Xu Shao's Mrs. Bai Yueguang

Chapter 2 The Xu family is here

Chapter 2 The Xu family is here

In the evening, when Xu Wenyan came back, he bought some Nanzhi's favorite fruits from the fruit stand downstairs and carried them upstairs.

The key was inserted into the lockhole and turned with a "click", and the door opened. "Xiaozhi, look what I brought back."

The room was quiet, no one answered that Xu Wenyan put down the fruit, and he turned around the room and did not see Nan Zhi.

Strange, why are you not at home, did you go out?
Xu Wenyan poured a glass of water, drank a couple of sips, sat on the sofa and waited, and fell asleep in a daze. It was already nine o'clock in the evening when he opened his eyes for the first time.

The moonlight shines on the living room through the small window, and the breeze blows in through the half-opened window, blowing up the curtains in the living room, leaving the room silent only with the sound of his breathing.

He suddenly realized that Xiao Zhi hadn't come back, so he took out his mobile phone and called Nan Zhi, only a cold mechanical female voice responded to him
"Sorry, no one is answering the number you dialed, please try again later.

Sorry! The subscriber you dialed can not be connected for the moment,………”

He called over and over again like he was crazy, and all he got back was the indifferent official reply
At that moment, the collapse, suffocation, and powerlessness all seemed to smash his heart, and his heart seemed to be tightly pressed by a boulder and unable to breathe.

Xu Wenyan grabbed a coat and hurried downstairs.

Lin Cheng was very small, and they hadn't been to many places. Around twelve o'clock, they went around all the places he and Nan Zhi had been to, but they didn't see Nan Zhi's figure.

The noisy street seemed to be isolated from him.

He walked aimlessly, sat on the side of the road to rest when he was tired, and continued walking when he had enough rest, and finally he returned to the little home where he and Nan Zhi lived.

After entering the door, the room was still as empty as yesterday, without the usual lively figure and the girl who acted like a baby to her, she didn't come back all night.

Xu Wenyan sat on the sofa and waited. He couldn't believe that Nan Zhi had disappeared just like that. There must be something that delayed her, and he tried to convince himself over and over again.

But he couldn't believe that she was really gone. He had no way to accept it, nor could he accept such a reality, so he could only comfort himself from the bottom of his heart over and over again.

Three days passed in a flash of time, Xu Wenyan stayed in the room all the time, leaned on the sofa for a while when he was sleepy, and ate two bites of bread to make do when he was hungry. He never dared to sleep too hard, he was afraid that he would not be able to hear knocking.

He curled up on the sofa with his arms around his knees, lonely and helpless. He was afraid, afraid that all this was just his wishful thinking, that the beam of light would only warm him briefly, and even more afraid that this was a joke made by God. .

"Boom~dong~dong~" There was a knock on the door.

Xu Wenyan's first thought was that she came back?
Standing up abruptly from the sofa, he found that his legs were already numb. After barely rubbing, he limped to the door to open it.

After opening the door, standing outside the door was his father Xu Hongzhe, Xu Wenyan looked at him without any emotion in his eyes, and his tone was flat
"Why are you here?"

Xu Hongzhe's eyes fell on Xu Wenyan's limping leg.

"Ayan, are you injured? Let me see." After speaking, Xu Hongzhe squatted down to grab his leg

Xu Wenyan took a step back to avoid Xu Hongzhe's hand, and said something in an awkward tone
"I'm not hurt, but my leg is numb, come in."

Xu Hongzhe walked into this small room and saw the dilapidated layout, his eyes were filled with tears. The child who grew up in his hands now lives in such a place, not to mention how distressed he is.

The kid left without saying a word, and the family couldn't contact him. If he hadn't called that kid from the Jiang family, he would never have thought that he would appear in such a place.


Xu Hongzhe's tone trembled and he wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Xu Wenyan
"You have read it, I am fine, please go back."

Xu Wenyan sat on the sofa and played with his fingers, with an indifferent attitude.

