I raise dragons in the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 110 Dragon Saliva + Ginseng

Chapter 110 Dragon Saliva + Ginseng
That night, Zhang Yi hadn't fallen asleep yet, because he was used to going to bed late, and as the night got darker, the sound would be infinitely amplified, so he heard coughing one after another, which was not pure.

"What's with these coughs?"

Then, several doctors accompanying the army entered the room.

"General Zhang, in our army, about 20 people have contracted the wind and cold, and there are more than a dozen occasional symptoms."

In this icy world, if you don't pay attention to keeping warm, it is very easy to get cold and cold, and these cold and cold are contagious to a certain extent. If these people continue to develop, I am afraid that the doctors accompanying the army will not be able to take care of them. Come.

Not everyone is like Zhang Yi, who is strong because of the nourishment of dragon's blood and will not get sick.

The ancient medical methods are very simple, even with herbal decoction, the cure is not [-]% successful.

Leading an army is far more difficult than Zhang Yi imagined.Because he has to take care of the food, clothing, housing and transportation of an army.There are also some life, old age, sickness and death that need to be paid attention to. The current army is still small, and some things still have to be decided by him.

"General, I'm afraid these people need to be treated immediately, otherwise they will suffer from sequelae, and the loss outweighs the gain! And these people should be cured in Gaoyang before setting out, and they must not be too tired."

"I see. You guys should go and count the number of people first, and send the sick people to other places immediately. Don't let them stay with the large army for too long."

Many doctors responded directly, so they went out to deal with it.

Why did Zhang Yi do this?This is a matter of experience.As for some major infectious diseases, isolation is generally adopted.

Keep sick people separated from healthy ones.This is very important to prevent re-infection and expand the epidemic.You must know that his army of only 800 people, if dozens of people spread the disease and make the whole army infected with the disease, then they may not be able to reach the true concentration in a short time.

Now, when the world is in great chaos, the Yellow Turban Army is staring at it, constantly attacking the territory belonging to the Han Dynasty.And now they are on the edge of the territory.A careless person may be completely left by these golds, so they must be fast.Can't stay here long.

Xiao Jinlong listened to all their conversations.

At this time, the little golden dragon was already close to the size of an adult.So he can no longer lie on Zhang Yi's shoulders, but can only follow behind him.

The little golden dragon's mouth kept moving, and it let out bursts of dragon moans, as if it wanted to express something.

"what happened?"

It can be said that the tacit understanding between the two has reached a certain level. The little golden dragon kept swinging its dragon claws. At the same time, it took out a 20-year-old ginseng from the space backpack and chewed it in its mouth.

Now is not the time to use ginseng, what is its purpose?Zhang Yi didn't know either.

I saw it spit it out after chewing it.The minced ginseng mixed with saliva was spread on the table.And pointing at the ginseng powder with the dragon claw, it seems that there is something to say.

Zhang Yi seemed to understand something at this time. Since dragon blood can transform the body, if it is the dragon's saliva, it should also be able to cure all diseases.

"You want to use these minced ginseng to treat my soldiers?"

Xiao Jinlong nodded.

"That's really great!"

The amount of dragon's blood is limited and it is where the blood essence is, so it cannot be taken randomly, but the amount of dragon's saliva is huge.Even if it is used, it will not hurt its root, as long as it has saliva, it can be continuously taken out to treat diseases.

Looking at the life mixed with saliva on the table, it seemed a little disgusting.

But Zhang Yi can't control that much, anyway, it's not what he eats.

After a while, the doctor accompanying the army entered the room in a panic.

"The general is not well. Now the number of people infected with wind and cold has reached 100. We have quarantined them!"

In just a few 10 minutes, dozens of people were found to be infected with wind and cold.It can be seen that this disease is very contagious. If it is not contained in time, the entire army may be infected with the disease.

But just now Zhang Yi was still at a loss, but now it is different. Based on the idea of ​​prevention first, he suddenly had an idea.

"Several of you, stir these things on the table with warm water and let all our soldiers drink a bowl. Those who are sick will be cured! Those who are not sick can also be prevented!"

At this moment a doctor came to the table.He stared at the people on the table for a while.Looking at this pile of sticky things.He seemed to understand what it was.

"General, this is ginseng! They are used to invigorate qi. Now they are infected with wind and cold. I am afraid that ginseng will only be harmful to themselves."

Ginseng belongs to heat and nourishes qi. First, it has nothing to do with colds. Second, after eating, it will keep the cold in the body and cannot escape. Chinese medicine calls it to stay behind closed doors.

"You just do it, don't have to ask why. Then report to me how it goes."

These few people didn't dare to disobey, and directly took out the tablecloth together.

After more than an hour, the coughing outside the door gradually became calmer, and finally, the coughing completely disappeared.

At this time, the doctor accompanying the army hurried in to report again.

"The ginseng used by the general is really amazing! After taking it, all our soldiers' qi and blood are full, and they are like a dragon and a tiger, and they don't feel like a cold at all. And some people are not sick. After taking it, they are hot and dry. Not afraid of the cold attack at all.

The general's magic medicine is indeed miraculous, which simply made the waiters see it!I don't know what the prescription is? "

prescription?does not exist!

Zhang Yi was overjoyed, and subconsciously glanced at Xiao Jinlong. The little guy raised his head proudly, with a funny expression on his face.

"This is my unique secret recipe, don't let it out!"

When he said that, no one dared to say anything.

Zhang Yi waved his hand again and said, "Okay! Let all the soldiers rest for a night first, and we will set off tomorrow morning."

After taking these drugs, all the soldiers in his army will become stronger, including Bao Xin!

Seeing that they couldn't find out why, these doctors resigned.

Zhang Yi became more and more happy, and getting this golden dragon was like a godsend.

Not only does it have a carry-on space backpack, it is strengthened with dragon blood, and even the dragon's saliva can cure all diseases.If this kind of fetish can be obtained by oneself, doesn't that indicate the world that one has won?He can wake up with a smile even when he sleeps, if so, then he has to develop and strengthen his team.What celebrity?What million troops?They will all belong to him.Now he is more confident to do a big job.

 I wish you all a happy Lantern Festival!
(End of this chapter)

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