Long marriage: thin and super powerful

Chapter 306 Your Future Is Definitely Bright 1 piece

Chapter 306 Your Future Is Definitely Bright

He became more and more indifferent to this sister who had a different heart to him, "Don't drink tonight."

He doesn't care about her.

It was troublesome, for fear that she would take the opportunity to make trouble.

Bo Fangqing thought that he cared about her, and smiled happily, "Thank you, brother."

Bo Shaolan stopped visiting her, and went into the restaurant with Dong Ming first.

Haishi Hotel was the place where he held his wedding before, and the waiter recognized them at a glance and greeted them immediately.

This hotel has a profound cultural background and a strong atmosphere of the times. Many people come here for fame. Those who can come here are either expensive or rich, and the consumption is very high.

The waiters are in uniform dresses, making people feel like they have entered that past era.

The welcoming lady led them to a luxurious box, then turned to one side, and said softly, "Mr. Bo, please come inside."

Then walk away.

Mr. Bo was about to go in, but stopped in his tracks. Dong Ming felt a little strange.

Bo Fangqing also followed suit, looked at Bo Shaolan, and couldn't help becoming obsessed, it's so beautiful.

If only she could stand upright by his side.

Over the years, many men showed love to her, but she refused to accept any of them, and only loved Bo Shaolan.

In her dreams, she wanted to marry Bo Shaolan and have children, and live happily with him.

At this moment, she looked at Bo Shaolan, and began to fantasize about their bright future...

He looked at her affectionately, his black eyes were like a vast sea, boundless, and he was walking towards her step by step.

Her heartbeat couldn't help speeding up, and she slowly raised her head to meet his gaze.

She felt that the whole world was eclipsed by them.

Bo Shaolan raised his hand, gently stroked the hair that fell on her cheeks, and said affectionately and softly: "Qingqing, in fact, the person I like is you."

Bo Fangqing slowly stood on tiptoe, "Shaolan, I love you."

She finally didn't have to call him big brother anymore.

She hated the name so much.

"Qingqing, I love you too." Bo Shaolan slowly bent down to kiss her.

She wore a red dress today, just to completely change his view of herself, and stop imitating Luo Xue's dressing habits.

I want to bloom for him once and for all.

Many people say that she looks good in red, and she also likes brightly colored skirts.

I think Bo Shaolan will definitely be fascinated by her.

Bo Shaolan said he loved her, how long had she been waiting for his words.

She wrapped her hands around Bo Shaolan's neck and kissed him passionately, "Brother."

Dong Ming looked at Bo Fangqing in amazement, why did he suddenly look like a nympho and drooling?

Could it be crazy?
Bo Shaolan's expression was cold, and he could already see what she was thinking.

Dong Ming stretched out his hand and shook it in front of her, "Miss Bo, are you okay?"

Bo Fangqing was still intoxicated in his fantasy.

Dong Ming could only push her.

Bo Fangqing suddenly woke up.

It turned out that the one in front of her was not Bo Shaolan, but Dong Ming.

It turned out that it was her fantasy again, not real.

Bo Shaolan had already pushed the door and entered, his back was determined.

She clenched her fists tightly, her nails digging into her flesh, Bo Shaolan didn't love her.

It has always been her wishful thinking.

Bo Fangqing lowered her eyes, raised her hand, and wiped the saliva from the corner of her mouth, her heart was cut like a knife, making her unable to breathe.

Dong Ming was extremely puzzled. Why did Bo Fangqing look at Mr. Bo drooling for no reason?

"Miss Bo, what's wrong with you? Would you like me to have someone take you to the hospital to see if you get treated soon."

Isn't this turning a corner and calling her sick?

Dong Ming said this on purpose, and wanted to remind Bo Fangqing that he had seen clearly her care for Boss a long time ago.

Just now, Bo Shaolan suddenly stopped in his tracks, maybe he was implying that he should get rid of this woman.

"It's fine, I'm fine." Bo Fangqing gritted his teeth and replied, "Go in."

"Really? You were drooling just now." Dong Ming said that on purpose.

"Oh, I may have been working on the plan for several nights, and my body is weak, but I am one of the heads of the sales department this time, and I can't live up to Manager Liang's expectations of me."

"Oh." Dong Ming was a little displeased.

Bo Fangqing has already strode in, how could she not understand Dong Ming's order to drive away?
As soon as they entered, the partner immediately greeted them enthusiastically. This is the way of entertainment, drinking, polite, hypocritical, just for that contract.

Bo Shaolan never indulged in it, he never cared about the flattery that those people said, all he wanted was profit.

The Bo family, the young master of the Bo family, has always been the only ones to curry favor with him.

Bo Fangqing followed behind him, shaking the bag on his hand, as if on a battlefield...

Evening, Bo's house.

The moon hangs high in the sky, the villa is quiet, and the smell of tuberose permeates the air, adding a bit of mystery to the night.

In the garden, the evening wind gusts, the man in sunglasses is hidden in the darkness, his eyes are black and bright.

Mrs. Bo was going to read Buddhist scriptures every hour, and Luoxue was bored, so she took her mobile phone to check the news, or TV dramas, watched TV, and asked her husband what he was doing on WeChat.
No matter how busy Bo Shaolan was, he would report his whereabouts to her and make videos for her to watch.

