Xu Shao's Mrs. Bai Yueguang

Chapter 172 The Truth Comes Out

Chapter 172 The Truth Comes Out
A reporter asked, "Mr. Xu, what are you talking about? Where did the victim come from? What happened?"

Facing a series of questions from the reporters, Xu Wenyan did not answer their questions directly, but guided them step by step and continued, "Everyone, I will not say anything more about my life experience. I was brought up by Mr. Xu alone. Although I It's not the Xu family's blood that flows through my body, but Mr. Xu is no different from my close relatives to me.

At the beginning, the news of Mr. Xu's sudden death made people sad, but in retrospect, the matter was full of doubts. Mr. Xu's body has always been strong, so how could his organs fail all of a sudden? "

As soon as the voice fell, the media asked politely, "Mr. Xu, do you have any evidence for what you say?"

"Are you suspecting that someone killed Mr. Xu? Mr. Xu! Do you have evidence to prove it?"

"Mr. Xu, if what you said is not true, you will be held legally responsible, do you know that?"

Xu Wenyan raised his hand, put his finger to his mouth and made a silent gesture, raised his voice slightly and said, "Everyone, I know exactly what I'm talking about, and I also know exactly what kind of legal responsibility I have to bear!"

His gaze collided with Xu Hongjun behind the crowd, Xu Hongjun panicked, and an ominous premonition arose spontaneously. He always felt like he was being calculated. He wanted to leave this place, but found that the whole scene was under control. Damn it!
Xu Wenyan in the front took out a recording pen and connected it to the audio system in the room, "Everyone will know after listening." Xu Wenyan pressed the play button, and a conversation between a man and a woman came out of the audio system.

"What are these white pills for?"

"Don't underestimate this kind of medicine. As long as people take it, the internal organs will quickly fail, and the hospital will have no way to verify it. People will die without anyone noticing."

"Then Mr. Xu's death was also because of..."

"That's right, this kind of medicine was mixed into the old man's medicine back then. My elder brother bribed the doctor to put the medicine into the old man's medicine!"

After the recording was played, the woman's voice had been specially processed to make it unrecognizable, while the man's voice with sharp ears recognized that it was Xu Hongtai's voice.

This is breaking news. President Xu poisoned and murdered his biological father. When it is reported tomorrow, it will definitely be a hot headline!
Xu Hongjun behind the crowd wanted to hide himself, but before he had time to act, he heard someone shout "Xu Hongjun, the president of the Xu Corporation, is here", and the media present swarmed up and surrounded him, flashing lights on him non-stop shoot.

"Mr. Xu, what do you want to say!"

"Mr. Xu, is the recording real? What is your purpose in murdering your biological father!"

Questions from the media kept coming, and the venue became more and more chaotic. Xu Hongjun was surrounded by the crowd on stage, and the eyes of the reporters lit up excitedly.

Xu Hongjun didn't expect that when he made it, it would be exposed like this, and he said it from his own brother. All of this was caught off guard, and his rationality was already confused. "That's not the case, this recording is fake! Someone planted it Frame me! I didn't do it, I didn't!"

His language was pale, and he justified these few sentences back and forth. He pointed the finger at Xu Wen and said, "It was you, you must have done it, because I robbed you of your position in the Xu Group, so you hold a grudge against me. It was you who framed me with fake recordings, and you synthesized them all!"

Xu Wenyan was too lazy to talk nonsense with him, so he clicked on the document in his notebook, and the content in it appeared on the projection screen behind him, and he said solemnly, "These are the evidences that he bribed the doctor, please have a look."

Xu Hongjun rushed towards Xu Wenyan, wanting to unplug the power cord, but was stopped by Su Yu and Qiyue who were guarding on both sides. He yelled at the media, "It's all fake! It's all fake! It's not like this!"

"Then what do you think it looks like!" A male voice sounded from behind the crowd, and the media present gave way one after another. The man's face was pale, and his hands were still in plaster.

Xu Hongjun looked at him, eyes full of disbelief, and said to himself, "Impossible, aren't you already dead? Why are you here? Impossible! Impossible! I saw you with my own eyes..."

The man stood in front of everyone's eyes. He stood opposite Xu Hongjun, looked at him with hatred in his eyes and said, "What? Are you disappointed that I am not dead? People like you are not dead, I How can I die? I have to live well, I want to watch you die with my own eyes! Watch you go down to the [-]th floor of hell!"

It is not difficult to guess the identity of this mysterious man through the conversation between the two. He picked up the microphone on the table and said, "Everyone, I am one of the parties involved in the incident. I am Mr. Xu's family doctor. I know that I am sorry for Xu." Old gentleman, I dare not extravagantly ask Mr. Xu's spirit in heaven to forgive me.

Now I just want to tell the truth to alleviate my sins. He was the one who found me and asked me to mix that medicine with Mr. Xu’s medicine. He said that he got a laboratory from a famous doctor abroad. Drugs released that can enhance a person's physique.

At first I didn't think much about it. Mr. Xu was his biological father, and it was impossible for him to harm his father, so I mixed the medicine he gave into the medicine I prescribed as he said.

Later, Mr. Xu fainted and was hospitalized. The hospital concluded that he had high blood pressure, but I clearly knew that Mr. Xu had never had high blood pressure. I began to be suspicious of the medicine. I secretly took the medicine for testing. The medicinal properties are not what he said at all.

The real medicinal property is that it can quickly exhaust human organs in a short period of time. After I knew the truth, I tested Xu Hongjun overtly and secretly. He saw that I knew the truth and sent someone to kidnap my son. He threatened me that as long as I dared to tell the truth With one word, he let his son die without a place to bury him!

For the sake of my son's life, I had no choice but to compromise. Later, he gave me a sum of money and asked me to take the money and bring my family to leave Xu's house and leave City A. I also listened to his arrangement.

But I didn't leave directly, but kept hiding in City A. It didn't take long for me to hear the news of Mr. Xu's death!For this I have been condemned by my conscience!

Xu Hongjun didn’t know that he never got the news and knew that I hadn’t left. He sent someone to meet me and said that he had something to discuss, but he didn’t expect that he wanted to kill me. If it wasn’t for Mr. Xu’s people who saved me, I might have died long ago. saved! "

After hearing Xu Hongjun slumped on the ground weakly, it was over, everything was over, he knew how could Xu Wenyan help himself so easily, so, so, Xu Hongjun laughed loudly, and he lowered his head and muttered to himself, "Yes! I lost, I lost!"

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  Recently, Yang Yang's Yu Tu vertically smashed into the bottom of the pit, it is too sweet, I strongly amway "You Are My Glory"!
(End of this chapter)

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