Xu Shao's Mrs. Bai Yueguang

Chapter 216 Name Storm

Chapter 216 Name Storm
After hearing this, Xu Wenyan's tense nerves were finally relieved. He stood up abruptly, only to realize that his legs were numb and he staggered.

The doctor smiled. She has delivered many mothers and met many people. Some mothers gave birth inside while their husbands were outside, some played games, some slept, some were emotional, and some Crying can't be controlled.

And Xu Wenyan was the only person she had ever seen who prayed devoutly outside the operating room. He was willing to use her to change the safety of Nan Zhi inside. How much he loved his wife in the delivery room.

After the doctor left, Xu Wenyan could enter the delivery room. After entering, he saw Nan Zhi lying on the delivery bed with a pale face, and the child was placed on her side. Xu Wenyan didn't look at the child, not even in the mood to glance at it.

He took two quick steps and squatted on the side of the bed, holding Nan Zhi's hand, his eyes were red, "My dear... I'm suffering."

Nan Zhi had just given birth and needed to press her abdomen to expel the blood stasis. She continued to stay in the delivery room to observe the situation. When the two of them looked at each other, the midwife came over and rubbed Nan Zhi's abdomen, pressing hard. Nan Zhi immediately frowned.

Xu Wenyan watched nervously as her eye sockets turned redder, and he asked softly, "Does it hurt?"

Nan Zhi shook her head slightly, "It doesn't hurt, don't worry."

Her hands were a little cold, Xu Wenyan pressed her hands to his face, he knew that Nan Zhi was comforting him, how could giving birth not hurt?How can pressing the abdomen not hurt?He saw with his own eyes that when the midwife pressed her abdomen, there was a lot of blood in the basin placed below.

Xu Wenyan leaned over and kissed her forehead, eyes, and face, one by one, devoutly.

About half an hour later, the two of them came out of the delivery room and entered the ward. The Xu family's family had already arrived in the ward. The Lin family's family couldn't make it due to the distance, but they were already on the plane.

Nan Zhi lay on the hospital bed, glanced around the room and asked, "Ah Yan, where's the baby?"

"The nurse took him to take a bath." Xu Wenyan said as he stuffed the gap in the quilt, and he added, "My aunt went with her."

Now only Xu Hongzhe, Xu Jingwan, Xu Hongtai, Xu Wenze, and Xu Ruoman are left in the Xu family. Since Dong Yun passed away, Xu Hongtai doesn’t stay in the Xu family very much, and Xu Ruoman’s condition is not suitable for taking care of her at all. child.

The rest of the big men didn't know how to take care of the children, so this difficult task fell on Xu Jingwan.

Speaking of the baby, Nan Zhi's heart softened a lot, and even the brows became a little more gentle, "Ah Yan, the baby is very similar to you."

Xu Wenyan replied vaguely, his whole heart was on Nan Zhi, never thinking about what a child would look like, Nan Zhi continued, "I've seen pictures of you when you were young, and you are exactly the same."

During the gap between the two of them talking, Xu Jingwan and Xu Hongzhe came out from the outside, both of them looked happy, the baby's tiny one nestled quietly in Xu Jingwan's arms, she put the baby beside Nan Zhi, her eyes were still flushed, "Xiao Zhi Girl, you have worked hard."

Xu Jingwan was sincerely happy for Xu Wenyan, and happy for Xu Wenyan's hard work.

Nan Zhi smiled at her, Xu Hongzhe was also thinking about something, countless words came to his lips but he didn't know what to say specifically, he just said, "Xiao Zhi, you are a great hero to our family."

This sentence made everyone laugh out loud. At this time, the baby nestled in Nan Zhi's arms snorted, opened his eyes, and kept looking at the surrounding environment.

The baby reached out and grabbed Xu Jingwan's fingers beside him, and Xu Jingwan looked at him in surprise, "Third brother, look, he is the same as Xiaoyan when he was a child, especially his eyebrows and eyes are exactly the same."

Xu Wenyan glanced at the baby, and couldn't hide the disgust in his eyes, that's it?A small ball, wrinkled, and covered with white vernix, and it looks like him?Obviously ugly to death.

At seven or eight o'clock in the evening, the Lin family arrived. Mr. Lin originally planned to come directly to the hospital to see Nan, but considering that Nan Zhi needed to recuperate after giving birth, he decided to come back tomorrow. The group went to Jiuheyuan, Lin Xingmian's residence in city a.

Early this morning, Mr. Lin urged Lin Moli and Lin Xingmian to go to the hospital. Mr. Lin had been grinning from ear to ear since entering the ward. He carefully hugged the child and said to Steward Sun, "Old grandson, look , how good this child is, he doesn't cry or make trouble, look at those eyes, they are so beautiful, like jewels."

Butler Sun echoed, "Yes, old man, look, this child is just like the young lady when she was young, very good."

Lin Moli looked at Nan Zhi with distressed eyes, and all the words of concern were in his eyes. They are twins, and they have a good understanding. He rubbed Nan Zhi's head and said, "From now on, I will be an adult and a mother. Wow, how time flies."

Mr. Lin put down the child and snorted softly, "I still have the face to talk about your sister here. She's already a mother, what about you? You don't even have a date. Let me ask you, why do you have the nerve to say that?"

Lin Moli was so stunned that he was speechless. He knew that his family status had plummeted!

Lin Xingmian at the side tried to smooth things over, "Dad, didn't you choose a lot of names for your child? Hurry up and let Xiaozhi choose."

Lin Xingmian's words directly diverted Mr. Lin's attention, and Lin Moli gave Lin Xingmian a grateful look.

Mr. Lin took out a piece of red paper from his pocket, on which his name was written densely, and Mr. Lin handed it to Nan Zhi, "Xiao Zhi, come and choose, I picked these."

Nan Zhi took the names written on it, including boys and girls. Nan Zhi looked at them one by one, and Mr. Lin said, "Xiao Zhi, what do you think of this Muxi? The source of the stream, the vegetation and the jungle."

"And this one." Mr. Lin pointed to the row below, "This one, Zi Jian, I haven't seen a gentleman, this is the music of today's paper."

Nan Zhi repeated the two names in a low voice, "Xu Muxi, Xu Zijian." It seemed that both of them were okay, but at this time Xu Wenyan came in from the outside, and Nan Zhi greeted him, "Ah Yan, come and have a look, this is the name given to Xiao by Grandpa." The guy's name, you see."

After Xu Wenyan nodded to Mr. Lin, he walked over to take the red paper from Nan Zhi, and whispered, "The name has been chosen."

The sharp-eared Mr. Lin heard a voice and asked, "When did you get it? What's it called?"

Nan Zhi was also taken aback, she hadn't heard Ah Yan mention it, how did she decide on the name?Could it be that Grandpa Xu stayed behind?

Xu Wenyan said lightly, "I just started." He added, "I need a birth certificate."

This time it was Mr. Lin's turn to be stunned. How could he be so casual about such a big matter as choosing a name! !Wow, so angry!

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  PS The name part comes from Douyin.

(End of this chapter)

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