Xu Shao's Mrs. Bai Yueguang

Chapter 187 Come Prepared!

Chapter 187 Come Prepared!

Xu Wenyan got up and shouted "July!"

Xu Wenze thought that he was going to call Qiyue to come in and clean himself up, so he quickly said, "Don't call me Qiyue, tell him to do it..."

Xu Wenyan glanced at him, Xu Wenze stopped talking immediately, secretly thinking that this kid is not as cute as he was when he was a child, does he not remember when he chased after his ass and called him brother when he was a child?

Hearing Xu Wenyan call her in July, she walked in and handed over the document in her hand, "Master!"

Xu Wenyan took the document with a swipe of a pen, signed his name on the bottom of the document, put the document in front of Xu Wenze, took out an ink pad in July, held Xu Wenze's hand, and pressed it on the document.

Before Xu Wenze had time to see the contents of the document, he was forced to print his fingerprints. What is this?compulsory?Is this called repayment?What an attitude!

Xu Wenyan saw him stamping his handprints and said, "You saved Xiaozhi, and I will repay her for her, and there will be no debts from now on."

Looking at the contents of the document, Xu Wenze was stunned. As for what he said, he couldn't hear clearly, because the document said "Share Transfer Letter!"

Just give it to him as simple as that?How does it feel as simple as giving a watermelon and apple?This is an asset worth hundreds of millions!wrong!Xu Wenze always felt that something was wrong, he realized, good guy, he really came prepared, the documents are all ready, and he is waiting for himself to speak when he is co-authoring!

Xu Wenyan saw that he was about to leave without saying a word, Xu Wenze stopped him and said arrogantly, "Don't think that a letter of transfer can be regarded as repayment, I tell you it is impossible! I have suffered such a serious injury, from now on you have to be right I am in charge!"

After saying this, Xu Wenze regretted it, as if Xu Wenyan had done such a scumbag, Qiyue couldn't help laughing, Xu Wenyan glanced over, and Qiyue immediately stopped smiling and restored that ice face.

He looked at Xu Wenze again, and understood the meaning of his words. Xu Wenze was showing his favor to him. Thinking of this, Xu Wenyan felt a little happier and said, "Don't worry, I will never let you live in a nursing home when you get old!"

After Xu Wenyan left, Xu Wenze looked down at the share transfer document in his hand, feeling a little lost. Is it really worth it to tear up Xu's family just because of such a thing?The father was even more stubborn in thinking that Xiaoyan had plots against the Xu family, but was it true?

The nurse named Xiaoli who had been rejected just now did not give up. Although her beauty was not as good as that of Mrs. Xu, she also boasted that she was superior, and there were not a few people who showed affection to her, so she didn't even bother to look at her. But now she has changed her mind!
As the old saying goes, there is no such thing as a couple who can't break up, only a mistress who doesn't work hard!Besides, there is no man who doesn't cheat, Xiaoli secretly cheered herself up, and walked to the ward with the doctor's checklist, and happened to meet Xu Wenyan coming out of the next ward.

"Mr. Xu!" She called out to stop Xu Wenyan.

Xu Wenyan stopped and looked back at her with a cold expression. She ran two steps quickly and stopped in front of Xu Wenyan, her breathing was short of breath, her chest was heaving violently, as if she was running in a hurry.

The neckline of her nurse's uniform is huge, and she is wearing a low-cut dress, and her white breasts can be seen vaguely. She handed over the checklist in her hand and said softly, "Mr. Xu, this is Mrs. Xu's checklist for the afternoon." , I forgot to give it to you just now, so I sent it to you specially."

Xu Wenyan didn't look at her at all, took the checklist and said "Thank you." He was about to leave.

Seeing that he rolled his eyes unmoved, Xiaoli fell forward with an "oops", and she was about to hug Xu Wenyan, but found that her movements stopped suddenly, and Xu Wenyan in front of her had no intention of catching her at all, even None of them stopped.

She was about to get angry, to see who was disturbing her good business, but when she looked back, it was the person next to Xu Wenyan, and she immediately pretended to be shy, "Thank you, sir."

Qiyue smiled and said, "You're welcome, I think you've sprained your ankle. It just so happens that my ancestors are bone-setting masters, and their techniques are very authentic. I'll help you straighten it."

This time it was Xiaoli's turn to be stunned. She was about to refuse to return the future and opened her mouth when she felt a sharp pain in her ankle, and she screamed "Ah!!!"

With an innocent face on Qiyue's face, she whispered, "Oh, I accidentally made a wrong connection... Sorry, let's do it again." After saying that, Qiyue grabbed her ankle and pulled it down hard, and then pulled her up hard again. Pushing, back and forth several times, Xiaoli's ankle was swollen like a big steamed bun.

Xiaoli can see that all the ancestral tricks are deceitful. If this goes on, her feet will definitely be useless, and the culprit is still saying, "The trick I used just now is wrong, this time it will definitely work."

She quickly refused, "Well, there is an orthopedic doctor downstairs, I can go to the doctor myself." Then, she stood up while leaning on the wall, and limped forward.

The culprit, Qiyue, also kindly called out to her back, "Miss, do you need me to accompany you?" As soon as he finished speaking, he saw Xiaoli's footsteps in front of him speeding up in an instant, and her walking posture was not to mention ridiculous. up.

Qiyue snorted softly and said, "Idiot, just because you want to seduce the Lord, you don't know the heights of the heavens and the earth, as long as I am in July, no one will try to separate my father and wife!"

In the afternoon, she was going to have an obstetrics and gynecology checkup. Xu Wenyan borrowed a wheelchair from the nurse's station and pushed Nan Zhi to go for the checkup. The time the doctor made an appointment was not too crowded. There were only one or two people in front of her. Nan Zhi was a little nervous. Hold Xu Wenyan's hand tightly.

Xu Wenyan squatted down in front of her, brushed her hair and comforted her, "Xiaozhi, don't be nervous, it's fine."

Soon the obstetrics and gynecology nurse called Nan Zhi's name, because the family members could not accompany her, Xu Wenyan had no choice but to hand Nan Zhi to the obstetrics and gynecology nurse, "I'm sorry."

The obstetrics and gynecology nurse was not very old, and she spoke softly, "It's okay, this is what we should do." She pushed Nan Zhi to the color ultrasound room, and Xu Wenyan waited outside.

About ten minutes later, the door of the color Doppler ultrasound room opened. Xu Wenyan hurried over, took the wheelchair from the nurse and said "Thank you."

The nurse in the obstetrics and gynecology department whispered, "You're welcome." She kindly reminded, "Sir, I think your lover is in a bad mood. Please be more concerned."

Xu Wenyan glanced at Nan Zhi, nodded to the nurse, and pushed Nan Zhi to the rest area. Nan Zhi was holding the checklist tightly in her hand, her eyes were a little dull, Xu Wenyan squatted in front of her and whispered to her, "Xiao Zhi? Xiao Zhi?" gardenia?"

Nan Zhi came back to look at Xu Wenyan, the tears in her eyes couldn't stop falling, Xu Wenyan was dazed by her state, and raised her hand to gently wipe her tears.

(End of this chapter)

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