?
Bo Shaolan narrowed his eyes secretly, with a dangerous gleam in his eyes, "Fortunately, I'm just..., if..."

The meaning is self-evident.

"Mr. Bo, your body is so strong, how is it possible?" Dong Ming might have been frightened, his mind was confused, and he began to speak indiscriminately.

"You want to die, don't you?" Sure enough, Bo Shaolan was about to explode, "Get out immediately and buy a coat for the young mistress."

Dong Ming immediately came back to his senses and realized that he had said something wrong.

Before Bo Shaolan could speak again, he slipped away immediately.

I'm afraid there will be any variables later?
When Bo Shaolan waited until the door was closed, seeing Luoxue curled up, he picked up the remote control and adjusted it to the most comfortable temperature.

He looked at the time, there was still some time before his meeting, sleeping on this sofa must be uncomfortable, he thought for a while, bent down to pick her up, walked into the lounge, the movement was very light, and then Go out again gently.

Luoxue finally got enough sleep, stretched her waist, looked around, and realized that she was not sleeping on the sofa.

I couldn't help sitting up, patted my head, and thought, could it be that I was sleepwalking just now?
And dreamed that Bo Shaolan kissed her?
How is that possible?He's still mad at her.

Luoxue got out of bed to look for her shoes, but found none, so she walked out of the lounge, only to find her shoes.

At this time, Lin Ya opened the door and came in. Seeing Luo Xue, she asked, "Young Mistress, are you awake?"

"En." Luoxue said embarrassedly.

From the place where my husband works, she sleeps, but he is busy around.

Lin Ya put the documents in her hands on the desk, "Eldest young mistress, are you thirsty?"

"I'm not thirsty, thank you." Luo Xue asked, "Is the meeting over yet?"

"Eldest young mistress, not yet." Lin Ya replied.


Luoxue couldn't help sighing, he looked very good as the president on the surface, but in fact only he could understand the bitterness behind it, everything he did was to give her a comfortable and stable life.

In the morning, he was so busy with work that he still had to worry about her.

She felt sorry for him silently in her heart.

Although she didn't understand the nature of his work, it was conceivable that he must have racked his brains for the development of the company.

Lin Ya went out and came in again, holding a bag in her hand, "Eldest young mistress, this is your coat, Mrs. Bo bought it for you, it's cold, please pay attention to your body, oh, yes, he also said, at night He has another entertainment, let you go with him."

entertainment?go with him?


"07:30 p.m."

"It's almost six o'clock now."

"President Bo's meeting ends at seven o'clock, so don't be in a hurry." Lin Ya said, "The clothes needed for the dinner are also in the bag. Let me know if you still need anything."

Luoxue thought for a while, "Is there a cosmetic box?"

She can't have dinner with Bo Shaolan without makeup, can she?That's so rude.

"Okay, got it." Lin Ya went out.

"Thank you."

Luoxue was quite nervous, it's not that she had not attended the banquet with Bo Shaolan, now he is angry, so he has to be more cautious.

She took out the clothes in the bag to see, it was the style she liked.

Light yellow, pink and pink color, the fabric is high-quality when you touch it, simple yet fashionable, and the size is just right, which fits her temperament very well.

In fact, Dong Ming asked Lin Ya to help him buy it.

Lin Ya also asked Bo Shaolan specifically, so this is the skirt that Bo Shaolan chose.

Bo Shaolan is a person who is cold on the outside and hot on the inside. He has always been reluctant to be angry for too long when he treats the person he likes.

Because he is more uncomfortable than her.

Luo Xue smiled knowingly, knowing that the person she likes must be him.

Isn't this man angry with her?Huh?Calm down?She knew that he couldn't bear to be angry with her for too long.

The longest period of time when he was angry with her was the eight months when they had just received their marriage certificate, and it gradually recovered after that.

He is so good to himself, what is she going to do for him?
After thinking about it, he picked up his phone and called Mrs. Xu.

The meeting, which was supposed to end in an hour, was brought forward by half an hour.

Bo Shaolan pushed the door open and came in.

Luo Xue immediately went up to meet him, threw herself into his arms, and put her arms around his neck, "Honey, the dress is so beautiful."

Bo Shaolan froze.

Luo Xue also froze, only to see the executives behind him, she was so ashamed that she wanted to dig a hole to hide, oh my god, she made a fool of herself again.

It was Bo Shaolan who reacted quickly, "Have you been waiting for a long time?"

"No, no." Luoxue quickly stood up straight, her head lowered almost to the ground.

"You guys summarize the content of the meeting just now." Bo Shaolan said to those executives.

Those executives were very embarrassed, they walked in without taking their eyes off, sat on the sofa, and said hello to Luoxue solemnly.

Luo Xue responded to them one by one.

Luoxue wanted to sneak into the rest room, but Bo Shaolan dragged her to sit on the sofa, face to face with the executives.

Only then did the executives see Luo Xue wearing a new dress, it was so beautiful.

Luo Xue also noticed their gazes, lowered her head, and twisted twists with both hands.