Luo Xue saw the wine bottle on the wine table, and told him to pay attention to the amount of drinking, not to drink too much.

Luoxue was bored in the living room, so she put on a coat and went to the garden. She liked the scent of evening primrose.

Evening primrose, the fragrance of flowers floats, attracting Luoxue to walk over.

Luoxue was standing under a tree, which was planted by her and Bo Shaolan.

They were in the second year of high school at the time, and she saw a plot in a novel, saying that if she wanted to make love last forever, she should plant a tree of love.

Suddenly, she had a whim and decided to plant a small tree as well, in order to make her and Bo Shaolan's love last forever.

After listening to her suggestion, Bo Shaolan felt that it was something a fool would do.

But she must plant it, and she must plant it in a safe place, taking care of the young saplings to grow vigorously.

Although Bo Shaolan felt that her thoughts were naive, he still listened to her.

He drove her to look for saplings. At the flower and grass market, they picked a small sapling and said that it should not be too big. Only by watching the sapling grow taller and taller day by day can they achieve success. feel.

When Yin Chengfeng knew about their idea of ​​planting a tree of love, he laughed so hard that they were too naive.

But Lan Han thought it was a good idea, "Shaolan, your girlfriend is really in love, and only she can think of the idea of ​​planting a tree of love. Girls nowadays, who doesn't see a handsome guy, or If you have money, you will immediately change your mind."

Luoxue was embarrassed by the compliment.

Bo Shaolan hugged Luoxue, "Well, I also think it's good, I decided to plant it in my home, and let our children and grandchildren see our love tree, and then pass down our love story."

Luo Xue blushed even more. She was still a student at the time, so how could she have thought about her children and grandchildren?

The crowd laughed even more. They were young and energetic at that time, and had countless girlfriends. If they were upset, they would abandon them. It's not like Bao Shaolan and Luo Xue have been bored for so long.

Bo Shaolan immediately took Luoxue back to his home, intending to plant this tree of love.

He found a place with the most sunshine, dug a hole, fertilized it, and ordered his servants to water it every day.

Under his careful care, the saplings grew very fast, and now they are very tall, with branches and leaves, and the leaves are lush.

The servants took good care of this tree, more carefully than other precious flowers and plants, because Young Master Bo ordered it.

Most of the time, he took care of the tree by himself.

Every time Luoxue sees this tree, she will think of these happy past events.

Although Bo Shaolan laughed at her childishly every time, he still obediently followed her words.

He is a typical duplicity.

It's autumn, and the wind is a bit strong, but Luoxue feels very comfortable.

The scent of tuberose keeps getting into the nose.

She couldn't help stretching out her arms, making an intoxicated expression.

The man in sunglasses approached her slowly. He was entrusted by the boss to keep an eye on her and strike at the right time.

Usually, Luoxue would bring two female bodyguards with her wherever she went, so he sneaked into the thin mansion without the female bodyguards by his side, this was his best chance to strike.

Otherwise, he would not be able to complete the task, and the money would be wasted.

He reached into his trouser pocket and took out a black mask to cover his facial features. If they checked the surveillance at that time, they wouldn't see his face.

He had already prepared the stick, which was the most convenient and quickest method.

When he was about to approach Luoxue, suddenly, a man walked towards him, dressed in casual home clothes, with a flamboyant demeanor.

The man in sunglasses hid instantly, afraid of being discovered.

Bo Shaoyang seemed to have seen the man in sunglasses.

After he glanced at it, he looked away again.

Luoxue was still intoxicated by the fragrance of flowers.

Bo Shaoyang came in front of her, saw her eyes closed, couldn't help feeling funny, patted her on the shoulder, and said, "It's really fun."

There was a sense of playfulness in his tone, and there was doting in his eyes.

Luo Xue was taken aback, she was too involved just now, she didn't even know someone was coming.

She immediately took a step back and kept a distance from him. After all, she had been warned too much by Bo Shaolan, and she had a conditioned reflex.

And this is Bo's house, Mr. Bo is inside, so we need to avoid suspicion.

Because she was too flustered, she was unstable, and she was about to fall.

With quick eyes and quick hands, Bo Shaoyang grabbed her and put her into his arms.

Luo Xue was so frightened that she pushed again, keeping a large gap with him, her posture was so weird.

"Brother Shaoyang, I'm fine, you can let go." Luo Xue said.

"Be careful." Bo Shaoyang frowned, helping her to stand still, the concern in his eyes continued unabated, gentle and steady.

Luoxue felt very embarrassed, "Brother Shaoyang, why did you come out?"

Bo Shaoyang raised the corner of his mouth, "It's too stuffy inside."

Luoxue deeply felt the same way. Because there were old people in the Bo family, the two old people had a rest. Basically, the whole villa was quiet.

"I saw you on the terrace just now, so I came down." Bo Shaoyang said.

"Oh." Luo Xue felt extremely embarrassed when she thought of her stupid appearance.

Bo Shaoyang reached out and touched Luoxue's head, "You haven't changed at all, you're still the same as before."

Luoxue smiled embarrassedly.

Wouldn't it be better for people to live a simpler life?

Bo Shaoyang took his hand back and followed what she did just now, "Well, I should embrace the future like you."

Luo Xue smiled, "Your future must be bright."

"Hehe." Bo Shaoyang gave her a meaningful look.

(End of this chapter)

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