Long marriage: thin and super powerful

Chapter 316 She Was Suddenly Disgusted

Chapter 316 She Was Suddenly Disgusted
How ironic that would be.

The more she thought about it, the more irritable she became, like a bomb that exploded at one point, she decided to find someone to vomit her bitterness to, she picked up her phone and went to find Zhou Xiaochen.

Zhou Xiaochun is the person she trusts the most at present.

Luo Xue typed word by word: Why do men cheat?What are their reasons?
When Bo Shaolan went downstairs to pour milk, he ran into that disgusting person again.

I guess she waited for him at the right time, right?Bo Shaolan thought.

Escape is not his style, in his eyes, Bo Fangqing is not worthy.

He went straight to the refrigerator, took out the milk, poured it into a glass, and put it in the microwave.

In the process of waiting, he also did not squint.

During the whole process, Bo Fangqing stared at him intently...

"Brother..." she whispered tenderly.

Bo Shaolan completely regarded her as air, and when the microwave dinged, he took out warm milk and went upstairs directly.

Bo Fangqing stared at his back unwillingly until he disappeared from sight.

Does he hate her so much?

Don't you even want to look at her?Then how will they live in the future?

Bo Fangqing tightly squeezed the water glass in his hand, his heart was as cold as water.

He's always been like this before, and she still can't get used to it.

She loves him so much, loves him to the bone, all she gets is ignoring him.

"Don't look, he won't look back." Bo Shaoyang suddenly walked over from the living room, and said jokingly, "After all the bad guys have done it, you have to be ruthless and do it to the end, you are not a kind person! "

He held a cigarette between his middle finger and ring finger, looking chic and reckless.

Bo Fangqing immediately disguised herself, and smiled coldly, "Second brother, don't make fun of me here! Are you not much better?"

Then, Bo Fangqing poured a glass of warm water and was about to go upstairs.

"It's your blessing to get my golden sentence, love, you love it so hard, you've loved it for so long, and now you're willing to do it."

"Second brother, you are talking about yourself." The corners of Bo Fangqing's mouth were full of mockery, "Second brother, I just realized that you are also an infatuated kind. Go, even the girl I like."

Bo Shaoyang's eyes froze, and he smiled wickedly, "It seems that you are tired of work."

"Second brother, you are smart, and others are not stupid."

"You can ask for more blessings. In this family, it's far from being as simple as you think."

After hearing what he said, Bo Fangqing paused, and then continued to walk towards the stairs.

Bo Shaoyang's eyes gradually deepened, he took a puff of cigarette slowly, thinking, if she really dares to hurt Luoxue, he will kill her...

After Luoxue drank the milk, she went to bed without saying a word, without any previous interest.

Bo Shaolan didn't feel sleepy anymore, he kept looking for topics to make her happy, but Luo Xue's interest was always low, so he gave up and let her sleep.

He felt that it had nothing to do with that matter, and Bo Fangqing definitely didn't have the guts to tell Luo Xue.

"Honey, you've been tired all day, you should have a good night's rest." Luoxue didn't want him to find out what was on her mind.

"Well, my wife, good night." Bo Shaolan felt that he was overthinking.

Women, there are always days when you are depressed.

He hugged Luoxue and fell asleep.

Luoxue closed her eyes, hiding all her thoughts.

She couldn't express her suffering, so she could only swallow it in her stomach.

It's obvious that her husband is cheating, but she still pretends not to know and continue to live with him.

This may be what others call pretending to be confused.

She can't imagine what will happen in the future, will she be like her mother?

But sooner or later, this kind of thing will be unstoppable, and she will be forced to abdicate, and she will still abdicate.

Because, she will never be able to defeat Qiao Ge.

In the past, she always blamed her mother for being too soft-hearted. At that time, she still thought that if her husband dared to be unfaithful to her, she would make a quick decision, walk away, break all the relationship, and live a good life by herself.

But when it was really my turn, I realized the helplessness and sadness.

What happens to others is a story, what happens to you is an accident.

The next morning.

Bo Shaolan asked for leave for the first time, saying that he would spend time with her at home. Luoxue suffered from insomnia last night, so she slept until almost noon before getting up.

Luo Xue was about to turn over, but was hugged tightly by Bo Shaolan, as if she was afraid that she would run away.

She looked up at him, feeling sad.

She loves him, really loves him!

It's been 13 years.

Their youth and growth... were full of good memories. She regarded him as an indispensable part of her life. If she had to leave her again, she would really be reluctant.

He obviously loved her, so why did he want to get entangled with other women?

This is the second time he has hurt her. He originally thought that they would still be together by fate, and he would cherish this hard-won relationship.

But he betrayed her again, how would she manage their marriage in the future?
If she had to pretend to be confused, she really couldn't do it.

"Is it better today?" Bo Shaolan felt her body tense, and knew she had woken up.

She hugged him tightly, and said in her ear: "If you feel uncomfortable, tell me, and I will take you to see a doctor."

Luoxue's eyes were wet.

In his embrace, she couldn't move. He used to be her warm haven, but now?
She watched him transform from a young boy into a mature man.

She doesn't want to leave him.

Luoxue immediately lowered her head, not wanting him to see her tears. She waited until she had suppressed her tears, then raised her head and met his eyes. In his eyes, she could still feel the burning love.

He obviously loves her.

Eyes are the most deceiving.

And his body doesn't lie.

How could it be derailed?
That's not to blame the woman for the man's derailment.

Who else wants to get married?
But when a woman loves a man deeply, these are undoubtedly their life-saving grass, and they want to use these methods to tie the man by their side.

Luoxue stared at Bo Shaolan's eyes, observing the changes in his expression.

For him, she is willing to change and accommodate him.

One is because of a guilty conscience, and the other is because he wants to change himself, and he is not as free as usual.

Therefore, Luoxue felt a little changed.

Luoxue kissed him deeply, wanting to put her whole body into it, and wipe away all negative thoughts in her mind.

But the more she wanted to change herself, the more she couldn't get rid of Bo Shaolan's scene with other women.

She is a woman with single-minded feelings, and Bo Shaolan is her first man and will also be her last man.

She gave him all the best things.

Because in her heart, he is her most important person.

But what about him?But he betrayed her again and again.

Luoxue has an obsession with emotional cleanliness, and she is a person who can't put a little sand in her eyes when dealing with feelings. She can't imagine how Bo Shaolan can be so philandering?
Before, he was perfect and holy in her heart.

But now, she suddenly felt disgusted.

Once some feelings change, they are no longer sweet, but disgusting.

She couldn't care less.

Because she is too demanding of feelings.

She suddenly stopped moving, like a doll that had lost its vitality.

Bo Shaolan frowned, wondering what happened to her?Why is it suddenly cold?

He thought she was unwell and had no interest.

Bo Shaolan propped up his arms, very annoyed, he looked at her, only to see that her whole body was tense, as if she was guarding against something.

"What's the matter? What's the matter?" Bo Shaolan asked worriedly.

"It's okay." Luoxue shook her head, but the problem was actually quite serious.

(End of this chapter)

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