The executives began to wrap up one by one.

They also understood the meaning very well, kept a long story short, made a satisfactory summary in a while, and then left eagerly.

As soon as they left, Luoxue let out a long sigh of relief, "I was scared to death."

Seeing this, Bo Shaolan raised his eyebrows and said, "It seems that you still have to get used to it."

"I'm worried about losing your face."

"They are jealous and envious."


"Since you know that your husband is a bad guy, then you should be smart." Bo Shaolan said meaningfully.


Bo Shaolan looked her up and down, and boasted: "Well, the dress I picked is still pretty."

"This is a disguised boast of your own vision."

"This is a fact."

"So you just want to compliment the skirt?" Luo Xue pursed her mouth.

"Let's go." Bo Shaolan led her out, Dong Ming was already waiting outside, "Mr. Bo, the driver is downstairs."


Bo Shaolan was still holding her hand, Luoxue wanted to struggle away, "It's better not to be too affectionate in public."

"In public, you should show your affection even more."

"Can I do this?" Luoxue didn't feel right. Although she put on light makeup, her hair was left untouched.

"Okay." Bo Shaolan said.

Bo Shaolan sat in the back seat, closed his eyes and rested his mind.

Sitting next to him, Luo Xue was bored, she slept all afternoon, and she was in good spirits.

She knew that he must be very tired after an afternoon meeting, so she took his hand and kneaded it for him to relax his nerves.

Bo Shaolan didn't refuse, and let her to toss, her little hands pressed on his acupuncture points, so comfortable.

His eyebrows slowly stretched.

Luoxue's massage technique was good, which greatly relaxed his body and mind, and Bo Shaolan almost fell asleep.

"Honey, I had a dream this afternoon." Luoxue said tentatively, "I don't know if it's sleepwalking? I went to sleep in the rest room, and dreamed again..."

She wanted to say that she dreamed that he kissed her.

She looked at him carefully, her voice was sweet and sweet, with the charm of a little woman.

Normally she wouldn't be so careful, but today she messed with him, so be careful.

Bo Shaolan snorted through his nose, "Honey, only your husband can treat you so well in this world."

"Uh..." Luoxue frowned, thinking about his words.

Could it be that she is not sleepwalking, but real.

He kissed her and carried her into the rest room.

Huh?He is not angry anymore?
Bo Shaolan slowly opened his eyes, looked at her for a while, then suddenly pulled her into his arms, sniffing the fragrance from her body, his tiredness disappeared without a trace in an instant.

Luoxue lay in his arms, listening to his strong heartbeat, said softly: "You worked hard today."

"It's not hard, because of you." Bo Shaolan put his arms around her and said softly, "Don't move."

His voice is gentle and tender.

Luoxue put her arms around his waist, and blinked her eyes moved. She was so happy because of his words.

She stopped talking and asked him to continue to close his eyes and rest.

At seven o'clock, they arrived in front of an eight-star luxury hotel, where the parking boy was already waiting.

Luoxue moved Bo Shaolan lightly, calling out, "Husband, we're here."

When Bo Shaolan opened his eyes, he could still see bloodshot eyes.

Bo Shaolan straightened his tie, got out of the car first, then went around the car, and opened the door for Luo Xue himself, without the help of the parking boy.

When Luoxue saw Bo Shaolan again, the tiredness on his face had long since disappeared. On the contrary, he was extremely handsome and radiant.

Luo Xue thought she was dazzled, how could he change so quickly?
She felt sorry for him even more.

Has he spent all these years like this?

Bo Shaolan stretched out his hand and looked at her affectionately, "Mrs. Bo, please get out of the car."

Very gentleman.

Luo Xue smiled sweetly at him, got out of the car, took him by the arm, and walked in slowly under the gaze of everyone.

The host of this banquet is Lin Hai, Bo Shaolan's partner.

Lin Hai Group is a new company with strong stamina. At first, no one was optimistic about it, thinking that this new company would go bankrupt. Unexpectedly, in the past few months, it has developed extremely fast, with investments in various fields, and has great ideas, so Bo Shaolan Only then did he intend to cooperate with Lin Hai Group.

This time the signing was successful, Lin Hai was overjoyed and immediately held a celebration party.

Bo Shaolan never liked to participate in these entertainments, so he originally wanted to send a right-hand assistant to show it.

But he has his own ideas, now that Bo Shaoyang is back, and with the support of his grandfather, he listened to Chu Kenan's advice, and he must have a good relationship with others, so that Bo Shaoyang will have nothing to hide.

Lin Hai Group is currently the most promising company, and it may be useful to win over relationships in the future.

Chu Kenan has rich experience in business and understands people's hearts well, so he must know how to prevent problems from happening.

Success has always been for those who are prepared.

The people who came to the banquet were all powerful and influential people, they were talking and laughing, pushing and changing cups, it was very lively.

Bo Shaolan and Luoxue came over without dinner. He knew that Luoxue didn't like these occasions, so he asked her to find something to eat by herself.

Luo Xue looked around.

(End of this chapter)

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