battle master

Chapter 633 Sad and Angry Disciple!

Chapter 633 Sad and Angry Disciple!
How cold the voice was.

Even at the moment when Gongsun Wuji bowed his head, two cold rays of light continuously shot out from his eyes, almost like they were going to devour people.

not only that.

Gongsun Wuji had heard that not long ago, Wu Yangyu had fought against Hunyuan from that day's Wudian, if Hunyuan's brother Shangguanyao hadn't made the move, Hunyuan's ending would have been extremely miserable.

"Now I can only bear it! This guy's strength is becoming more and more terrifying, and I am no match."

Gongsun Wuji's fists were clenched tightly, and his thoughts were constantly changing. Although he didn't know why Wu Yangyu was so powerful, he knew that the gap between himself and that Hunyuan was really too big Let alone Wu Yangyu who defeated Hunyuan.

"Let's go..."

Waving his hands casually, Wu Yangyu said coldly with no expression on his face.

In this regard.

Gongsun Wuji didn't say much anymore, but when he turned around, there was a touch of resentment on his face that couldn't be concealed. In his opinion, the reason why Wu Yangyu was so tyrannical was definitely inseparable from that prison palace of.

"At the beginning, I was the number one rookie in this prison palace, but your prison palace didn't make me such a strong person..."

Thinking of this, the hatred in his heart also became more and more obvious.

Although Wu Yangyu couldn't penetrate what was in Gongsun Wuji's heart, he could guess most of it. However, he didn't have any good feelings for this kind of person, let alone take it to heart.

"let's start……"

Directly choosing an uninhabited land, Wu Yangyu began to practice.

"I am now at the level of an eighth-rank grain refiner, but my divine power is more pure and perfect than any other grain refiner. This is the credit of [Great Purgatory Judgment Art], so , compared to ordinary eighth-rank grain refiners, I am stronger."

Wu Yangyu was very clear about his own realm.


With a slight movement of his fingers, there was already a giant sword in the ancient bronze ring.

"Finally, I can try to refine my own work."

On Lu Fafa's territory, all Wu Yangyu's refined products were taken away by the other party, and the repayment was called repayment of debts. Now that there is no restriction from this guy, Wu Yangyu naturally does not need to be pure when refining. Cast a first-class rune.

This giant sword was obtained by Wu Yangyu by chance, and it is of extraordinary quality.

"Let's start with the wind attribute runes..."

The giant sword itself is thick and heavy, so when it is cast, it lacks elegance and speed.

Wu Yangyu had never used attribute runes since he refined runes. In other words, among the various runes he could not refine for Lu, all of them were non-attributed.

"If you simply use the wind attribute runes, there shouldn't be any abnormalities..."

Wu Yangyu chanted quite confidently.

After the words fell, the fingers quickly moved the outline.

In front of him, one after another divine lines began to evolve, exuding a vague and mysterious aura, lingering and circulating there like traces of the sky.


Within a radius of [-] meters, everything is automatic without wind.

It was clearly visible that gusts of wind energy began to infuse into the divine pattern incomparably swiftly, turning it into a turquoise color.


Both hands quickly formed seals and intertwined, and following Wu Yangyu's low moan, the divine lines in front of him quickly converged, forming a vortex, and gathered at one point.

This point is exactly the rune of the wind attribute.

Accompanied by Wu Yangyu's divine power, the runes radiated brilliantly, and the cyan divine light soared into the sky, and the vortex continued to rotate, the speed became faster and faster, and more and more wind energy was absorbed, and even In the end, it directly covered a radius of one kilometer.

"what happened?"

At the moment when Wu Yangyu was refining the runes, many disciples who were cultivating in the cave opened their eyes one after another. They clearly felt that during the process of cultivating, there was a change in the vitality between the heaven and the earth.



Some disciples who had subconsciously cultivated to a critical moment spewed out a mouthful of blood, and their aura instantly became sluggish.

Those who are latent cultivators are at a critical moment, and the drastic change in their vitality has an incomparably huge impact on them.


No one thought that in this Great Bright Peak, someone was forming a series of divine lines with seals on their hands...

"Clang clang!"

Show your sharpness and tear the sky.

At this time, Wu Yangyu's fingers were constantly intertwining, and finally, the rune in the depths of the vortex completely evolved.


in vain.

At the moment when Wu Yangyu started to imprint the rune on the giant sword, a cyan divine light viciously hung down from the sky, striking the rune heavily like a cyan lightning. On the ground, accompanied by a violent tremor of the rune, it merged into the giant sword.

"Changed... mutated?!"

This scene happened too fast.

Even Wu Yangyu himself didn't react.

