Chapter 322 They Fight
Qin Jingfeng always smiles in front of people, looks very cultivated, and has two different personalities from Bo Shaolan.

Lulu obeyed Luoxue's order and brought Qin Jingfeng to the gazebo in the garden.

There are pastries, fruits, and tea on the table. She looks very casual. She is wearing a casual skirt and looks youthful and lively.

Standing beside her were two female bodyguards.

Qin Jingfeng couldn't help but wonder.

Is Bo Shaolan going to lock her up?
Luoxue looked at him with a smile, and poured him a cup of tea, and the fragrance of the tea immediately overflowed, "Jing Feng, are you here?"

Qin Jingfeng sized her up, "Your complexion is not very good."

"It's okay, maybe it's because I haven't slept well these few days." Luoxue obviously put on makeup, but he could still see it, so he couldn't help laughing, "Jing Feng, I'm almost ashamed in front of you, nothing can escape you Venus Fire Eye."

Qin Jingfeng sat across from her, picked up the tea and drank it in one gulp.

"I'm fine, you came here in such a hurry, you scared me all the way." Luo Xue was also looking at him, "Hey, why are you so thin?"

Qin Jingfeng immediately raised the brightest smile, "No, maybe I didn't sleep well like you, so I suffered from insomnia."

He also didn't want her to worry.

"Lulu, bring over the box of ginseng tea we mentioned last time."

Lu Lu has been secretly looking at Qin Jingfeng, "Okay, young lady."

When she turned around, Luoxue found that Lulu's ears were very red, so she couldn't help laughing.

Qin Jingfeng noticed the hostility of the two female bodyguards, and completely regarded him as a terrible target.

There was a female bodyguard with a mobile phone in her hand, as if she was taking pictures of something, but he didn't care.

"Jing Feng, I haven't seen you for a long time, and you didn't come when I got married." Luo Xue said, although she was on the stage, she still noticed it.

Qin Jingfeng said, "I was going on a business trip at that time, so I was not free."

In fact, he is avoiding.

"Well, I understand."

Luo Xue was looking for something to say when she had nothing to say, she just wanted to change the subject and not talk about her personal affairs.

But the purpose of Qin Jingfeng coming here is to know her situation.

"Did you and Bo Shaolan quarrel?" Qin Jingfeng asked tentatively.

Luoxue smiled and said, "No, you know, I'm a full-time wife now, and I have a lot of boring time, so I like to watch some chicken soup for the soul, and I think it makes sense, so I forwarded it, who knew that it made you worry, I really It's okay, don't worry."

Qin Jingfeng frowned, "I don't believe it."

"I'm really fine, if something happened, would I be so calm?" Luo Xue said with a smile.

"true or false?"

"It's true, I won't send those messages indiscriminately in the future, I may have to work after a while, if my work enters the top three, I will become a photographer for Zero Point magazine, and I will be busy with work. It won't be so boring anymore." Luo Xue tried to speak as lightly as possible.

"It's fine to find a job. In fact, you are full of talents and you have learned so much professional knowledge. You should use it. Otherwise, you have spent four years studying abroad for nothing." Qin Jingfeng said.

They talked about dreams together, and also talked about interesting things about living abroad. Qin Jingfeng had been observing her secretly, and found that she seemed to be fine, and the big stone in his heart was finally let go.

Although Luoxue said that he was fine, he still didn't quite believe it. Luoxue's character has always been to report good news but not bad news.

Qin Jingfeng expressed the doubts in his heart, "Xiaoxue, don't lie to me. If it's okay, why would he send bodyguards to watch you?"

Luoxue laughed again, "Last time when I was followed again, Shaolan asked them to protect me. I wasn't used to it at first, but it was Shaolan's wish. I couldn't refuse him, just in case , In fact, it's good if they are here, and it's more lively, otherwise I will still be scared if I live alone in such a big villa."

"Is that right?"

Luoxue picked one or two things to tell Qin Jingfeng, how Ye Qingyu and Luo Han slandered her in the mall, Qin Jingfeng knew Ye Qingyu's character, and immediately believed it.

Lin Yan immediately notified Bo Shaolan of Qin Jingfeng's visit.

When Bo Shaolan found out, he was even more anxious, wishing he could grow two pairs of wings and fly back to the villa.

Unexpectedly, Qin Yaojin came out halfway, huh?why did he come here?Could it be that Luoxue invited him over?
Wouldn't Luoxue want to discuss going abroad with Qin Jingfeng, right?
Sure enough, the most trusted person in Luoxue's heart was Qin Jingfeng, who would rather talk to an outsider than talk to him.

Suddenly, he became angry.

A strong smell of vinegar came up, Bo Shaolan actually liked to pretend, and seemed to ignore no one, but in fact, he longed for someone to understand him and for someone to accompany him.

In junior high school and high school, Luoxue pestered him all day long, annoyed him with various things, on the surface he was very impatient and arrogant, but in his heart he liked it very much.

Sometimes Luo Xue ignored him, and he still felt unaccustomed, as if something was missing.

The fire of jealousy burned fiercely in his heart.

As long as there is a car in front of him blocking him, he will want to hit it.

Fortunately, it was not the rush hour, so he still had a smooth journey.

As soon as his car stopped, he rushed out of the car.

He opened the door with his fingerprints, and rushed to the garden.

When Lu Lu saw Bo Shaolan came back, he was startled, thinking what happened?
She chased after her and asked, "eldest young master, did something happen?"

Bo Shaolan's face was livid, as if someone owed him millions.

As soon as he entered the garden, there was a burst of laughter. It turned out to be Qin Jingfeng and Luoxue.

Luoxue's smile was very sweet, and her eyes were sparkling.

