Black-bellied uncle, don't steal your heart

Chapter 239 Learn to play with your temper and fight against it!

Chapter 239 Learn to play with your temper and fight against it!
He still followed her while smiling, "Xiao Xia'er, I took care of you all night yesterday."

The voice was aggrieved, Ji Xunfeng always acted stupidly in front of her.

This time, Chu Xia didn't even frown, and directly walked into the room, and immediately closed the door, leaving only one face to face him expressionlessly.

"That's of your own free will."

Then, while he was in a daze, he slammed the door behind him.

The heart that has been oppressed for a long time seems to have received a little comfort, making Ji Xunfeng feel ashamed, it turns out that it can be so satisfying.

And Ji Xunfeng stared straight at the door that almost hit his nose.

Listen, what this girl said is so natural and heartless, is there a more heartless woman in this world than her?
She was angry, but when she thought of it, when she slammed the door just now, she obviously didn't have any expression on her face, but he still caught the flash of narrowness in her eyes.

For her rare temper tantrum, he found it fresh.

There is still some sweetness in my heart.

Ji Xunfeng touched his nose, turned around and walked away, wondering if he had the mentality of masochistic.

Rehabilitation is called tourism, and Chu Xia went from the initial rebuttal to the final compromise.

When not going to class, except for making a regular phone call to her mother-in-law every day, the rest of the time is spent in Ji Xunfeng's villa.

On the second day after returning from camping, Ji Xunfeng seemed to be busy with work.

She was happy to be free, but she didn't expect that domineering and black-bellied guy, seeing that she ignored him, would directly take her to his company.

She still remembers that day, when she was sitting in the screening room watching a family movie, someone walked in while wearing a tie, "Little Xia, are you bored at home?"

Typically looking for something to say.

Chu Xia doesn't know what's wrong these days, so she likes to go against his words.

In the past, she chose to remain silent and ignore him, but she couldn't escape his clutches. Now that she thinks about it, cold rejection is not enough for this person.

To make him feel bored.

As for now, whether she has the heart to refuse, she didn't think about it deliberately.

"not boring."

She was really bored and flustered. She really wanted to go back to see her mother-in-law and also wanted to go to school.

(End of this chapter)

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