Xu Shao's Mrs. Bai Yueguang

Chapter 36 The reason for the injury

Chapter 36 The reason for the injury

Before Nan Zhi left the secret room, she glanced at the young man standing beside her. The man followed Nan Zhi knowingly and closed the secret room door.

In the study room, Nan Zhi sat on the sofa with her legs crossed, playing with her fingers, inadvertently raised her head and glanced at the man standing in front of her, and asked in a flat tone, "Arborvitae, what is my brother's injury?" what's going on?"

Nan Zhi's flat tone contained pressure that could not be ignored. Arborvitae had been by Nan Zhi and Lin Moli's side for many years. When she understood this tone, Nan Zhi was angry. With a "plop", her legs knelt on the ground, her back straightened. "Miss, it's all my dereliction of duty, please punish me!"

Nan Zhi narrowed her eyes, "Speak clearly."

Arborvitae said aloud, "Some time ago, the young master was injured by the dark night, and he has been recuperating in the Lin family. Three days ago, he suddenly received an invitation from the Hawley family to go to a banquet. Because it was the banquet, the young master only brought me and the driver. It was too hasty, and we didn't have time to check the vehicle carefully. On the way, the young master noticed someone following him, so we temporarily changed the route.

The car was driven to a remote road by the driver. The driver died suddenly. Before he died, the driver said that he was sorry for the young master and told the young master to run away. There was explosives under the car. When the young master and I jumped out of the car, the explosives exploded. The young master..."

Abbott paused.Nan Zhi stopped fiddling with her fingers and looked at the person kneeling on the ground, "Continue!"

"The young master pulled the wound on his body when he jumped out of the car, causing the wound to burst, and the fragments from the car explosion also stabbed us both. The young master and I were about to leave, and the car that had been following us also found us. The people who got on and off the car were all training Those killers said that someone was going to take the young master's life, and the young master and I fought against those people.

Those people didn't know what they said to the young master, which distracted the young master and got shot in the left abdomen. "

"Miss, it's all because of my dereliction of duty. If I had carefully inspected the vehicle at that time, nothing would have happened! I have caused the young master! Please punish me, miss!" After speaking, Arborvitae slammed its head heavily on the ground.Waiting for this Nan Zhi's hair loss.

Nan Zhi stood up and looked at Arborvitae who was kneeling on the ground, and said calmly, "Arborvitae, for dereliction of duty, I will be punished with one hundred lashes, and I will be locked up in a private room for a week of self-reflection, under the supervision of Liandong."

Arborvitae kowtowed, "Arborvitae is punished, Miss Xie!"

In the secret room, Lin Moli had already finished changing the medicine. Seeing Nan Zhi come in, he motioned for her to sit beside him. "Did Arborvitae tell you? You know everything?"

Nan Zhi was angry and didn't answer Lin Moli's question. Looking at Lin Moli's appearance, she couldn't get angry in one place.

If he didn't come back this time, wouldn't he tell himself about the injury? Since he was a child, he always followed her to pick out all the good things, and he was bored in his heart, but he couldn't see it. Nan Zhi felt a little wronged.

As far as Nan Zhi could remember, no matter what he did wrong, he would take it first, so that his grandfather would punish him. No matter how big a hole Nan Zhi made, he would always clean it up without complaint. It is not an exaggeration to say that even if Nan Zhi wanted to kill him They handed her the knife without hesitation, and then went to take the blame for her.

At that time Nan Zhi secretly asked why Lin Moli was so nice to her, he just smiled and rubbed Nan Zhi's head and said because I am an elder brother!It is right to protect you!

Later, when he grew up, Mr. Lin handed over the property of the Lin family to Lin Moli. Nan Zhi remembered that her brother was busy with school during the day and the company at night. Lin Moli shared.

Later, Mr. Lin showed them a completely different world, Shuramen, a world where the weak prey on the strong and the strong are king. It took them two years to climb up from the lowest level to complete the difficult one after another. The mission was to prove himself with his strength, so Mr. Lin handed over the Asura Gate to the two, and Lin Moli and Nan Zhi became the new masters of the Asura Gate.

Over the years, the Asura Sect has grown stronger and stronger under the hands of Lin Moli and Nan Zhi, annexing many large and small organizations. Until three years ago, a group called An Ye suddenly rose up and quickly became an organization that could keep pace with the Asura Sect. The two sides got along like this It's quite harmonious, the well water never interferes with the river water, and never takes the initiative to cause trouble, but even so, Lin Moli has never relaxed at all!Carrying the Lin family and Shuramen alone.

But everyone forgot that he was the same age as Nan Zhi, only 20 years old!Just born a few minutes earlier than him, so much to bear.

Lin Moli asked aloud, "Did you punish Arborvitae?"

Nan Zhi nodded, and said truthfully, "I punished him with a hundred lashes and closed the secret room."

As Lin Moli's right-hand man, if he made a mistake, he has never been punished since the accident, and it will cause criticism from everyone. Nan Zhi's behavior can be regarded as a punishment, and it can be regarded as a solution to everyone's criticism.

Lin Moli nodded and said, "Well, Arborvitae is a person close to him. This time Arborvitae made a mistake. Without punishment, there is no way to stop the discussion of other people in the castle."

Nan Zhi asked back, "Brother, do you think this incident has anything to do with the Hawley family?"

Lin Moli thought for a while, then shook his head, "I'm not sure, it's just too coincidental to make people suspicious!"

Nan Zhi asked, "What's the matter with the dark night? Why did it suddenly cause trouble? Did the Shuramen have any conflicts with them?"

Lin Moli analyzed, "The Asura Sect and An Ye have never crossed the border. This time, I don't know why, An Ye started to make troubles. Maybe it's because the two families have been balancing each other for so many years. They want to break this situation!"

After Nan Zhi thought about it, it's not impossible. H State's underground business is a huge piece of meat, who wouldn't want to monopolize it?
Nan Zhi said, "My brother happened to be invited by the Huo Li family this time. It seems that the Huo Li family has boarded the boat of An Ye."

Lin Moli said lightly, "I'm afraid that the Lin family has an inner ghost. The Lin family has not meddled in the affairs of H state these years. They probably forgot the methods of the Lin family."

Nan Zhi echoed, "It's time for the Lin family to shuffle their cards after all these years."

The siblings looked at each other.They all understood each other's meaning.

Nan Zhi helped Lin Moli to lie down.Covered him with a quilt and said, "Heal your wounds well, I'll stay a little longer this time."

Lin Moli still didn't forget to tease Nan Zhi, "Stay here for a while, don't you miss your sweetheart? I remember some people lost their souls because they didn't see their sweetheart."

Nan Zhi raised her hand to threaten, "Don't think that I dare not hit you because you are injured, stop talking and rest well, I'll go out and see Xiao Hei, close your eyes!"

Seeing Lin Moli closing her eyes obediently, Nan Zhi left the secret room.

In the hall of the ancient castle, Arborvitae knelt on the ground and was whipped. The servants of the castle watched. After a hundred lashes, Arborvitae passed out covered in blood. Nan Zhi walked from behind the crowd. Standing on a high place in front of him, he looked at "lift him down."

Two servants came out from behind and carried Arborvitae to the secluded room. Nan Zhi looked around at the servants below and said gloomyly, "Everyone has stayed in the Lin family for many years and understands the rules of the Lin family. I hope everyone will be vigilant, and I hope you will not make the same mistake!"

The servants below all said yes, and Nan Zhi waved her hand, "It's all gone!"

The servants left the hall one after another, busy with their own affairs.

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(End of this chapter)

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