battle master

Chapter 606 Demonization!big fight!

Chapter 606 Demonization!big fight!
Storm, set off!
Passing through the boiling power, Wu Yangyu's speed has reached the extreme, and he started to catch up crazily with a step of a thousand meters.

The entire Demon Dragon Palace is huge and boundless, clearly like an independent space.

Forcibly survived the killing of all kinds of stone statues, but I didn't expect it, but I still didn't reach the end.


Relying on the Eye of Qiyan, Wu Yangyu has already found the trace of Wang Huang and others.

Just breath in between.

His figure was like lightning, and he had already appeared beside them.


However, the moment he stepped into this place, an extremely evil might suddenly enveloped him, just like the revival of the ancient Demon God Emperor.

Evil energy is vast and boundless.

At this moment, Wu Yangyu really realized something was wrong.

The evil aura in the entire space is really too strong, even carrying some kind of powerful erosive force. Once a creature enters, this evil energy will start to attack wantonly, forming an overwhelming posture.


A cold snort came from Wang Huang and the others.

Obviously, under the erosion of this evil energy, their situation is not good. Therefore, although they saw Wu Yangyu's appearance, their hearts were filled with killing intent, and they even wanted to kill him completely, but they didn't. This surplus.

He could only desperately start moving forward, trying to get out of this space of evil energy.

Compared with them, Wu Yangyu was the most relaxed. His will was the strongest, he was as stable as a rock, and he was more protected by the courage of the gods and the power of thunder and lightning. All the evil energy would be forcibly suppressed the moment it eroded over.


And this is just the beginning.

As everyone moves forward, the effect of this evil energy is also increasing exponentially, and everyone has already noticed this.


Finally, with a stern roar, some disciples of the three major clans have been completely corroded by evil energy, and following this person's roar, more and more disciples, already trembling, also let out Roaring like a beast.

On their bodies, a large black evil light began to form, and as the evil light bloomed, the muscles quickly split, and along with a large amount of blood flowing, black scales were clearly growing out of the crack.

"This is?!"

Such a scene made Wu Yangyu's brows furrow involuntarily, and even vaguely felt familiar.

"That's right, this is clearly the same as Huang San's situation back then..."

Huang San was an inconspicuous little person he met when he was in the outside world, but this person knew the secrets of Dragon City. Back then, the other party took him to the lonely grave of the other party's grandfather, and by chance, he got a piece of incomplete land. Long Lin, and at that time, in that lonely graveyard, Huang San also had such a change, which was similar to a demonized change.


The roaring sound continued to increase.


Everyone already felt that something was wrong.


Fang Qingyan's eyes flickered, and he shuttled through the space like a sharp sword.

Under such circumstances, they had no choice but to take action. These people who have been eroded by evil energy have scarlet eyes, and they have lost their minds. In the midst of howling, bloodthirsty light is released from the depths of these eyes. If If you don't make a move yet, they will be the ones who will suffer.


Jin Yuan, his hands evolved, and he moved with seals. In the back, a huge golden sword quickly evolved, and he slashed towards the opposite side like a world-opening.

With their personalities, they are very ruthless.

Although they are children of the same clan, they are not merciless in killing.

In just a moment, all those corrupted by evil energy have been suppressed.


Within Wu Yangyu's body, the dragon's majestic aura continued to unfold. Inside, the power of thunder and lightning engulfed the body, forming a double protection of power, and the power of the gods radiated, protecting his mind from being infected.

[Yaoyue Flash] The speed is astonishingly fast.

along the way.

More and more people are constantly being eroded by evil energy.


at last.

The face of an ancient king twisted for a while, and a shrill roar came out of his mouth.

His muscles twisted, and the flesh and blood all over his body crackled and shattered. His whole body exuded supreme majestic power, and his whole aura was more than twice as strong as before.


Seeing the change of this king, Jin Yuan's face was suddenly furious.

He doesn't care if it's other ancient clan's children, but this is a king, even in this Jin clan, a king-level figure is very important.


However, at this time, that king would not consider the other party's anger. In the instant of roaring, the other party was surrounded by a black evil light, and shot towards the gold yuan.


The opponent's momentum is surging, like an immortal ancient magic mountain, stronger than before, and in the state of losing his mind, the opponent's power is even more terrifying and extraordinary.

The palm of the hand was raised and turned into a sharp claw, and there was no politeness at all in the shot.

The strength is getting stronger and stronger, and after being eroded by evil energy, the harm caused is also more intense.


"Go away!"

Under Jin Yuan's rage, he roared loudly.