Qin Jingfeng looked at her tenderly, like the eyes between women.

Qin Jingfeng was originally interested in Luoxue.

So he was even more jealous.

Qin Jingfeng's eyes, he knows best, only someone who likes someone can have such gentle eyes.

Bo Shaolan was about to go crazy, and his emotions were almost out of control. He speeded up and sat beside Luoxue, "President Qin, are you so free today?"

Luo Xue was startled.

Qin Jingfeng raised a smile, looked at Bo Shaolan's expression as if facing a formidable enemy, and said politely: "I haven't seen Xiaoxue for a long time, so I came here to catch up on the old days."

"It's really intentional." While speaking, Bo Shaolan embraced Luoxue and declared his sovereignty to Qin Jingfeng
Qin Jingfeng raised his lips and smiled, feeling that Bo Shaolan hadn't changed at all, he was still the jealous Bo Shaolan.

It's not good for Luoxue to brush his face in front of Qin Jingfeng, and the good show will be played to the end, "Come back so soon?"

She was the same as usual, gentle and considerate, but she was actually pretending, a little blunt and unnatural.

"Go back if you want." Bo Shaolan replied domineeringly.

Luo Xue was startled again.

"Are you tired? Look at you sweating." Luo Xue said.

"I'm not tired. I'm not tired at all when I come back to see my wife." Bo Shaolan secretly exerted force, hugging Luoxue even tighter.

Qin Jingfeng took it for granted, and Bo Shaolan used to pretend like this in front of him.

I thought I'd be more mature after getting married, but it's still the same.

Luoxue ordered Lulu, "Help Eldest Young Master make another pot of tea."

Lulu is very obedient.

Looking at the pot of tea she shared with Qin Jingfeng, Bao Shaolan made another pot for him, feeling extremely uncomfortable.

With the addition of Bo Shaolan, the atmosphere immediately changed.

Seeing how loving they looked, Qin Jingfeng was very sensible and said that he had to leave first.

Luoxue stood up, "Jing Feng, remember to come often when you are free."

Just as Qin Jingfeng was about to answer, Bo Shaolan stepped forward and said, "It is said that Mr. Qin's marriage is coming soon. Congratulations. After marriage, he probably won't be as free as he is now."

Luo Xue glanced at Bo Shaolan, and she smelled a strong smell of vinegar again.

Someone knocked over the vinegar altar again.

"Jing Feng, goodbye."

Originally, she wanted to see Qin Jingfeng off, but Bao Shaolan took another step forward, "I'll do it."

They walked out together, shoulder to shoulder.

At the door, when Qin Jingfeng was about to get in the car, Bo Shaolan said in an irritable tone, "Could it be that you forgot our gentleman's appointment?"

"Bo Shaolan, I should be the one who asked you this question." Qin Jingfeng sneered, "Did you do something wrong to her?"

"Did she tell you?" Bo Shaolan became even more irritable.

"She didn't tell me, but I can feel that she is unhappy. I said, if you are sorry for her, I will take her away."

"Hehe, it's so ridiculous! Qin Jingfeng, do you think you are the savior?" Bo Shaolan laughed.

Qin Jingfeng raised the corner of his mouth slightly, "Bo Shaolan, you really don't change your mind."

Bo Shaolan hated when others spoke of him in a lecturing tone, so he became angry again, and he really wanted to fight.

But he can't.

"Bo Shaolan, I will do what I say. If you dare to do anything and bully her, I will not be polite." Qin Jingfeng changed from his usual gentleness, every word was a warning, "She is a good woman, and she is worth having. Those who love her, if you can't give her happiness, you can give her up."

Qin Jingfeng is a careful person. At the beginning, he chatted with Luoxue well and didn't notice her abnormality, but when Bo Shaolan was around, the resistance and deliberation in her eyes were so obvious...

She is pretending.

His intuition told her that there was something wrong between Bo Shaolan and Luo Xue.

Luo Xue couldn't express her suffering, she could only hold it in her heart.

Qin Jingfeng was very clear in his heart.

The words "you can come out" made Bo Shaolan so angry that he wanted to hit someone.

When did it take an outsider's turn to take care of the matter between him and Luo Xue?

Bo Shaolan originally wanted to restrain the anger in his heart, but in the end he couldn't help it anymore. He clenched his fist, rattled, and raised it, causing Qin Jingfeng's nose to bleed.

Qin Jingfeng's body was originally weak, but when Bo Shaolan beat him, he became dizzy and almost fell down.

Qin Jingfeng didn't care about wiping off the nosebleed, he clenched his fist not to be outdone, and hit Bo Shaolan hard.

They seem to have returned to the past when they were young, and they started fighting when they disagreed. You punched each other, and they fought desperately.

Qin Jingfeng was weak, and after a few rounds of fighting with him, he couldn't move anymore and lay on the ground panting heavily.

Lulu heard the movement, came out to have a look, and screamed in panic.

Luoxue originally wanted to go upstairs to rest, but when she heard Lulu's screams, she was startled, and rushed out of the door, seeing Qin Jingfeng who was beaten to the ground, Luoxue panicked and ran over to stop Bo Shaolan.

"Bo Shaolan, what are you doing!" Luoxue exclaimed.

Bo Shaolan pushed Luoxue away, and said to Qin Jingfeng viciously: "Qin Jingfeng, don't even think about touching a single hair of my wife! You couldn't beat me before, and you can't beat me now either!"

Qin Jingfeng's nosebleed kept flowing, he propped himself up vigorously, confronted Bao Shaolan, wiped his nosebleed with his hand, and sneered: "If you dare to bully her with half a hair, I will fight with you!"

(End of this chapter)

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