Xu Shao's Mrs. Bai Yueguang

Chapter 196 The scene where the horse fell off?

Chapter 196 The scene where the horse fell off?

Jiuyue mourns silently for her master in her heart, don't ask anything, and don't ask what is inside, after all, as the master's caring little padded jacket, I will never tell you that the peace charm contains my master's sleeping bag. Yan Zhao!To describe it more specifically, the place where the photo was taken was the bed in the bedroom of the master in the city of A city!

Who can take a photo of the master in such a place?If you think about it with your feet, you can imagine that the person who took the photo must be the lady!But why did the madam put the photo of the master in the peace amulet?And why is this peace talisman in the hands of Master Shuramen?
Could it be that the relationship between the master of the Asura Sect and his wife... what the hell, Jiuyue shook her head when she thought of this, she seemed to have discovered some terrible secret, she couldn't continue to think like this, the master had to peel off her skin!
Xu Wenyan looked at the lines of the peace talisman and instantly remembered that the one that Xiaozhi gave to his elder brother before seemed to be like this. He had just glanced at it before, but now he thought it was this thing. He looked at Lin Moli who was half kneeling on the ground.

The face covered under the mask changed again and again, so the person who was beaten like this by his own people was... his own big brother?When Xu Wenyan thought of this, he felt like there were ten thousand muddy horses galloping by in his heart. Among other things, he just wanted to ask a question, would he still see his elder brother's kind face towards him in the future?

"Master, do we want to help him up?" Qiyue asked in a low voice
Xu Wenyan flew over with a plan, is there a hole in this guy's head?Is there even a need to ask?Can he not help, can he not have the opportunity to redeem his sins?Ask!Ask your uncle!
Received his signal in September, and hurried forward to help Lin Moli up, Lin Moli also saw the reaction of the two of them, he broke away from Jiuyue and looked up at Xu Wenyan.

Xu Wenyan reluctantly stepped forward and stretched out his hand to Lin Moli. Lin Moli looked at him, raised his hand to grab his hand, stood up with his strength, and took advantage of Xu Wenyan's unpreparedness to remove the mask on his face. Lifted off.

After seeing the face under the mask clearly, Lin Moli snorted coldly, took off the mask on his face and said, "I didn't expect it to be you."

Xu Wenyan straightened his expression, and said solemnly, "I didn't expect to meet my eldest brother here, what a coincidence."

Lin Moli's hands hanging on one side creaked, words popped out from between his teeth, "Hmph, what a coincidence, Xu Wenyan!! I just happened to be your uncle!"

Xu Wenyan wanted to defend himself and said, "Brother, I didn't know it was you, besides..."

"What are you talking about, and don't call me big brother, I can't afford you, Lord of the Night, to say big brother!" Lin Moli replied directly, thinking that he had been teased by this kid for so long, he immediately became angry Come!

"Understood, brother." Xu Wenyan said with a serious expression, "Brother, the most important thing right now is who took Xiaozhi away. Let's talk about our affairs later!"

Jiuyue stepped forward to help Lin Moli sit on a chair on one side with discerning eyesight, and waved to the group of people to let them all back out. Lin Moli sat on the chair, raised his head and raised his forehead and asked Xu Wenyan, "Your People say that the person who saw Xiao Zhi taken away belonged to the Shura Sect?"

Xu Wenyan dialed the number in July, and after connecting, he turned on the loudspeaker and asked, "Are you sure the person who took Madam away is from the Asura Gate?"

"I'm sure it's the people from Shuramen, and the emblems on them are definitely not wrong." Qiyue replayed what she just saw in her mind, and said firmly.

"Then let him draw the emblem he sees." Lin Moli said at the side, and Xu Wenyan echoed, "Draw what you see."

Qiyue on the other side of the phone answered and looked at the unconscious assistant in the car and said, "Master, I have also captured a person here, and it was his contact who took the wife away."

After hearing this, Xu Wenyan said, "Take a photo for me." Then he hung up the phone and told Jiuyue, "There is a locator in the lady's ring, go and crack the locator by force to determine the location of the lady."

"Yes!" Jiuyue responded and walked into the back room to get the computer. After about a few minutes, Xu Wenyan's mobile phone received two photos, one was the emblem painted by July, and the other was the photo of the assistant.

After Xu Wenyan glanced at it, he handed over the phone. Lin Moli took the phone and looked at the assistant's photo first. He could immediately confirm that this person was not from the Asura Gate, and the hand-painted emblem was indeed similar to The emblems of the Asura Gate are exactly the same, and there is no way for outsiders to tell them apart, so it is not uncommon for people to be mistaken.

But the emblem of the Asura Gate was drawn by Xiao Zhi himself, and there are some tricks hidden in it, which were added by Nan Zhi on purpose. Except for the two of them, they are not known at all, and there is no such thing in this picture, so it is basically certain that this is the case. The emblem is not Shuramen's at all, but someone completely imitated Shuramen.

Lin Moli fell into deep thought. Since that person could perfectly imitate the emblem of Shuramen, he would not ignore this small point, so why didn't he do this small point?Did he do it on purpose?
No, no, Lin Moli suddenly remembered that not only the two of them knew the secret of the emblem, but also a person who knew everything about the emblem and even participated in the drawing. It is not impossible to find Shuramen with his ingenuity.

Lin Moli looked at the picture and fell into deep thought. At first, the emblem of Shuramen was indeed like the one drawn by July, but after Xiaozhi experienced some things, he changed it to get the current emblem.

And this emblem is the original version, could it be him?Do not!No, it shouldn't be him. Back then, he simply left and there was no news for so many years. How could he suddenly appear?
Lin Moli looked up at Xu Wenyan, thinking in his heart if it was really that person, what would Xiaozhi do?

Are you going to crack the locator in September?When I was there, I found that the locator had been turned on. Jiu Yue looked at the map on the computer in front of me to find the coordinates, but found that it was not displayed at all. Jiu Yue tried several times and found that it was the same.

Jiuyue shouted, "Master, come and take a look." Xu Wenyan and Lin Moli who heard the voice got up and walked into the house and asked, "Have you tracked Madam?"

"No, Master." Jiuyue shook his head and pointed to the computer screen and said, "Master, look, the madam's locator display has been turned on, but it doesn't show on this map."

"How could this be?" Xu Wenyan asked back, Jiuyue stood up and moved out of the way, Xu Wenyan sat down, and it was still the same after a while.

Lin Moli watched from the side, and said after a while, "I know who took Xiao Zhi away, don't worry, she won't be in danger."

Xu Wenyan pinned his hopes on Lin Moli, "Brother, who took Xiao Zhi away?"

(End of this chapter)

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