Moreover, at the moment when the cyan lightning-like power appeared, the vitality in the entire Great Bright Peak visibly trembled violently, and the original wind energy was actually exhausted within a certain range.

The vitality of the heavens and the earth is maintained in a balance, and the vitality of the wind spreads at a terrifying speed in an instant, even reaching a range of more than 20 miles.

Although this range is nothing in this Great Bright Peak, a subtle change has still formed.


No one has noticed this change yet.

"Originally, I just wanted to temper a small wind blade rune, but why did I feel that this rune evolved into a large wind blade?"

Caressing the runes on the giant sword, Wu Yangyu murmured, subconsciously waving his palm, suddenly, a huge cyan wind blade pierced through the air, leaving a terrifying crack directly a hundred meters away.

"Try other things... I don't believe it anymore, it's impossible for the runes to mutate every time!"

Wu Yangyu's face couldn't help showing a depressed look, and his fingers were intertwined again. At this time, he didn't even use any utensils, but simply evolved in the form of runes.

"Fire attribute..."

in a low voice.

Ten fingers intertwined like lightning.

A scorching air stream, evolving rapidly.


In front of Wu Yangyu, a fist-sized flame vortex began to appear.

The vortex expanded rapidly, and within just a few breaths, it directly expanded to a scale of several meters, and the volume was still expanding.


While the flames were burning, the temperature in the space within a kilometer radius rose sharply.

Between heaven and earth, the vitality of the attribute of fire is boiling!

During the fall, one can even clearly see traces like a long river of flames falling down and pouring into the flame vortex, and under each pouring, at the core of the vortex, the traces of the rune It also began to become more brilliant.

"Puff puff……"

In the Great Bright Peak, the disciples who were cultivating one by one began to spurt blood wildly.

"what happened?!"

A disciple who had just been interrupted from the subterranean cultivation just now couldn't help opening his eyes and roaring angrily.

This is the second time he has been interrupted. Originally, he had already gained a little understanding, but now, after being forcibly suspended from practicing twice, his anger clearly began to skyrocket.

There are not many disciples who cultivate the wind attribute, but the fire attribute is different. After all, it is one of the five elements, and there are many more disciples who cultivate the fire attribute.

Just when they were frantically running their spiritual thoughts and trying to trace the trace of the change in vitality, they discovered that there was nothing abnormal in the Great Bright Peak at all. It seemed that everything just now was just their illusion...

"Fuck... Another mutant rune?!"

Looking at the rune that appeared in front of him, the corners of Wu Yangyu's mouth were about to twitch.

Ordinary pattern refiners would definitely be very excited if they evolved mutated runes. After all, the mutated runes often have an effect that surpasses normal runes in terms of power.

However, for Wu Yangyu, this mutation made him quite depressed:

"I just want to evolve a normal rune, why is it so difficult... Come again!"

This time, Wu Yangyu directly used the power of lightning.

He himself possessed the power of thunder and lightning, and he already knew a lot about the attributes of thunder and lightning. Therefore, Wu Yangyu felt that if he went to temper the lightning runes, he would definitely get twice the result with half the effort and it would be very easy.

"It should be an accident..."

Here, the disciples who had explored for a long time with their spiritual thoughts gradually relaxed.

"Continue to practice!"

After that, some disciples carefully searched again, then slowly closed their eyes, and began to enter the state of cultivation.

The vitality of the Great Bright Peak is abundant, and the disciples who practice here naturally don't want to waste their time.

Everything seemed to be calming down.

Even after a long time passed, there was no abnormality.

"It must have been an accident!"

Some cautious people also started to practice.


Suddenly, at the moment when everyone's cultivation had entered the normal stage, a burst of thunder, as if it was a natural disaster, burst out fiercely.

This thunderstorm is really terrifying.

Even, many people could feel that the regular Da Guangming Peak was trembling, and the caves were trembling constantly, followed by muffled groans and blood spurting sounds.

There are even more disciples, in the roaring sound, the body trembles for a while, and the mind almost falls into a state of collapse. This is really too dangerous. Once the mind collapses, the inner demon will appear, and the consequences will be unimaginable.


Several disciples couldn't help roaring again, their voices shattering Tianhe.

Their eyes were almost bleeding, they were red, and their faces were distorted, as if they were going to eat people.

"Damn! Damn! Who the hell! I'm about to break through!"

A disciple kept roaring, his spiritual sense surged, and even his body rushed out of the cave.

"There! There is a breath of thunder and lightning!"

at last.

Some disciples discovered in the distance, there is a huge thunder and lightning energy gathering.

"Go and see!"


A lot of disciples went crazy and killed in that direction...

(End of this chapter)

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