battle master

Chapter 616 Immortal body!

Chapter 616 Immortal body! (two)
"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The dark golden rays of light were like meteorites piercing the sky.

The divine power wrapped in mighty energy is swallowing, and every time it hits the dark demonic power heavily, the tyrannical power all vents out terrifying fluctuations, and then it spreads rapidly around Wu Yangyu's body. , turning into ripples, spreading towards the surroundings.

Although it is just the real dragon energy that has just begun to transform, the effect is still shocking, and to a certain extent, it has begun to forcibly contend with the original power of darkness.

"Good boy..."

Such a scene, even Nan Dou himself would be surprised by it.

Originally, he was planning to make a move to protect Wu Yangyu's life, but he never expected that the other party had already made plans. However, Nan Dou's face was still very serious.

He had fought against the power of the source of darkness for too long, until in the end, he even formed himself into an existence similar to a demon, and it was precisely because of this that his xinxing went from good to bad, and this was already beyond his control. It has reached the extreme, so powerful that he has never suppressed the source of darkness, which shows how terrifying it is.


Sure enough, amidst the boiling of the real dragon's energy, another roar of an evil dragon that was beyond all directions was born from it.

The sound, like the roar of a peerless dragon, centered on Wu Yangyu, suddenly set off a black light, the supreme evil aura, swallowed and moved, unexpectedly, in an instant, half of Wu Yangyu's body had turned into a pitch-black crystal. .


The magic power is so vast that even Wu Yangyu never expected that this source of darkness would be so difficult to deal with, and even made his mind almost fall into it for a while.

not only that.

In the body, one after another meridians exploded, and on the surface of the body, cracks appeared, and the blood flow continued.

Now, his breath has gradually begun to weaken.


Shocked, Wu Yangyu frowned fiercely.

At this time, his heart also began to become more and more anxious. Suddenly, an evil, corrupt and even dark voice appeared in his mind again, with a terrifying dragon power, slowly covering:
"Surrender to me, strength, power, women, status...everything is within your reach, and become a citizen of darkness!"

The initial sound was just one sound.

Afterwards, it turned into a radiant magic sound, constantly echoing in Wu Yangyu's heart, even if Wu Yangyu sealed his own sense organs, he still couldn't change the penetration of the pervasive voice.


A low groan echoed from Wu Yangyu's heart. Although the voice was not loud, it carried infinite will.

"I have too many things to do... I still have a long way to go, no one can control my destiny, only myself!"

The sound was clanging, like the long cry of a divine sword, with a terrifying will in it.

This voice, Wu Yangyu was very clear, came from the depths of the darkness. In other words, it was a terrifying inner demon. Only by cutting off the source of darkness and refining it thoroughly could the problem in front of him be solved.


Sure enough, following Wu Yangyu's answer, the power of the source of darkness began to become more and more crazy, and even forcibly started to attack Wu Yangyu again. The power was overwhelming, suppressing Wu Yangyu's power, and constantly bursting out!advance!


With his mind closed, Wu Yangyu's hands kept forming seals, and in the midst of the struggle, he had already begun to focus most of his attention on his own breakthrough.

Time passed by every minute and every second.

At this time, he has temporarily slowed down his offense gradually, but switched from offense to defense, and began to comprehend the transformation of true dragon strength wholeheartedly.

The power after the transformation of the True Dragon Strength is called the Immortal Power, and its quality surpasses that of the True Dragon Strength by a lot. Not only that, but once the Immortal Power evolves successfully, it will also stimulate the formation of an immortal battle body.

At that time, the physical body and the immortal power will merge with each other, and the combat body will automatically communicate with each other to form a perfect balance.


On Wu Yangyu's body, two kinds of light, dark and dark golden, began to intertwine continuously, each maintaining its own territory, clearly occupying Wu Yangyu's body.

The original battle seems to have begun to form a stable situation at this time.

However, this is just a performance, in fact, no matter it is the dark source power or Wu Yangyu himself, they are all accumulating themselves, trying to deal the most terrifying and fatal blow to the other party.

Time passed slowly.

Everything, at this moment, seems to have become quiet.


On Wu Yangyu's body, two terrifying auras were rapidly rising, and at the same time, tearing flesh and blood kept flying from Wu Yangyu's body.

Obviously, in the apparent calm, the two forces are still confronting each other!

The color of pain appeared on Wu Yangyu's face from time to time.


Suddenly, after a short period of calm only lasted for half a day, Wu Yangyu's body burst out with power again, and the two powers once again formed a crazy confrontation.


On Wu Yangyu's body, a large number of cracks formed, blood leaked, and there were even some signs of exposing white bones.


In Wu Yangyu's mouth, blood was spraying wildly, and his whole breath became more and more messy. Obviously, under such a blow, his body had already begun to be unbearable.


The power of this dark source can be shot unscrupulously, but he can't.

