Xu Shao's Mrs. Bai Yueguang

Chapter 82 Don't give up on me

Chapter 82 Don't give up on me
Xu Wenyan collected his thoughts, took out his mobile phone and made a call to make some arrangements, but his eyes kept on Nan Zhi.

After hanging up the phone, Xu Wenyan said in a low voice, "July has gone to investigate, Xiaozhi..."

"You're so cold, go and change!" Nan Zhi interrupted him, and turned around to go to bed

Xu Wenyan looked at her back with obsessive eyes, and whispered in a low voice, "Xiaozhi, don't be afraid, and don't want me."

Nan Zhi stopped, went back to him, took his hand, and kissed him on tiptoe, Xu Wenyan opened her mouth obediently to cooperate with her.

After the kiss was over, Nan Zhi leaned into his arms, "It's getting late, I'm sleepy, can you sleep with me?" Nan Zhi raised her head and blinked at him.

Xu Wenyan nodded obediently and bent down to pick her up and put her on the bed. The two of them lay on the bed, Xu Wenyan's hand was on her waist obediently, not daring to move.

Nan Zhi felt the stiffness of his body, hugged him, and looked up at him, "Ah Yan, are you still thinking about that?"

Xu Wen just looked at her without saying a word, Ru Mo's pupils were full of helplessness, Nan Zhi raised her hand to cover his eyes to comfort her.

Nan Zhi remembered Xu Wenyan's reaction after being drugged, and said with a bit of loneliness in her expression, "Ah Yan, do you think I was touched by Zhao Kainan? Do you think I'm dirty?"

Xu Wenyan panicked after hearing this, opened his eyes and looked at her and said firmly, "No, I don't, how could I dislike you, I don't."

"Then why didn't you hug me? You said you didn't dislike me?" Nan Zhi continued to ask

Xu Wenyan put his hand on her body, and pulled her into his arms with all his strength. Nan Zhi leaned on his chest, listening to his heartbeat, "Ayan, do you remember what I told you? I will always love you You, absolutely will not want you."

"Remember." Xu Wenyan whispered, "Xiao Zhi, promise me, don't give up on me so easily."

Nan Zhi looked up at him, "Ah Yan, I will never give up on you. I have no objection to you teaching him a lesson. This is City A, not State H. We must abide by the law here. I don't want you to take anyone's life for me. lawsuit."

Nan Zhi is not a person with the heart of a virgin, and she will not sympathize with those who want to harm her. If others treat her unkindly, she will not sit still.

In fact, even if Xu Wenyan didn't take action in this matter, I wouldn't let him go easily!

"Ayan, promise me, okay?" Nan Zhi blinked at him, her eyes became brighter and brighter in the dark night, Xu Wenyan watched her full of thoughts, finally nodded, and kissed her on the brow, The two embraced each other and slept together, having a good night's dream.

When he woke up again, it was already high in the sun, and he stretched out his hand to touch the place beside him and it was already cold, it seemed that Ah Yan had already left.

Nan Zhi turned over on the bed and continued to fall asleep. There was a rustling sound at the door, and then the bedroom door was pushed open. Nan Zhi felt someone standing in front of the bed and said in a daze, "A Yan, you are at home! I thought You went to the company..."

The person in front of the bed didn't speak, and Nan Zhi also smelled that this person's smell was different from Xu Wenyan's. Could there be a thief?Thinking of this, Nan Zhi instantly opened her eyes and got up.

"Qingqing, why is it you..." Nan Zhi lay down on the bed after seeing who was coming.

With his messy hair on his head, Su Muqing squinted his eyes halfway. He looked like he hadn't woken up. He woke up full of anger, rubbed his hair irritably, and threw the mobile phone beside Nan Zhi, "I'm looking for you, answer the phone!" After speaking, he fell asleep next to Nan Zhi
Nan Zhi touched the phone and put it to her ear, "Hello, who's there?"

"Aren't you up yet? Little lazy pig." Xu Wenyan's voice came from the phone

"It's not up yet, by the way, why did Qingqing come to our house?" Nan Zhi asked
At this time, Xu Wenyan was in the headquarters of Dark Night in H State. On one side were lying on the ground two people who had been tortured and couldn't see their original appearance. , Looking at the two people who fell to the ground, this scene is a bit weird.

Xu Wenyan explained in a low voice, "I need to go on a business trip these days, and I'm afraid you'll be bored in Yulan Bay by yourself, so I called her over to keep you company."

"Why did you go on a business trip suddenly? It's so sudden and there are so many people in the company, why do you need to go in person?" Nan Zhi was a little disappointed by such a sudden decision, and complained casually

Xu Wenyan could hear the disappointment in her words, and coaxed in a low voice, "It's a temporary decision. I have to come in person. It's only a matter of a few days. I can go back soon. Wait for me obediently?"

"I'll just say it casually, you work hard, you must take good care of yourself, and remember to miss me." Nan Zhi yawned after squatting on the phone
Xu Wenyan on the phone smiled and said softly, "I will miss you, if you are still sleepy, go to sleep again, Xiao Zhi."

"Well, Ah Yan, goodbye." After speaking, Nan Zhi hung up the phone, covered Su Muqing on the side with a quilt, and continued to catch up on sleep on the side of the bed.

After Xu Wenyan saw the phone was hung up, the smile on his face faded a little, and he glanced at the people on the ground, "Shouldn't you say it?"

Jiuyue stepped forward and said, "These two people are very strict, and they didn't ask anything, sir."

"Oh? Really?" Xu Wenyan raised his eyebrows, and looked at the two with a half-smile, "Put them in the underground darkroom."

Jiuyue was taken aback for a moment, then said "yes", and with a wave of his hand, two people came in from the outside and dragged him out.

The underground darkroom in the dark night is not just a small dark room, but more importantly, there are snakes in it. These snakes are specially trained and will entangle the living things that enter the darkroom from time to time. They will not kill you directly. , but let you experience a sense of suffocation all the time.

The endless dark night in the underground darkroom, coupled with the suffocation brought by the snakes, few people can bear this kind of mental and physical torture.

Nan Zhi and Su Muqing woke up naturally after they fell asleep. They ordered takeaway and continued to lie on the bed.

Su Muqing complained to Nan Zhi, "Do you know that I was filming a night scene yesterday, and it was almost three o'clock when I finished work. I didn't have time to change my costume, and the hotel didn't let me go back, so I was brought here directly. The sad thing is, not long after I fell asleep, Brother Wen Yan started bombarding me with phone calls, and I was going crazy..."

"Okay, okay, be good, be good, don't be crazy, you are the cash cow of Ah Yan Entertainment Company!" Nan Zhi hugged Su Muqing and rubbed her head.

"Well, you Nan Xiaozhi, do you still have humanity! At this moment, you are still asking me to make money!" Su Muqing got up and knelt on the bed with one hand on her hip, and the other pointing at Nan Zhi.
"I was wrong, Star Su, I was wrong!" Nan Zhi blinked at her with an extremely sincere expression.

"Now I know I'm wrong? It's too late!" After speaking, Su Muqing stepped forward and threw Nan Zhi down, and kept scratching where Nan Zhi was afraid of ticklish.

The two girls started to fight on the bed, and the fight was not stopped until the takeaway phone rang.

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(End of this chapter)

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