Chapter 134

Zhang Yi leaned directly into the door of the warehouse.

He didn't hide anything, and walked directly to the door of the warehouse openly.

At this time, the Hu people guarding the gate discovered Zhang Yi's whereabouts.


"who are you?"

Then someone roared.

At the same time, others picked up their weapons.They kept their eyes on Zhang Yi, as long as he dared to move, they would attack him.

Zhang Yi did not reply to their words.

"Who are you? Why do you dare to sneak into our warehouse?"

"Kneel down quickly. Otherwise, don't blame us for being rude."

Zhang Yi still did not reply to any of their words.

He stopped and said.

"I'm here to take your life."

As soon as the words were finished, everyone laughed.

"Are you suffering from hypocrisy, kid? How dare you speak such a big word, be careful that the rest of us will kill you on the spot!"

But as soon as the words fell, Zhang Yi had disappeared before their eyes.

"What about people?"

Now let everyone mess up.

Immediately afterwards, several bangs were heard.

It was Zhang Yi who threw more than a dozen punches in a row, each of which hit them fatally.

Before these people could even react, they were knocked to the ground.

He directly KO'd everyone.

In terms of Zhang Yi's strength, these people are not enough.

One punch per person, without delay, very fast.

He patted the dust off his body and pushed open the door of the warehouse.

When he pushed open the warehouse door, he was stunned by everything inside.There are a lot of food and gold and silver treasures in it.

"Hmph, the number is really quite a lot!"

There are at least 50 catties of grain and a lot of treasures. Now his space backpack can only hold 10,000+ catties of grain at most.The rest can't fit anymore.

Looking at the huge warehouse, he called out Xiaolong.

"Xiaolong is looking at you. Put all the food and gold and silver treasures here into the backpack. Of course, you can go to see if there is any ginseng."

"Father, don't worry, I will do all of this!"

Xiaolong nodded and flew to the depths.

"Wow! There are a lot of people here, and the years are all in the 90s! There are even lower ones! Great!"

Xiaolong found some ginseng in the depths of the warehouse.Sure enough, everything was as Zhang Yi had guessed.

Xiaolong said, while talking, he was almost drooling.

At this time, the happiest thing is Xiaolong.

But when one person and one dragon packed up the things in the warehouse, there was a sound of iron hooves from outside the door.

"Is it coming so soon?"

Zhang Yi knew that they had been discovered, and then a voice came from outside the door.

"That man is in our warehouse. He killed our man just now, my lord!"

In other words, the dozen or so punches he threw just now did not kill one of them, so that person called other people to help.

Next, he heard a thick male voice coming from outside the door.

"Listen, people inside! What is your intention to sneak into our warehouse? If you come out now, I will spare your life, otherwise, we will shoot you to death inside!"

Through the crack of the door, Zhang Yi could see about a hundred people gathered outside, he sneered.

"It's really a group of guys who are not afraid of death. Xiaolong, you obediently move the food inside into the space backpack, and I will come as soon as I go!"

Xiaolong nodded obediently, he was completely attracted by the ginseng here, so he didn't care where Zhang Yi went.

And Zhang Yi went out the door.

When he went out, the barbarians outside were all overwhelmed by his appearance.

That face full of heroism is extremely handsome.

Putting it now definitely does not belong to any traffic niche.

Facing the appearance of Zhang Yi alone, the leading man was puzzled.

He asked in a voice: "You came to sneak into our warehouse alone? Or tell us what other accomplices are there. We can spare you."

This guy looks strong and powerful. He is riding on a horse, holding a machete in his hand, aiming at Zhang Yi's location.

"I'm alone!"

"Who the hell are you? Why are you here?"

"It doesn't matter who I am! Those who want to live will drop their weapons, kneel down and surrender. Otherwise, you will die here!"

Zhang Yi's words were very light.But others could clearly hear his voice.

"Joke! Are you all Han people like this? You talk big and don't do real things.

It's too childish for you to want us to surrender by yourself, right?

I will give you one more chance now, kneel down and surrender, or you will die here! "

"Hmph, let's see who dies at whose hands!"

As soon as Zhang Yi finished speaking, he rushed towards the hundred people!

His speed is extremely fast.

The corner of the mouth of the leading general raised and he let out a cold snort.

"He is really a guy who is not afraid of death, then let you taste my power!"

But when his machete made a move, there was a muffled sound in his chest, and then the whole person flew out of the horse and fell directly to the ground.

Everyone didn't know what happened, the general had already been knocked to the ground.

"What! My lord? Are you all right, my lord?"

So all the people surrounded the past.Want to lift that person up.

The big man held his breath and shouted loudly: "Kill, kill him!"

Only then did the sergeants react, picked up their weapons, and rushed towards Zhang Yisuo.

But at this time, Zhang Yi was no longer here, and people couldn't even find his whereabouts.

"What about people? What about others?"

People can't find Zhang Yi at all.

"up in the air!"

someone shouted.

At this moment, everyone raised their heads quickly.

But it was too late, because Zhang Yi had already jumped down.

boom boom boom

Almost a punch.

This hundred-man army was defeated steadily.

"It's not good, that guy is too strong and too fast, we can't find him at all!"

"Trash! You two are so close together, I don't believe it, what else can he do to us!"

It has to be said that this guy's order is still somewhat effective, because when these people are close together, it is relatively difficult for Zhang Yi to attack them.

"Is that so? Then I'm sorry!"

Suddenly, the blade of Gu Yi Dao flashed, it was that he had really killed these people, just now he just slandered these people, but now that Gu Yi Dao came out, these people would all die!

When the knife light flickered and went out, one person died, and when it flickered again, two people died.


All of a sudden there were wailing sounds.

"Die! How dare you kill my subordinates in front of me, Lin Ge! You are going to die!"

The man who was called to stop the adults was not afraid of death, so he picked up his machete and attacked Zhang Yi
But before he took a step forward, the blade had already passed through his belly.

An ancient knife directly penetrated his body.

Blood splattered.

With a bang, he fell straight down.

This can scare other people.

They have no ability to resist for a moment.

 Ask for a recommendation ticket!

(End of this chapter)

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