battle master

Chapter 692 Master Nan!

Chapter 692 Master Nan!
Fighting God Sect!
After being hunted and killed by the evil race, the disciples who survived all benefited a lot.

and so.

After returning to the sect, many people also began to retreat and consolidate.

In a training place in the prison palace.

Wu Yangyu sat cross-legged on the futon, and behind him, ten caves slowly appeared. Powers such as lightning, ice, blood, and stars continuously flowed out from the caves, washing his body like a divine light. physique.

Accompanied by the operation of the [Dou Zhan Ling Jue], the immortal power began to walk continuously among the limbs and bones. Wherever it went, the muscles and bones radiated thunder, and traces of evil power, with the infusion of the immortal power, slowly The ground was refined.

These powers are exactly left behind by the blood of the evil race that he swallowed with [Blood Prison].

The evil race outside the territory is extremely mysterious.

Although their blood could be absorbed and refined by [Blood Prison], it left damage in Wu Yangyu's body.


a few days later.

Wu Yangyu's eyes suddenly opened.

Two streaks of frost shot out, quickly drawing two glaring waves in this space.


Casually urging his body, suddenly, a rush of bone making sound was born.

"Finally tempered the evil power in this body. Fortunately, my immortal power can refine everything, and I have the evil-killing attribute of the power of thunder as a supplement. Otherwise, it would be very difficult to refine it. Disaster."

Although these evil forces are not enough to counter Wu Yangyu's power, they are still poisonous thorns in the body, if they are not removed early, no one can guarantee whether there will be any sequelae.

After a period of practice and consolidation, Wu Yangyu has firmly penetrated his own realm, and even evolved his own level of the King of the Three Heavens to the extreme in one fell swoop, achieving the peak of the Three Heavens.

Such a speed of progress is already astonishing.

"Although your performance has always been extremely monstrous, I'm afraid it has already been noticed by those who are interested."

Qin Huang's voice came from the bottom of Wu Yangyu's heart.


Nodding, Wu Yangyu did not deny it.

He violently beat the sixth-level strong with the king's third level, and even fought against Xu Jue who had the king's seventh level in Dongyang Palace, but he was never defeated.

With such a record, even if you want to choose to keep a low profile, it is extremely difficult.

"Now, I need to keep a low profile..."

While talking to himself, Wu Yangyu moved his fingers slightly.

Immediately, a terrifying aura quickly permeated the air.

In the space, there are ripples, sweeping madly, and the space seems to be pierced at this moment.

"Shattering the Void... is enough to suppress King Seventh Heaven and even stronger ones. Unfortunately, I still can't use it freely. Once others find out, it will definitely lead to a massacre."

The gun is easy to hide, and the dark arrow is hard to prevent.

Wu Yangyu was not so proud that he could ignore everything.

At first.

Fighting God Sect also had geniuses and evildoers who had comprehended the Heavenly Dao Skill, but they still died young. The other party was no worse than him, or even stronger, but he still fell in the end. Therefore, this is a wake-up call.

"However, although I can't use the Heavenly Dao Technique now, with my current means, the King of the Sixth Heaven can already be killed, and the Seventh Heaven also has the power to fight. It's just that I want to really defeat the Seventh Heaven. , still impossible!"

Leapfrog fighting, the bigger the gap, the more difficult it is for Yue to compete.

The methods of the Seventh Heavenly Layer are too astonishing. Wu Yangyu had already felt this when he fought with Xu Jue.

Especially for Xu Jue, Wu Yangyu could feel that this person's combat power was unfathomable, and he even had other methods that he hadn't used yet.

"Unless my realm has reached the level of the fourth heaven, otherwise, it will be difficult to truly achieve the level of suppression..."

Thinking of this, Wu Yangyu raised his palm again.


There is a gun barrel present.

"Tiger Soul Battle Gun..."

Looking at the gun barrel in his hand, Wu Yangyu couldn't help but feel distressed flashing across his eyes.

This battle spear followed him all the way to fight, it can be said that he has made a lot of contributions, but unfortunately, after comprehending the Heavenly Dao Technique 'Shattering the Void', he couldn't bear the power in it at all, the tip of the gun completely collapsed, and the body of the gun was also cracked Come.

"I don't know if I can exchange for a good battle gun with my current points."

Wu Yangyu had beheaded many evil races outside the territory, and even had such a tyrannical leader as Xena Luo, so he naturally gained a lot of points.

Day two.

He began to work on the exchange of God of War points.

However, the moment Wu Yangyu appeared at the place where the weapons were exchanged, the corners of his mouth could not help but twitch.

"The fire phoenix battle gun contains the divine pattern of fire inside. When it is activated, it will automatically burst into flames and burn the whole world. It needs 500 million points..."

