battle master

Chapter 1086 Black thief turtle!

Chapter 1086 Black thief turtle!

Follow the sound.


A guy covered in pitch black was staring at Wu Yangyu fiercely. It seemed that the body was not human, but a tortoise. A tortoise claw was touching his tortoise shell from time to time, as if he wanted to throw it out at any time. look.

With such a gesture, who else would that black turtle be in the Mystic Realm of God?

Back then, after leaving the Mystic Realm of God, Wu Yangyu had never seen this guy again. The origin of the black thief turtle was obviously mysterious, and even in the Mystic Realm of God, where all kinds of dangerous inheritances, it They can come in and out with ease, and this simple point makes Wu Yangyu extremely curious.

It's a pity.

Since he left the Mystic Realm of God, he has never seen this thing again, but he unexpectedly saw it in the Tower of Wisdom.

"Don't make trouble. In the future, if you want to restore your real body, you will have to rely on his power. The glory of your family will not be without his help."

While Wu Yangyu was still curious, a voice started to come out from this side.


The sound spread at such a close distance, which immediately made Wu Yangyu's body stiffen for a while. Under such a distance, he had no sense of the other party's appearance at all. This simple point really made Wu Yangyu's heart ache. Secretly gave birth to vigilance.

The person who spoke was an old man with an ancient stature, and the other person had snow-white beard and hair. At this moment, those wise eyes were staring at him. There seemed to be no vulgarity in his body at all, and there was only a kind of endless desire. The dusty smell, it seems that the whole person has fallen into a kind of endless purity.

"Meet the great wise man!"

Facing the old man, Wu Yangyu had already guessed the identity of the other party, and was able to bring him into the Wisdom Tower in an instant, and he could come and go here freely. Except for the wise man who is the owner of the Wisdom Tower, there is probably no other person who can do it. arrive.

Thinking of the identity of the other party, and even more of the unpredictable means of the other party, although Wu Yangyu was a little wary in his heart, he still showed respect on his face.

Not long ago, if it wasn't for the action of a great wise man, I am afraid that the entire Shenhua Continent will be caught in the suppression and killing of the strong outsiders. At that time, not only the power of the world will not be able to keep it, but even the entire continent will perish. You are welcome! To put it bluntly, the old man in front of him is already a benefactor of Shenhua Continent.

This simple point deserves Wu Yangyu's respect.

"It doesn't matter... there is a fate between you and me, just based on this, there is a reason for the old man to take action!"

The wise man glanced at Wu Yangyu slowly, his eyes seemed calm and calm, but actually contained an extremely dark light and emotion.


This answer was beyond Wu Yangyu's expectation.

"This time, the disaster in Shenhua Continent seems to be terrible, but in fact it is not. For example, the catastrophe in the ancient era was far worse. At that time, there were people outside the territory. The top generation of the evil clan descended, and among them, there were many god-level figures born. Now, they are just mere celestial lords, and the existence of the celestial venerable is only with the help of holy artifacts. So, relying on The forces in the seven forbidden areas, these forces are nothing."

Regarding this, the wise man first gave a general explanation to Wu Yangyu.

"Heavenly Venerable?"

Wu Yangyu couldn't help chewing these two words, but he had too many doubts in his heart. It's no wonder he was like this. Back then, if a god-level person made a move, why didn't the power of the world in the Shenhua Continent never They have repelled and even counterattacked, but they have allowed Shenhua Continent to fall into a dark age.

"In ancient times, powerful people emerged in large numbers, but... that era was also extremely difficult. After all, without the protection of the power of the world, the entire Shenhua Continent was just a living target in that era, and could be suppressed at any time. "

"Senior, what do you mean, in the ancient times, the power of the world has not actually been born yet?"

Wu Yangyu had a little understanding subconsciously, and couldn't help asking again.

"That's right, that's exactly the case. Otherwise, the ancient so-called Dark Ages would definitely not be in such a mess."

The wise man nodded, his wise eyes were full of sighs.

"The power of the world, this is a realm of comprehension. Once you control it, it is equivalent to controlling a world. Moreover, all the laws and comprehension in martial arts will be promoted to an incredible state... This is exactly the same. Why, so many strong men will come!"

"I see!"

Under the introduction of the wise man, Wu Yangyu finally had some understanding:
"Dare to ask senior, but in order for us to find the source of the power of this world?"

Wu Yangyu finally got to the core of the question.

"No, no, that's not the case. This time, I summoned you here, but I was actually entrusted by others. About you, the old man has already understood in his heart, and he has comprehended the inheritance of the two great spirit clans. The inheritance of the Dou Zhan Spirit Clan is not something ordinary people can control, but you are climbing step by step, you are worthy of being the blood of the ancient overlord clan, and even more worthy of being the child of your mother..."

Mother? !
The appearance of these two words, like a thunderbolt, reverberated wildly in Wu Yangyu's ears, and even the depths of his heart were so stimulated that he was trembling crazily.

"Senior... know my mother?"

About his mother, he knows too little information, and even the appearance of the other party is only learned from the blocked memory when he was a baby, and he doesn't know anything else. .

"Yes, she is the old man's benefactor. If it were not for her action, the old man would definitely not be able to appear in front of you. At that time, I am afraid that the inheritance of the Wisdom Tower will also die in the old man's hands..."


The words of the great wise man made Wu Yangyu's emotions tumbling uncontrollably. He took a deep breath and forcibly suppressed all the thoughts in his heart.

"This time, the powerhouses of the Outer Heavens will return without success..."

Just when the wise man was about to continue to say something, the black thief turtle not far away spoke again:
"Okay, let's end your reminiscence for the time being. For the rest of the time, let's talk about the future growth of this chair... I didn't expect that Master Gui's treasures for many years would just be handed over to others. Think about it." Master Turtle feels super upset."

The face of the black thief turtle was flocked with anger. Obviously, it actually rejected the so-called treasure in its heart.


The wise man gave the black thief an angry look, and then said to Wu Yangyu again:

"The old man will definitely know everything about your mother. However, what this guy said is not wrong, and it is indeed its treasure. However, it also makes your own strength have an unimaginable improvement. , and this method is to allow you to obtain more fighting spirits as soon as possible..."

(End of this chapter)

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