Chapter 18 Old Fox

Seeing that Lin Xingmian agreed, Nan Zhi happily went upstairs and returned to her room.

Lin Xingmian offered to drive Bai Junyan home when he had nothing to do.

At eight o'clock the next day, Lin Xingmian woke up from sleep, stood up and leaned against the head of the bed, the quilt slipped off her body, revealing her fair chest, and raised her hand to rub her forehead.

hiss!How much did I drink last night so my head hurts so much!

Bai Junyan on the side was still asleep, her exposed skin was covered with hickey marks, it could be seen how rough she was to her last night, Lin Xingmian pulled the quilt to cover Bai Junyan, got out of bed and found herself in the scattered clothes The clothes went into the bathroom to wash.

"Om ~ Om ~ Om ~ Om ~ Om ~ Om ~"

Bai Junyan was woken up by the vibrating sound of her mobile phone. When she got up, she found that the place beside her was already cold. She lowered her head and smiled mockingly.

Heh~ I am really a plaything, a substitute!After being vented, it was thrown aside.Really ruthless!

After Bai Junyan got out of bed and went into the bathroom to wash, she tied a ponytail, took a large T-shirt from the closet and put it on her body, and opened the window to let the atmosphere of love in the room escape.

Picking up the phone and going downstairs, lying faceless on the sofa, unlocking the phone screen.

"cough cough"

A man's cough came from behind, Bai Junyan quickly got up from the sofa, tugged at his clothes and looked at him with some embarrassment, "You still haven't left?"

Lin Xingmian said lightly, "Well, I made breakfast, I don't know if you like it or not."

Bai Junyan whispered, "Thank you."

Lin Xingmian looked at the unpainted Bai Junyan in front of her. She was not like the strong and powerful woman in the past, but more like a petite woman who needed protection.

Bai Junyan looked at Lin Xingmian's hesitation to speak, and seemed to understand what he wanted to say before speaking, "I will take medicine, don't worry, I know what I should do."

Lin Xingmian actually wanted to ask Bai Junyan if he wanted to go to dinner. Seeing that Bai Junyan had misunderstood her meaning, she didn't say what she wanted to explain. She just picked up her coat and put it on and went out.

Seeing Lin Xingmian leave, after the door closed with a bang, Bai Junyan hurried to the window sill, waiting for Lin Xingmian's figure to appear

Two minutes later, Lin Xingmian's figure appeared downstairs. Standing downstairs, Lin Xingmian looked back at the window on Bai Junyan's floor, and noticed that the curtains were shaking. The corner of his mouth lifted into a smile.

Bai Junyan in the room patted her chest with lingering fear, breathed a sigh of relief, and exclaimed~~ I was almost discovered!
Looking at the breakfast on the dining table, Bai Junyan walked over and sat on a chair to eat, not to mention, it was quite in line with her appetite.

After breakfast, Bai Junyan put on the bluetooth headset, turned on the treadmill and started running, just in time to make a phone call, "Hello? What's the matter? Call me so early? I'm on vacation! Dear"

An anxious male voice came from the other side of the phone, "Oh, I can't wait to see you! Sister, don't take your vacation soon."

Bai Junyan said nonchalantly, "Come on, Chu Tong, take a deep breath with me, inhale~exhale~inhale~exhale~"

Bai Junyan turned the treadmill to slow walking mode, "Say it? What's the matter?"

Chu Tong on the other side of the phone said, "Sister, the little girl who was rumored to have an affair with Brother Xingmian was photographed by the paparazzi in and out of the Royal Club with the CEO of the Xu Group. Our actor Lin wore a cuckold and began to pick up the identity of the little girl."

Chu Tong on the other side of the phone finished speaking in one breath, grabbed the water on the table and took a sip, "What should I do? Sister Yan."

Bai Junyan turned off the treadmill, wiped off her sweat with a towel and said calmly, "Is this a big deal?"

Chu Tong on the other side of the phone was about to go crazy when he heard Bai Junyan's calm voice, "Sister, President Xu! Isn't it a big deal? What if it's not as easy as crushing an ant to kill a little girl?"

Bai Junyan said lightly, "Squeeze the little girl to death, then the CEO of the Xu Corporation will have no wife!"

"No, what's the matter with the daughter-in-law!! Wait... What did you say? Are you telling the truth? Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!"

Chu Tong suddenly pushed the office chair and stood up, the office chair slid on the smooth floor tiles
With a "squeak~~", everyone in the office raised their heads and looked at Chu Tong suspiciously.
Bai Junyan threatened, "This is a secret! If you reveal half a word, I will directly block you..."

Chu Tong pulled back the office chair that had slid out, and said under the suspicious eyes of everyone, "Oh, your family gave birth to a son! That's great!"

The people in the office thought that something had happened when they heard the big commotion from Chu Tong. When they heard Chu Tong talking about giving birth, they stopped looking at Chu Tong and lowered their heads to busy themselves with their work.

"Okay, don't worry about it, it's fine, I have something to do, hang up"

Bai Junyan hung up the phone.Open Weibo but

Found that the page cannot be swiped, good guy, Weibo is paralyzed! !

I found a number from the phone's address book and dialed it with professional courtesy, "Hello, Director Li, it's me, Bai Junyan."

A middle-aged man's voice came from the other side of the phone, "Junyan? What is it that made Manager Bai call me?"

Bai Junyan smiled and said, "Director Li was joking. I called you because I wanted to talk to you. Xingmian accepted the variety show you mentioned earlier. Please take care of Xingmian when the time comes."

Director Li on the other side of the phone laughed, "Hahaha, Junyan is offended by saying that. It's our honor for Xingmian to show you face. Taking care of her is a must. Don't worry!"

Bai Junyan thought about it and asked, "Director Li, we Xingmian want to bring someone to the show, is it convenient for you to watch?"

Director Li said hesitantly, "Junyan, you know that our show invites popular artists, for amateurs..."

Bai Junyan explained, "It's a child from Xingmian's family. Don't worry, Director Li, I won't cause you any trouble."

Director Li asked tentatively, "Junyan, it's not impossible for Xingmian to take someone with him, unless that person is his rumored girlfriend?"

Bai Junyan smiled apologetically and said, "Director Li, you are really smart, but she doesn't have that kind of relationship with our Xingmian, but I can guarantee that the show will be heated up."

After hearing this, Director Li readily responded, and recalled the recent trending searches, which seemed to be related to this little girl. The popularity of this little girl is indeed beneficial to the popularity of the show.

In addition, the relationship between her and Lin Xingmian can be hyped up. He is a businessman, and he knows how to weigh the pros and cons. No matter what relationship the little girl has with Lin Xingmian, it doesn't matter to him.

If you just want to participate in the recording of the show, then let her do the recording, and you won't suffer any disadvantages. When the time comes, you will see the reactions of netizens. If the response is good, you will give more shots. If the response is not good, you will give less shots.

Bai Junyan hung up the phone and sneered, "What a cunning old fox!"

 Novice on the road, please pay more attention to the babies, support more, and ask for a wave, favorites, comments,
(End of this chapter)

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