Pirate Titan

Chapter 136 Doflamingo's Crime

Chapter 136 Doflamingo's Crime
There is no doubt that history is written by the victors.

As long as you win, you have a lot of right to speak, and you can even change the reasons for what happened.

Such things are actually very common, and many histories in this world may have been tampered with.

But the falsified history is not the real history, and the existence of history will have some dialectical materialism in it. When various historical materials are combined with logical thinking, you will find how ridiculous those lies are.

But sometimes.Because people are forgetful.

At such a moment, if history is changed and publicity is made, it will have a very good effect in the short term.

This is also a way that Doflamingo thought of.

For ordinary people, understanding history is not an easy task.They didn't have much energy to dig out the historical materials hidden here.There is no more time for logical reasoning, thinking about what happened in the past from various historical materials.

People follow the crowd, and the public likes to be led by the nose.Sometimes the truth is not important, what matters is what kind of truth they see, and for many people, what they see is only the truth they want.

So Doflamingo is not afraid of such things happening in the live broadcast at all, he just needs to explain these things at critical moments.

And he didn't believe that there was really someone watching the situation here all the time. As long as no one watched the whole process, it would be difficult to prove that he committed those heinous crimes.

As long as he wins after this battle, after packaging and adapting these videos or other things, after a lot of publicity, the public will believe the truth he gave.

As for the authenticity of this matter, who has more time to verify it?
So history is written by the victors.Even if today's events will become historical data, few of you will verify what happened today.

"In this birdcage, I don't believe you can get out."

Doflamingo left here as if he had disappeared.

What he did was not to be able to defeat Ron.

Nor is Freeing the Birdcage out of desperation, wanting to destroy an entire country.This is completely different from the time when Luffy and Doflamingo fought against each other. The background of the times is also different, and the goals of the two sides are also different.

Doflamingo's purpose was naturally to wait until the Navy Headquarters sent someone to take Ron away.

He also wanted to force Ron to release the birdcage.Even to intimidate those rebels.

When Ron is arrested, he will unlock the place.

At that time, many people will be grateful to Dade.Will take many things as Ron's fault.

This birdcage is to deter those who dare to rebel.It also gave Ron a kind of oppression.That's what happened to him trying to rebel against Doflamingo.

"What are you hiding at this time?"

Ron gave chase.

"Fight me. Running away is not your Doflamingo style."

Doflamingo ignored Ron's ridicule.In his opinion, the navy should be here soon.

So he doesn't have to waste time with Ron. If Ron can destroy the entire country even more wantonly during this period of time, it will give Dofferent a better reason to resist and appeal.

"This is really not your style. With your character, you can fight me completely. If you win, I can still negotiate terms. What do you mean?"

Ron really didn't understand what Doflamingo was doing.

This is a person who is used to being arrogant. Under such circumstances, he can actually feel that he can gain more benefits by using this method.

It's kind of out of character for him.

In such a situation.Ron thought that Doflamingo should fight him. He has always been such an arrogant person, and he has never shown any cowardice in front of the general.

Why did you run away uncharacteristically today?

This should not be some of the properties that a king Shichibukai, a King Dressrosa, possesses.

How could someone who had awakened his domineering look be so cowardly?Ron always thought this was a little weird.

While following the footsteps of Doverang Folk Song, he was careful to guard against his sudden sneak attack.

Sure enough, Doflamingo appeared behind him.

was about to attack him.

Ron turned around and kicked.Kicked directly towards Doflamingo's abdomen.

Doflamingo backed away in pain.This to Doflamingo of the Backwards.Like a puppet.

Could it be in the surrounding area.

Ron turned around quickly thinking about it.At this time, he was strangled by the neck.

Who would have thought that under such a situation, Doflamingo would come back with a carbine.And still use this method.

The silk thread in his hand was like a sharp knife, very fast.

This unexpected sneak attack has indeed produced a certain effect.

The rope contracted rapidly, cutting Ron's skin like a sharp knife, and blood seeped out from the edge of the rope.

Ron quickly used the armed color to arm his neck domineeringly.Such a situation is simply a very special situation.

This was indeed unexpected.

Don't look at this trick, it looks a little rude, but it is very effective.

"Unexpectedly, in such a situation, I will use this method to kill you."

Although Ron resisted with armed domineering, under such circumstances, Doflamingo's rope was naturally attached, armed with domineering, and the confrontation between the two sides' domineering will naturally produce certain tension Influence, who is more domineering, may determine the situation of the war.

Ron's domineering is a little stronger.But although it is very strong, there will still be a little bit of suffocation.

Under such circumstances, Ron could only keep hitting Doflamingo's abdomen with his elbows.

Doflamingo also used armed domineering to resist, and the two showed such a duel under the crowd's spectators.

After such a duel, it really gives people a special feeling. Who would have thought that there would be such a chemical reaction between the two masters.

It's like a brawl between street hooligans.

Obviously Ron's domineering was even better, his elbow bleeds from the blow in Doflamingo City.

While he was injured and bent over, Ron fell over his shoulder.Doflamingo fell heavily to the ground.

Ron, who broke free from his restraints, felt the freshness of the air. He took a greedy breath of air, and began to beat Doflamingo violently while riding on Doflamingo's body.

Who would have thought that under such circumstances, the fight between two people would be like a fight between gangsters on the street. This scene has already been watched by tens of thousands of people.

Fujitora, who had already found a place to watch, also felt a little strange that this matter was developing a bit weirdly.


(End of this chapter)

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