"The Azure Dragon Battle Spear, made of ancient keel bones, contains the God of Wind and God of Gold. When activated, the wind will touch the world. It needs 2000 million points..."

"The Heaven Swallowing Demon Spear, the ultimate in the way of magic...needs 500 million points..."

"Nimma, robbery!"

Based on Wu Yangyu's current points, they have already accumulated about 200 million points, but it is absolutely impossible to exchange them for such a magic weapon.

"Such a magical weapon is even more valuable than the ultimate skill of [Blood Prison], how can one exchange it?!"

Regarding this, Wu Yangyu was quite depressed.

Originally, I thought that this time I made a lot of money, but I didn't expect that I was still a poor man.

"The reason why these weapons are so valuable is that apart from their astonishing power, it is also because too many precious materials have been added to their creation. For example, in the Azure Dragon Spear, the simple keel is extremely rare, and even The tip of the spear is all polished with dragon teeth!"

There was a voice, which suddenly rang out in Wu Yangyu's ear.


Following the sound, a familiar figure appeared. The figure of the other party was tall and burly, exuding a monstrous evil aura, like a madman. While walking, there were constant fearful sounds of gasping for air.

This person is Ming Yan Luo!

Seeing each other again, Ming Yan Luo's aura is obviously stronger than before, especially the evil aura in his body, which has almost turned into substance. For ordinary people, it may be extremely difficult to resist the evil aura on the other party, let alone It's time to fight.

"It seems that Senior Brother Yan Luo has gained a lot this time."

Habitually narrowing his eyes, Wu Yangyu said with a smile.

"Che, I'm far behind you, a monster. I've heard all about you. Even Xu Jue from Dongyang Palace didn't get any benefit from you."

Ming Yan Luo said angrily.

Then he said again:
"Few people can exchange these weapons. However, if you have good materials, you don't need to exchange them. As long as you pay a part of the battle god points and materials, you can let the Zongmen's weapon refiner help you. You build."


These words reminded Wu Yangyu.

Compared with the lack of fighting god points, the materials on him are quite sufficient.

The places he experienced were beyond the imagination of ordinary people, such as the wild ancient land, such as the ancient dragon city, and such as the spoils he won in those battles.

"However, it is not easy to find a powerful weapon builder. Do you have any suggestions?"

Thinking of this, Wu Yangyu asked again.

"Among the sects, Master Nan is the one who builds the strongest weapons. However, his temper is very strange. If you don't have good materials, he will not help you build them, and will throw you out. , Every time a weapon is built, no matter how good or bad it is, no matter what your status is, you need to pay at least 100 million God of War points."

100? !
This number completely made Wu Yangyu gasp.

He worked so hard that he had only accumulated more than 200 million God of War points in total, and this so-called Master Nan needed 100 million as soon as he opened his mouth. This is still a conservative estimate.

Taking another look at the weapons on display, Wu Yangyu finally gritted his teeth:
"I have to trouble my brother to lead the way."

He can still consume 100 million points, but he can't even think about the magical weapons such as the Qinglong battle gun in front of him...

Fighting God Sect, inside a mountain peak.

Here, there are halls and halls lingering around the mountain peaks. Among them, a colorful ancient hall floats around the halls, like stars arching the moon, showing the status of this hall.

The main hall has no name, but there is a stone tablet with flames and heavy hammers on the outside, towering into the sky.

"This hall is called the Fire Hammer Hall, and it is also where Master Nan resides."

Bringing Wu Yangyu here, ordered Yan Luo to explain casually.

The two entered the main hall quickly, one behind the other.

"Greetings to Brother Yan Luo..."

"Meet Senior Brother Yang Yu..."

As the secret disciples of the two, some disciples discovered them as soon as they entered.

"Is Master Nan here?"

While nodding, he ordered Yan Luo to ask a young disciple.

"Yes, but if senior brother wants to meet, it's best to choose a different time..."


As soon as these words fell, there was a strong roar in the hall, and then it could be seen that the flames shot out, like a volcanic eruption, venting toward the surrounding rapid eruption.

The scorching aura crazily diffused towards the surroundings of the hall at a frightening speed.

"Bastard, you failed again! This old man's White Tiger Fang wasted again! Who misremembered the heat just now? Get out!"

Seeing that the power of the flame became more and more ferocious, a roar came out, and at the same time, a huge flaming hand evolved.

The flaming hand is like a huge black hole. In an instant, all the heat and flames around are swallowed by the flaming hand, but in an instant, everything disappears without a trace, just like the heat and flames just now. , are just dreams.

The moment everything disappeared, a short figure with disheveled hair, but with an aura of madness rushed out of the inner hall...

(End of this chapter)

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