Pirate Titan

Chapter 108 The Battle of Crocodile.

Chapter 108 The Battle of Crocodile.

Crocodile wants to use Ron to find Ron's partner and eliminate them in one fell swoop.

In his opinion, this is a very critical matter, and it is definitely not something that one person can do to investigate him.

And Ron, who is still young, how could he find out that he has some problems in doing things alone.

After thinking about his plan from beginning to end, Crocodile found that he had no flaws.

Therefore, he suspected that there should be an expert behind Ron.

He wanted to kill that tall man and Ron together.No one can stop his plan to find the ancient weapon Pluto.

"It's very strange, why hasn't the person who came into contact with him been found?"

Crocodile said.

"Could it be that he came alone?"

Nico Robin also said seriously.

Robin also just came to the Kingdom of Alabasta, and he cooperated with Crocodile to explore the truth of history.

Coming to the desert kingdom, Alabasta, Robin, the oldest country in the world that is older than O'Hara's Tree of Omniscience, it is natural to have a good survey of the environment here.

So I came with Crocodile.

At this time, Crocodile is willing to take Robin to do some things, and now they are in the honeymoon period of the two.

"A little sea soldier dared to attack me Qi Wuhai. I always feel that he doesn't have that much courage."

Crocodile said very disdainfully.

"I didn't expect you to be very confident, thinking that a small sea soldier would not have the guts to deal with a king like you, Shichibukai.

But when you were young, weren't you also a very powerful person? "

Ron suddenly appeared.

Obviously they still have some distance to follow Ron.When Ron came back suddenly, they didn't even know.

Or maybe Ron's speed was too fast for them to react.

"When I was young, I dared to fight against Whitebeard, but after I failed, I started researching to find the ancient weapon Pluto.

I have to say Crocodile, has your personal combat effectiveness regressed?Have you lost your nerve? "

After Ron asked this sentence, Crocodile's face changed.

Not only because Ron talked about his pain, but more importantly, Ron knew that he came here to find the ancient weapon Pluto.


"Do you want to ask me how I know about your plans?"

Ron approached Crocodile step by step.

"Is it hard to guess?"

Just this sentence.Crocodile looked at Ron and then at Robin.

"So you're an undercover agent for the navy?"

Crocodile asked.But soon he reacted again.

"No, how could you be an undercover agent of the navy."

Nico Robin is the only survivor of O'Hara.

She knows a lot about Obara, and also understands a lot of historical truths in this world. Nicole Robin is the only one who can interpret the blank 100 years in this world.

So Nicole Robin should not cooperate with the Navy.

After all, the navy had destroyed O'Hara and his homeland.

After figuring out these key points, Crocodile looked at Ron.

"Who the hell are you?"

To be honest, Crocodile is a little confused now.

Ron's description and his various abilities should be Ron, the rookie in the navy.

It stands to reason that it shouldn't be like designing him with Robin.But now how would he know about Pluto?

Nicole Robin is also unlikely to work with the navy.

"It seems that you are hesitant to think about so many things. It proves that I am right."

Ron said with a smile.

"There is no Pluto in Alabasta. So it doesn't make any sense for you to want to gain control of this country, and then get the secrets of this country's history."

Crocodile suddenly felt that Ron in front of him was an invisible person.

Even Nicole Robin couldn't see through Ron.

She had no idea where this man came from, nor why he would see through the plan between the two of them.

"I'm trying to persuade you, I hope you don't do too much.

I don't think the Qiwuhai system under the king is a very good system.

Many of you want to get what you want through this system, but you have never thought about whether you can help the Navy check and balance the pirates. "

Ron said with a smile.

"Of course, when you pirates can find out with conscience, there will be two suns in the sky."

"Then what is your purpose in coming here?"

Crocodile said.

"Are you here to warn me? Even if you know those things, or you seem to know what I want to do.

But since I didn't do this, you don't have any evidence against me. "

"You are quite right."

Ron said and took off his military uniform.Then start transforming.

"As you think, just kill me here. The navy can't do anything to you?
Because you are Shichibukai, a powerful pirate who can bring a lot of benefits to the navy, and a small navy like me will die if it dies.

So what if I'm going to kill you?Can this prove my strength and let the navy see my usefulness? "

After speaking, Ron has transformed into a 20-meter giant.

After following the yellow monkey for two years, to make contributions, let's start from Qiwuhai.

The huge body is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that there is a very thick layer of dark clouds behind Ron.

There seems to be something hidden above the dark clouds.

"It seems that you are not very polite in doing things."

Crocodile said.

"After you have done all this, I will deal with you again. Maybe I can buy people's hearts, and even make the royal family of Alabasta admire me and help me at critical moments.

But if we do that, we will inevitably sacrifice many Alabasta people.

So I choose to fight you.

If you win, take my head, and no one will stop you if you want to do anything.

If you lose.

I don't want your life either.I just hope that you can resist the Tianlong people's government at a critical time. "

Ron said this.

"Hahaha, it really is good to be young."

Crocodile laughed.

"Could it be that you think you are really my opponent."

Crocodile had transformed while speaking.

As a person with the ability of rustling fruit of the natural system.Crocodile's strength is beyond doubt.

Attacked directly towards Ron.

Because it is a person with natural fruit ability.So very few people can attack him.

He punched Ron.

At the same time, he didn't dodge Ron's fist.

Because he thought Ron couldn't touch him at all.

"You are so naive, Crocodile.


(End of this chapter)

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