"Ayan, let's go home, your grandpa misses you very much."

Xu Hongzhe paused every word, and his tone was firm. Before he came, he had prepared himself. This child had a clear heart. He was probably trying so hard to draw a line with the Xu family because he knew something.

"Go home? How can I have a home?"

Xu Wenyan laughed mockingly after hearing this, as if it was the biggest joke.

After hearing this, Xu Hongzhe was even more sure that the child must have known it all, so he stepped forward and patted Xu Wenyan on the shoulder
"Ayan, don't talk nonsense, the Xu family is your home, and you are the child of our Xu family."

The boy on the sofa didn't say a word. His mother didn't like him as long as he could remember. He wasn't as gentle as other children's mothers. He thought it was because he wasn't good enough or sensible enough, so he studied hard to make himself well-behaved and sensible. , but even then his mother still doesn't like him.

At that time, Xu Hongzhe told him that his mother was sick and had a very strange disease, and he couldn't be close to the children when he got sick. In fact, his mother loved him. He was young at that time, so he never suspected anything, he just thought that his mother was sick.

Later, when he grew up, he could clearly distinguish what was liked and what was hated. The way his mother looked at him was clearly disgusted. What was sick and what mother loved him were all deceitful, deceitful.

It wasn't until he overheard the conversation between his parents that he realized where his mother's dislike for him came from.

He panicked, and escaped from the Xu family overnight, and fled to Lincheng, a small city that no one knew.

"Ayan, go home, grandpa is very worried about you."

Xu Hongzhe patted him on the back again, Xu Wenyan looked up at him

Grandpa, yes, among so many children in the Xu family, grandpa loves him the most, but if he knows his identity, will he despise himself?

"Ah Yan, your mother and I are going to go abroad. The Xu family is a den of wolves. They are peaceful and peaceful on the surface, but they are filthy in the dark. There are all kinds of shady tricks and dirty things. Grandpa needs someone when he is old. I've taken care of it, Ah Yan"

Seeing that Xu Wenyan was shaken, Xu Hongzhe continued to persuade
Xu Wenyan thought that if he returned to the Xu family, he might be able to find out the girl's whereabouts with the help of the Xu family's contacts, and said with a complicated expression while looking at Xu Hongzhe.
"Everyone says Mr. Xu is very smart, but I think you are a fool, Dad"

Xu Wenyan awkwardly called Dad

"Stinky boy, you actually made up your old man, no big or small."

Xu Hongzhe heard the "Dad" with tears in his eyes. He didn't expect the young man who knew the truth to call himself "Dad".

He watched this child grow up since he was a child. He is better, more sensible, and better than other children. In Xu Hongzhe's heart, he is his own child.

"Boy, pack up and let's go home."

Xu Wenyan got up and went to the bedroom. He didn't bring anything with him when he came. They were just a few clothes that he bought later. With these clothes, he picked up the doll by the bed and put it in a box.

This doll is Nan Zhi's favorite, and it was grabbed from a claw machine. At that time, Nan Zhi insisted on pulling him to play, but Xu Wenyan thought it was childish and just stood aside and watched.

After watching the girl fail over and over again, the pouting mouth made him feel strange.

By chance, she stepped forward to help her get it out, and Nan Zhi, who got the doll, looked at him with eyes full of admiration, and hugged him excitedly.

The moment Nan Zhi's delicate body was pressed against his arms, he felt that all the good things in the world should belong to her.

The 20-year-old boy had a dream that night, and in the dream, Nan Zhi was having fun under him.

Thinking of that dream, Xu Wenyan blushed, and pulled the suitcase out in a panic.

"Let's go, I'm ready."

Xu Hongzhe took the suitcase from him, and Xu Wenyan followed behind and looked at the small house with eyes full of reluctance.

It's been three days. She... probably won't come back. If she came back, she would have come back a long time ago, so she also abandoned herself?Xu Wenyan said don't think about it, she doesn't want you anymore.

Then let it all be dusty in your heart.

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(End of this chapter)

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