After all, this is his physical body, so every time the opponent makes a shot, he needs to try his best to resist and meet it, so that all the opponent's attacks will be completely invisible.


Right Boom!

Wu Yangyu's body kept showing such signs, and the time was also passed by in this kind of confrontation.

In a blink of an eye, eleven days passed quietly.

After these eleven days of tempering and tribulations, Wu Yangyu's body has endured to the limit, and the breath of the whole person almost has the breath of death.


After going through hardships again and again, he has almost reached the extreme.


Nan Dou's eyes flickered with a hint of coldness.

Clenching his hands back and forth, the current Nandou is obviously extremely nervous, even making a choice.

During these eleven days, he witnessed Wu Yangyu's torment. This kind of torture even surpassed him back then. The pain in it was hard for him to understand.

Even with his ancient experience, he couldn't help but have the urge to make a move to relieve Wu Yangyu.

Especially Wu Yangyu's current body was covered with cracks, white bones, and fuzzy flesh and blood, and his whole body was already dilapidated, and the shocking wounds carried unimaginable pain.

As an ordinary person, he would have already collapsed under the torture beyond purgatory, but Wu Yangyu could still persevere. Nan Dou couldn't imagine how amazing Wu Yangyu's will was. Under such ordeal, he could still persist, even Life is immortal, will is immortal!
At this time, Wu Yangyu had actually reached his limit, the real dragon energy in his body was exhausted in the constant confrontation, and even the posture filled in the ten caves behind his back was exhausted.

Eighty percent of the body had already turned into dark crystals, and one could vaguely feel that there was a peerless demon power permeating Wu Yangyu's body, as if a supreme demon god was being conceived.

"Ninety percent..."

Another day passed.

Nan Dou's complexion has become more and more ugly.

With his determination, he has survived for such a long time since ancient times, but he couldn't help showing unwillingness and anger. He can be sure that once Wu Yangyu's body completely turns into a dark crystallization, it also indicates that Wu Yangyu will soon It will be completely reduced to darkness and become a puppet of darkness.

At that time, Wu Yangyu will be a terrifying Great Demon God, bloodthirsty like crazy, killing endlessly, causing unimaginable bloody wind to the outside world.


He clenched his fists tightly, and there was a powerless scowl on his face.

Now even if he took a shot, he still couldn't take out the dragon's spine in Wu Yangyu's body, because his strength had dropped to the extreme, and he could barely hold it for a while.

Another three days passed.

In Wu Yangyu's body, the dark crystals had already reached ninety-nine percent, and there was only a trace of dark golden crystal glow shining dimly, and even Wu Yangyu's vitality began to become weak and abnormal, making it difficult for people to perceive.


Seeing this scene, Nan Dou couldn't help showing self-blame on his face.

He can be sure that with Wu Yangyu's aptitude, the future will be absolutely extraordinary, but it's a pity that he let him fuse with the dragon's spine, which can be said to be his own mistake.


Wu Yangyu's body seemed to have fallen into boundless silence.

The large piece of darkness not only wrapped his body, but even formed a dark posture in the space with a radius of [-] meters, as if forming a dark magic cocoon in the space of [-] meters.

One day... two days... ten days...!
Time seems to be getting faster and faster at this moment, and everything, also in this time, seems to be a foregone conclusion...

The soul is like a lamp going out!
Wu Yangyu's soul is godless, and everything around him is darkness, boundless darkness!
His soul slowly walked in this darkness, with a dead breath in it.

"Who am I? What's wrong with me? What is this place?"

Obscure fluctuations flickered in his soul, faintly leaving waves in the depths of his soul.

"No... no... I seem to have a name..."

As the soul moved forward, the front seemed to be getting darker and darker, but, just as the soul was talking to itself, a violent fluctuation emerged again.

"what is my name?"

With the emergence of this fluctuation, Wu Yangyu's soul obviously began to vibrate violently, and the footsteps that were originally moving forward also gradually slowed down, and finally even stopped.


at the same time.

A blurry face appeared in his mind.

The soul revealed a look of contemplation and remembrance.

"who are they?"

Looking at these blurred faces, Wu Yangyu's soul fluctuated more and more intensely.


On the road ahead, darkness engulfed him constantly, as if he sensed the signs of Wu Yangyu's soul change, and started to engulf him actively.

Seeing that Wu Yangyu was about to be forcibly swallowed, suddenly, Wu Yangyu's soul shook suddenly, and in the depths of that body, a sacred blue light bloomed:

"I name is...Wu Yangyu!"


The momentum exploded!

In the big dark cocoon, streaks of dark golden light suddenly shot out, and countless cracks emerged from the outer layer of the cocoon.

At this moment, the divine light became brighter and brighter, and there was a terrifying strange atmosphere slowly permeating it...

(End of this chapter)

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