While hunting in the robe, streaks of golden Shen Xi flowed endlessly on this body, and quickly transformed into a huge golden dragon shadow, colliding with the opponent without showing any weakness.

"Dragon Shadow?"

This scene made Wu Yangyu slightly taken aback, a strange feeling was generated in his heart.

Ruo Ruo, whether it is the royal family, the Fang family, or the Jin family, the unique skills they have cultivated seem to be related to this dragon.

For example, Wang Huang of the royal family, what he cultivated was the [Azure Dragon Classic]. Although he didn't know what kind of unique knowledge Jin Yuan practiced, he should be inseparable from this dragon.

"Open... [Golden Dragon Splitting Sky Technique]!"


Amidst the bursts of dragon chant, Jin Yuan let out a low growl again. Immediately, the golden dragon shadow, like a golden dragon sword that slashes everything, slashed the power of the alienated king. The speed of the dragon sword paused slightly, and then In short, he slashed and killed the king again with unabated strength. Obviously, at this time, Jin Yuan had already launched a murderous intention towards the king, and there was no hesitation at all between his strikes, and his decisiveness was extraordinary.


A sword struck.

Space hunting, the power of this sword shocked the sky, as if it came from a ray of holy light from the ancient times, the power of coercion, the shackles of the ten directions stirred up, are constantly collapsing.


Along with the astonishing clashing sound, a pool of black and red blood spurted fiercely.

That king has been completely beheaded.

Everything seemed to happen very quickly, but it was enough to make those present feel dignified for a while.


Jin Yuan even panted slightly, obviously, the other party had expended a lot of power during the casting of the [Golden Dragon Splitting Heaven Art] just now.

"Boy... Now that you have reached this point, why not kill you here!"

Looking at Wu Yangyu coldly, Fang Qingyan suddenly opened his mouth and groaned.

The other party's voice was cold, and there was a strong and murderous atmosphere intertwined and permeated.

Just when he had just finished speaking.

Wu Yangyu even felt that in the space around him, a wave of murderous aura was looming in it, and formed a siege, trapping him in it.

The source of momentum evolution comes from everyone.

In other words, now, Wu Yangyu has been besieged by people from these three major clans, completely blocking his way forward.

"Are you shooting at me?"

The corners of Wu Yangyu's mouth curled up slightly.

Ever since he reached the Martial Ancestor Level Jiuchongtian, he hadn't had the chance to go all out, and even with the cards of the Nine Snakes Swallowing the Sky Formation and [Desperate Strike], Wu Yangyu wasn't too timid towards them either.


Looking at the group of people in front of him, Wu Yangyu also had a judgment in his heart.

With the personalities of Fang Qingyan and the three, they were not the type to strike easily, let alone make such a decision at this time. After all, if there is an internal battle, the effect of the evil energy will be multiplied.

If one is not done well, it will be easily infected.

"Already... been corroded by this evil energy?"

In the slight movement of the pupils, Wu Yangyu had already seen that in the eyes of Fang Qingyan and the others, although they covered it up very well, one could still see that deep in the eyes of these people, there was a trace of blood red.

Here it is explained that although everyone does not seem to be controlled by the evil energy, they are also affected.


Dao Dao ruthless shouts set off.

In the surrounding area, the air froze for a while.

Several figures wrapped up their power one after another, and all rushed towards Wu Yangyu.

Now the remaining people are almost all king-level characters. When they make a move, they are so tyrannical and unparalleled. After an instant attack, the entire space begins to shatter with a crackling sound.


There was a scorching aura permeating Fang Qingyan's body.

A huge fiery dragon phantom was born from this.

"[Flame Dragon Nine Revolutions] Suppress!"

The fire dragon roared, with a powerful scorching breath, as if the ancient flame dragon had awakened. Under the suppression, even a little flame appeared in the cracks in that space.

"Sure enough, that's right!"

This scene also made Wu Yangyu affirm his own judgment. The skills cultivated by the children of the three major clans are indeed related to dragons. He vaguely felt that this relationship seemed to be very important.


Now is no longer the time to be dazed.

In Fang Qingyan's shot, Jin Yuan and Wang Huang also did not show weakness, and brought their own clansmen to fight towards Wu Yangyu with their own power.

In terms of their self-esteem, it would be a disgrace to kill Wu Yangyu together, but under the influence of this evil energy, their goal is only one, to kill him!


The dragon shadow flickered, hesitating and moving.

Wu Yangyu's dark golden dragon shadow fiercely bit each other with the three dragon shadows that came from killing, among them, the dragon's claws covered the sky, and the dragon's tail flicked.

All of them played extraordinary divine power.

At this moment, the terrifying melee begins...

(End of this chapter)

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