Chapter 102
After everything was ready, a group of people waited for Zhending. It is not easy to rest in the wilderness, so they did not take a rest until the early morning of the next day.

Zhang Yi is okay, he is not afraid of the cold by nature, so even in this snowy place, he doesn't feel how cold it is, but it has suffered more than 800 people. The weather is wet and cold, and they can't bear it Yes, many people have chilblains.

It wasn't until the sun came out that everyone became more comfortable.But the snow is getting bigger and bigger, which is not suitable for rushing again.People need to find a place to rest.

Someone shouted: "There is someone in front!"

His voice undoubtedly gave people confidence, but this army similar to the Han army was led by Zhang Yi. As long as he said no rest, they would have no time to rest.

There happened to be a family, but this family seemed to be hidden in the forest, with smoke from the kitchen.

As the leader of these people, Bao Xin should speak out.

He said to Zhang Yi: "My lord, our sergeants are all tired after this journey. I think we should go to the house ahead, find a place to rest for a while, and then go on our way?"

Zhang Yi didn't answer him directly, but asked, "The family in front? I think it's more like an official family."

At this time, the troops accompanying the army, those led by Commander Tai Qu, recognized the building not far ahead.

"General! That's the post of the imperial court!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone gasped. There were people who wanted to stay overnight, but they had no idea. The inn was the site of the Han court. Now, it’s not obvious that they are throwing themselves into a trap?
No, no, no, you must not go.

Zhang Yi looked at those buildings. The Han Dynasty (Western Han and Eastern Han) ruled for more than 400 years, inherited the architectural style of the Qin Dynasty, and endowed buildings with more possibilities. The so-called Qin bricks, Han tiles, and so on, this is an era. The epitome of brilliance.

What the soldier was referring to was a building standing alone among the mountains and forests. It was particularly obvious and had the characteristics of the Han Dynasty. It was written with the word "post station". connected.

"We just had a good rest at the post station for half a day, and the current snowstorm is not suitable for traveling."

"My lord, but this is the station of the Han court, we..."

Bao Xin in turn persuaded him not to move in.

"We have this!"

Zhang Yi took out the wooden sign, on which was written the name of Mr. Tai Qu, which was an identity plate, and of course, Zhang Yi took away all the documents on his body.

"My lord, do you mean to pretend to be a court officer?"

"That's right, if that's the case, the inn will have nothing to do with us, and will treat us with good wine and meat! If you don't enjoy this kind of blessing, when will you enjoy it?"

"My lord, it's really tall!"

"In a while, you and I will play a play, so the play is [-]% true. If we say it is true, then it is true!"

Judging from their uniforms of the Han court, they can indeed be regarded as a well-equipped Han army, although their uniforms are not too many.But there are two hundred sets, and there are. As for others, just say one or two.

"Yes! I understand this!"

"That's great, come on, let's go to the station to rest!"

As soon as Zhang Yi finished speaking, Bao Xin went ahead.

There were a few Han soldiers standing on the outpost, armed with long guns. When they found out where everyone was, they immediately shouted, "Who is here?"

Since there was a forest outside the station, and they were all in it, they couldn't see how many people there were.If you know, how dare you ask so presumptuously.

Zhang Yi glanced at Bao Xin, and he immediately understood.

"Bold! When you see our Taiqu chief, don't let the post chief come out to greet you!"

The postmaster is the biggest officer of the post station, and he is in charge of all affairs. This ancient post station is a place for officials to rest, and can also be used as a quasi-army. When necessary, they will also take up arms to fight, but this kind of The situation basically does not exist in the late years of the corrupt East.At that time, everyone was in danger, but anyone with lofty ideals had already joined the army and went to the front line. How could they nest in such a place?

The little soldier above heard that he was an official, but Qu Zhang didn't seem to be a high official, so he said, "Tai Qu Zhang? What a majesty!"

Bao Xin knew that the two soldiers didn't know Tai Long's true identity, so he said again: "I, Chief Tai Qu, was ordered by his uncle Zhang Liehou to escort important items. Passing by here, you two boys dare to question?!"

Bao Xin had no choice but to move out Zhang Rang, Zhang Rang's title was indeed useful, the soldier above was startled when he said this, if it was Qu Chang, he would not be considered a high-ranking official, but if Zhang Rang If it's your relatives, it's a big deal.

They will have the appearance of adjutants from the people below, with a lot of momentum, and a little bit of trust.

"Grandfathers, wait a moment, we will invite our postmaster to come here."

While appeasing everyone, they got off the sentry tower.

"Hurry up, don't make us wait too long, or I will try you!"

Bao Xin is very proficient in this kind of way, and he said it like that.

Such behavior made Zhang Yi think highly of Bao Xin again. It is a loss that this guy failed to leave his name in the Three Kingdoms, but now that he has followed Zhang Yi, his name will definitely go down in history.

After a while, the door of the post station opened, and a middle-aged man with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks appeared in front of everyone. He was the post chief here.He came out to meet the crowd with about twenty armed soldiers.

I saw him looking at the crowd. At this time, they had all gathered at the door. 800 people were here at the same time, which was quite spectacular.

When the postmaster saw Zhang Yi, doubts flashed in his eyes, because Zhang Yi was really too young.However, more than half of capable officials will arrange their relatives into the court, especially those with great power. It is not uncommon for young officials to become officials, so it is not surprising.

He faced him and asked: "I don't know if my lord is coming, but I am far away to welcome you. Where are you going?"

There was only a sound of clapping, and the postmaster turned around twice, his sallow face was flushed immediately, the people under him had never seen such a situation before, and they didn't even have time to react.He also didn't dare to speak out, for fear of offending someone he shouldn't.

This slap was precisely Bao Xin's slap, since he was already acting, he had to act like it.

"Bold! Our trip is a secret operation, how can we allow you to inquire about it!"

The postmaster covered his face, he was stunned by the beating, he was a little flustered, that Bao Xin was like the personal guard of some dandies, he was trembling with fright, and repeatedly said yes.

"Yes, yes, yes... Your Excellency is very right."

The postmaster must have been muttering in his heart, this dude is really hard to serve.

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(End of this chapter)

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