I raise dragons in the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 105 A Rice Vat That Can Never Be Scooped Up

Chapter 105 A mouthful of rice vat that can never be scooped up

"Boy, how dare you!"

When Gu Yi raised the knife and fell, that Thunder Ya will be directly cut to the ground. All this happened so fast that Lei Ya would not even have a chance to stop him.

The guy was bleeding from his chest, and the severe pain made him unable to resist Zhang Yi's next attack.


It can be seen that Zhang Yi's left foot directly stepped on Lei Yajiang.

This sudden change made the postmaster almost dumbfounded, just because this child-like person in front of him is so powerful, such a skill, he is really a hero.

The men surnamed Lei were also terrified, and they were also unexpected.

"Bold, you dare to be rude to our General Lei Ya!"

At this time, Bao Xin and the others had rushed up ahead of them.Right now, there are hundreds of people present, against these 20 people.How could they persist for a few rounds, and they were completely subdued in a short while.

All this happened so quickly, and the scene was so bloody that the postmaster trembled with fright.

Soon, Bao Xin ordered his men to tie up those 20 people.And all their belongings were searched. Now that's all right, these people's identity certificates have been taken away, which is no different from civilians.

Lei Yajiang was trampled under his feet, and he shouted very vaguely: "Boy, do you know what you are doing?! Even if your uncle is Zhang Rang, you can't be so rude to the imperial court official! Where is the law of the Han Dynasty? ?”

Facing this guy's questioning, if he wants to shut his mouth, he needs some means, otherwise the postmaster may have some words.

"This guy surnamed Lei colluded with the Yellow Turban Army in private. We have been with him for a long time. This is about his imperial list. Thanks to your assistance, postmaster, for cooperating with us in this scene, I will definitely be happy for you when I go to the capital." In other words, it is no problem to be promoted to an official position."

In fact, the postmaster didn't do anything, he just went through the motions.

And in order to make the matter more authentic, Zhang Yi took out the imperial list from his bosom, which was about the horse thief Li Yan, and quickly shook it in front of the postmaster, and put it away before he could see it clearly. .

"Boy! You..."

Lei Fang would like to say something more.

"Come here, shut his mouth, don't let him confuse others!"

Bao Xin understood, so he took out a piece of cloth and directly blocked General Lei Ya's mouth. This is a good thing, he can't say anything about the surname Lei, and he can't defend himself. Facing 800 people, they are still weak.

The postmaster has been in the world for many years, and he is extremely tactful. This is a blessing from heaven, so that he was overwhelmed.

"Then I would like to thank my lord for your promotion. I really didn't expect that this person surnamed Lei is such a person. It is also thanks to my lord's insight, otherwise it will lead to a catastrophe. Today the world is in chaos, and this unstable situation must be eliminated. .”

Zhang Yi just nodded, what happened here must not be discovered by outsiders, so he said.

"By the way, don't say anything about this. I'm afraid he still has accomplices nearby, and I'll leave it to you to deal with it. It's better to find a time to execute the Fa on the spot."

"I see!"

"Also, the Yellow Turban Army is very good at deceiving people, so this cloth covering his mouth..."

"Can't reveal! Can't reveal!"

"It's good to know."

The postmaster bowed his head and kept expressing his understanding, then straightened his waist and shouted: "Come on, take these traitors down and lock them up!"

Then someone escorted more than [-] people down, and those people are still in a daze.

Everything is back to normal.Zhang Yi said again: "Okay, everyone rests for an hour after eating, and then we set off!"

The postmaster tried to persuade him to stay.

"My lord, why don't you stay for one night, and leave tomorrow, so that I can do my best as a landlord."

"No, my uncle is waiting for these things at the moment, there is no delay, you should do your work first."

The postmaster didn't dare to say anything, and kept saying yes.

"Then I won't stay any longer, and this subordinate will leave now."

As for Bao Xin, he took another look at Zhang Yi, and he admired him a little more for what he did today, and at the same time laid a foundation in his heart, that is, he did not follow the wrong person.

"Bao Xin, let everyone eat and drink. I'll go and rest for a while."


It was still morning at this time, and he knew that Xiao Jinlong was about to be promoted to a higher level, and there were too many people here, so he couldn't let him be promoted here, he had to find a relatively secluded place.

Therefore, Zhang Yi went to the residence arranged by the postmaster, and when the door was closed, the little golden dragon stretched out.

The space backpack opened, and five 5-year-old ginseng flew out. It opened and closed its mouth, and all the ginseng was swallowed directly.

At the same time, the data above his head is also changing.


The golden light on Xiao Jinlong's body is also getting stronger and stronger, and his body has grown a little bit, and the value has changed from 200 to 300. That is to say, every level up in the future will require [-] experience points. The next upgrade will take three days.

"Are there any new awakening skills?"

This was probably a question he often asked, but Xiao Jinlong let him down again.Still the same as last time, it opened the space backpack.

Zhang Yi probed and looked, and the inside was a little bigger.

From 4X4X4 to 5X5X5, this is not a simple matter of adding one meter each, because the volume has directly changed from 64 cubic meters to 125 cubic meters. If it is used for grain, it can directly hold nearly 19 catties. Here is the expression Let’s look at the existence that is better understood, that is, the amount that can feed 800 people for 80 days.

"Hey! Will the length, width, and height increase by one meter for every level up in the future?"

Xiao Jinlong nodded, this is amazing, why?Because what slows down an army is not the slowness of equipping weapons, but the transportation speed of a food troop.With this space backpack, he will have thousands of troops in the future, so he probably doesn't have to worry about running out of food, right?At the same time, he can speed up the marching speed, but he has to come up with something instead, such as telling everyone that he has a rice vat that can never be scooped up, or other deeds, otherwise he may not be able to explain this secret to everyone.

"That's great!"

As long as it reaches level 11, it will have a capacity of 100 million catties, which is enough to feed 1000 people for a year.

Nearly two hours later.

"Okay, let's go out, we should be going!"

Xiao Jinlong then disappeared again, and followed Zhang Yi out of the room.

When he walked out of the room, Bao Xin was already waiting there.

"My lord, we found 21 horses from outside the station."

Needless to say, this horse was ridden by that surnamed Lei and his hand.

"Incorporated, by the way, order some meat with the station chief. Let's go!"


This group of people, after getting ready, was about to go to the south, but at this time the postmaster came over, so it was obvious that they had something to report.

 Everyone votes, thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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