Pirate Titan

Chapter 191 No. 1

Chapter 191 Number One

While Ron was talking, he saw a ship approaching in the distance.

The name of No. 1 is written on the ship, and all of them are marked with No. 1.

"how can that be?"

They were immediately dumbfounded when they saw this scene.

Trafflegarro did not expect to meet the No. [-] fleet of the North Sea here.

This No. 1 is very particular, not to say that everyone on the ship knows the mark of No. 1.

"Now you still say that it is too late for us to foresee with them? Now we have met them."

Facing such a situation, Trafalgarrow was indeed somewhat surprised.

"In fact, sometimes many problems have come to us without our knowing, so it is very important to be prepared."

Watching the boat slowly approaching, Trafalgaro still insisted on his own ideas.

"Our strength is not enough now, so I don't think they may think of our small boat."

In fact, what Trafalgaro said is very good, it is indeed not enough, and many things are like this.

"If we are not strong enough, others will look down on us, but we also need to have the courage to fight. If the opponent really wants to destroy us, then what can we do?

Are we doomed? "

No time to keep thinking, too much.It's been too long, and there is no fundamental solution now.

"Next, let's get ready to face the battle. You are right. Even if we are not strong enough to fight the opponent, the opponent may not take us seriously at all and want to destroy us casually."

Trappagaro looked at the opponent's gesture obviously as an attack. Obviously, the opponent didn't know who Ron was or what the pirate group looked like, but it was obvious that even if he didn't know They didn't feel any guilt or thought, they just wanted to finish this matter well.

"In that case, let's get ready for battle."

After Ron gave the order, the three crew members were all on the boat waiting for the arrival of the other party. If the other party really passed by, that's okay. If it wasn't for everyone, they would have to prepare for a tough battle and sail on the sea. To meet all kinds of things.

"Get ready for the battle and I'm ready too. This is the first time our pirate group has experienced a large-scale battle. I hope that each of us can make our own strategic decisions, and quickly show our demeanor .”

In fact, what is invisible is not necessarily safe. Many times people think that the dangers that they cannot see do not exist, but in fact, dangers are always around them all the time. Is it true that what you cannot see does not exist?Doesn't he who you can't see really come into your eyes?
At least some things are like this. Before the future comes, he will not have any omens. No matter whether you can see it yourself, whether there is any result, whether there is any result or whether you have any ideas, you always have to face active or passive , all have to bear such a blow.

Apparently they found it on the other side. They are still searching for the ship. They don’t seem to care what is on the ship. They just know that the ship looks like a pirate ship. Today’s cruise has not encountered a ship that can fight. Thieves group this is also an opportunity.

"Listen to the people on the opposite boat, we are here today to patrol. Whenever we are here, we must pay high respect to our North Sea Fleet, so I hope that when you do anything, you can give An accurate answer."

Luo Wen didn't quite understand what he said. What is an accurate answer? Could it be that they have the final say in Beihai?Why do you keep saying that you abide by the agreement? Isn't all navigation on the sea free?Whoever stipulates to sail on this sea needs to do some extra things for you to supplement.

"It seems that you don't have much awareness. When you meet us, it's best to show your surrender, otherwise your consequences will be very dangerous. I hope you can understand."

The guy in the red No. 1 battle suit didn't take this pirate ship seriously at all. They rushed here with robots or transformed people in mechas, saying To be honest, they didn't really care about what was on Luo Wenzhe's boat at all. What they cared about was whether there was any very good treasure in this very special boat, which was so finely crafted and looked huge.

"Of course there is nothing I can prepare for you. We are just passing boats. I hope you can respect everyone on this side of the sea. Everyone is equal and free. If you want to become kings, I will never allow it."

After listening to Ron's advice, Trafalgaro also realized this problem. Some things can't be solved if you don't take it seriously. No matter what attitude you take, since the other party has decided to If you annex it, then you won't be given much room to breathe, nor will you be given a reason to justify.

"I didn't think of a small boat. Since I have the guts to kill plants, it's too difficult to get me to pay attention to you through this trick. I have a lot of things to do in a day, so there are not many things at all. I'll take care of you with all my energy, I'm passing by today.

There is no reason to see you detour, so you don't need to be nervous or flustered, and you don't need to think about showing some backbone, it's useless, and we won't appreciate you more because you have no spine .

Because I have said so much to you, it is considered a reward for you, and I am going to leave this world this afternoon, or take a look at this world, because you probably won’t see such a beautiful scenery again, of course You should also be glad that you met me and died under my hands. It is your honor and your luck. "

"If you want to challenge me, I can tell you clearly that what you say is too long-winded, even more long-winded than mine, and don't volume and luck mean the same thing? You don't have much language skills, it seems You can only serve as a small captain. Even if you have the No. 3 battle suit, it doesn't mean that the eldest son of Acceleration can do whatever he wants. Maybe you can't control the interests of the entire family, and you can't control the family. What is the core secret, the No. [-] among you may be a stronger person who will have better achievements in the future, but you will not have any great achievements after all."

Gilmar 66 laughed after hearing Ron's words.

"It doesn't matter if you are successful or not. Now that you have met, let us see how strong you are."

(End of this chapter)

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