Chapter 121

Eight hundred people walked all the way to the northwest without any rest. Fortunately, these people have taken dragon saliva, and their physique has become much stronger, so their endurance has also increased.

Until midnight, they seemed to hit a snag.The group of people waited and stopped, not moving forward.

It was Zhang Yi who stopped first, because he had a little golden dragon as the light guide, and this little guy couldn't see that the golden light was still very strong.It can be illuminated very far away. In front of them is a river, and a large number of mountain peaks appear in front of them.

Zhang Yi knew that Zhang Liao had come all the way from Mayi, Yanmen, so he must have known about this place.

"Zhang Liao, do you recognize this place?"

Zhang Liao held a torch and looked around, and after a while he said: "My lord, I have been to this place before, and further to the northwest is the plain and the mountain road, which is very difficult to walk, and the mountain road is so rugged and full of wild animals, so we must drive at night. It might be dangerous."

Bao Xin asked, "That Zhang Liao, do you remember how you got here?"

"I won't know until dawn. It's too late now, and I don't know how to get there."

That's right, it's impossible to recognize the way in the dark now, and he only walked this way once, so it's not bad to be able to recognize this place.

Zhang Yi fell into deep thought. He was thinking about whether to continue marching or rest.

Suddenly, Zhao Zilong called out.

"My lord, there is a family there!"

At this moment, Zhao Zilong discovered that there was a family hundreds of meters away from them. The lights had been lit just now, and they must have woken up at night for something.

Bao Xin suggested: "My lord, maybe we can ask that family before we make a plan!"

"Success! Let's go!"

Zhang Yi felt the same, so he took the lead and went straight to the house.

This family stands alone on this plain. The house is very simple, just a thatched hut, somewhat dilapidated. It can be said that the owner lived a very poor life.

When the crowd arrived outside the thatched hut, a large number of torches illuminated its surroundings.

At this time, the owner of the thatched cottage was so frightened that he hid in the cottage and did not dare to come out.

As ordinary people, where have they seen this kind of battle, if it was someone else, it would probably not be much better.This is about [-] people, and they have surrounded this place to the brim.

"anyone there?"

Zhang Yi called out very politely.

"There are some..."

The people inside didn't dare not reply, and the voice of the reply was a little old.

After a while, an old man in his fifties appeared in front of everyone, and behind him was an old woman.The clothes on both of them were very tattered, with patches all over their clothes.

The old man looked at the troops around him, and felt a lie in his heart.The old lady even hid behind the old man, not daring to look at the crowd.

After a while, the old man asked Bao Xin, "Master... who are you?"

"Ask my lord!"

"My lord?"

The old man turned around and looked around, but he didn't recognize who was the master.

When Zhang Yi opened his mouth, he realized that this teenage boy turned out to be the leader of this army.

"Old man, you don't have to be afraid. We are not bad people. Our army has been traveling all night. I want to ask, where is the road to Mayi, Yanmen?"

The old man calmed down for a while, because Zhang Yi didn't look like a bad guy.

"My lord, if you want to go to Mayi, Yanmen, it's better to follow the official path, but..."

Zhang Liao said straightly: "Don't talk about it, it's just what?"

"It's just that there is something wrong with the official road. Not long ago, a group of bandits appeared on the nearby mountain and occupied the official road. People passing by had to take a detour."

It is definitely safer and faster to take the official route. Hearing what the old man said, it seems that it is not difficult.

Zhang Yi asked:

"Oh? Then how many bandits are there? Who is the leader?"

"The leader is Gao Qing. This man is very brave and skilled in martial arts. During this period of time, he quickly gathered a gang of nearly [-] thieves, just [-] miles away from here."

Bao Xin persuaded first: "My lord, why don't we leave tomorrow, it's too late!"

He has his own considerations, the night is not conducive to travel, and at the same time there are bandits entrenched, it is even more difficult for them to move.

Zhao Zilong had a different idea.

"I think we can occupy the old den of the bandit, so that our soldiers can rest on it until tomorrow. We have been walking for so long, and everyone is tired. Let's replenish our strength by the way."

Zhang Liao also said: "Although Zhao Zilong and I have no distinction, I agree with Zhao Zilong's opinion!"

Zhang Liao was already certain about Zhao Zilong. After all, the two of them fought the above rounds without any difference. It can be said that there is not much difference in martial arts between the two. At the same time, he was moved by Zhao Zilong's heart. As long as you are reasonable, I can support you.

"You are right. If you rest on the ground in the ice and snow, it will be hard for my soldiers. I can't bear this, so I plan to clean up the bandit's lair and get some supplies by the way."

Occupied there, you can still eat something good, of course everyone is willing, but how to attack?
Just tomorrow, Xiao Jinlong will be upgraded to another level. At that time, his space backpack will be nearly doubled in size, and he can replenish some food, etc., and maybe he can get some high-year ginseng. That is the kingly way.

So he advocated occupying the bandit's lair and resting by the way.

Now that Zhang Yi has made a decision, Bao Xin will not say anything more.

But Bao Xin thought for a while and said, "But how do we get there? We're not familiar with this place!"

At this time, everyone turned their eyes to the old man.

The old man was taken aback, obviously, he was not very willing.

"My lord, it's dangerous to go here... old man..."

Zhang Yi interrupted the old man's words.

"Old man, I'll give you two hundred catties of grain, how about you take us to find that bandit?"

There is a famine at this time, and two hundred catties of grain is undoubtedly a huge amount, so no matter how dangerous it is, the old man will give it a try.

The old man changed his mind immediately.

"Okay! I'll take you there!"

"Old man..."

"Old woman, it's all right, I don't think they are bad people, I will come back safely!"

Everyone looked at each other and smiled, as expected, they still need some benefits.

"Okay, I'll be in trouble for the old man! Come, help the old man into the carriage! And send two hundred catties of grain to this house!"

He did what he said.


The crowd put the old man into the carriage and sent two hundred catties of grain.

After Zhang Yi saw that everything was in order, he said, "Let's go!"


A group of people waited and set off again, heading for the place where the bandits were.

 Ask for a recommendation ticket!

(End of this chapter)

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