Chapter 144

"Commander! We still have an old mother to support! I'm sorry!"

"As long as we hand over you, we can live!"

"It was a mistake for us to come out with you!"

"The Han army is too powerful, so I have to sacrifice you!"


As long as you die, there are always thousands of reasons.

These people showed fierce eyes, and it seemed that they wanted to kill Bulugu in exchange for only one.

The resistance of these people is also reasonable.Everything was calculated by Zhang Yi, because this is human nature.

But the Bulugu clan still has loyal followers after all.

Someone stepped forward to stop the rebels.

All of a sudden, all the Hu people were divided into two factions, one faction wanted to kill the Bulugu clan, and the other faction was the protection faction.

"Bold, you are not worthy to be barbarian warriors!"

"Is it what the enemy says? Are your heads squeezed by the door? Don't you know how to tell? The Han people are full of tricks, don't be fooled."

"No, we have been tricked by the Han people for many years, and we finally got here, but you choose to betray here because of the temporary danger. I am really ashamed for you!"

But the rebels think otherwise.

Sometimes people need to take a risk, in case there is a way out.

"Stop talking nonsense! Right now, is there still a way to survive? Look at what the Han army and the others are using? Catapults! Have you counted how many of our people died because of this? We could have saved so many deaths." People, we are doing well in the north, why did we come here and invade the Han people?"

However, the protectionist swiped and blocked his body in front of Bulugu.

"If you dare to move the leader, unless you step over our corpses!"

Bulugu was almost moved to tears.

"Warriors, thank you for your hard work! Let's advance and retreat together!"

Although, all of this will be a luxury, but it is better than no hope, right?
"Commander, with us here, you don't have to worry!"

Due to Zhang Yi's words, the current contradiction has directly changed from an external to an internal contradiction.

Now the situation has become very tense, and all unfavorable factors point to the Bulugu family.

It depends on how he handles it, how to resolve it.

At this moment, Zhang Yi saw their differences.

So let everyone stop attacking and let their conflicts intensify. .

For a moment, the whole scene became quiet, and the conversation between Bulugu and the Hu people could be heard clearly.

As for him, all he needs to do is watch the show.

For this reason, he has to work harder!
"Whoever kills the Bulugu clan, as long as there are participants, can survive, and I will let you go back to your hometown. There is no reason to cut off your way home for the sake of a Bulugu clan. The family is separated forever!"

This kind of temptation is quite big, and surviving does not mean that the crime of living is exempt, but Zhang Yi's words aroused even greater contradictions.

Some rebels decided to take the risk, and it's never wrong to try.

"Kill the Bulugu clan! We will have a way out!"

Someone shouted, and picked up a big knife, and began to chop towards Bulugu.

At this time, someone also joined in.

There are about three hundred of these rebels, and the number of protectionists is actually at a disadvantage. There are also some centrists who are also weighing the pros and cons.

"Brothers, if you want to live to see your family, you have to take a gamble!"

Some people also shouted that this kind of person belongs to the mentality of a gambler, what if he wins?These words caused some weak-minded people to join in.Of course there are people watching.

A war belonging to the barbarians was thus ignited.



The two factions began to fight fiercely, and for a while, the two factions fell into chaos, and I am afraid that they will not be able to tell the winner in a short time.

After all, Bulugu is still a general, his force is not weak, he hacked and killed several people one after another, the more he fought, the more courageous he became.


And Zhang Yier waited and watched, as long as he got the result, no matter who won, as long as he didn't have to do it himself, it was good for them.

At this moment, Zhang Liao couldn't help but shouted in admiration: "My lord, your strategy is really brilliant!"

Xiao Zhao was puzzled, and asked: "Young Master, Xiao Zhao doesn't understand where the height lies."

She only saw the Hu people fighting and killing, but she didn't know anything else.

Before Zhang Yi replied, Zhao Zilong came forward and said, "Xiao Zhao, no matter who wins, it's a good thing for us. My lord's plan is called a divorce plan!"

"What if the Bulugu clan wins?"

"Then their numbers will decrease drastically, and we will be able to kill them with a small amount of troops!"

"What if someone else wins?"

"That would be even better. These people will send the head of the Bulugu clan, and the lord will give them freedom. But when they decide the winner, the number of people will generally not exceed 100."

"Young master, it's really amazing!"

Xiao Zhao didn't understand military affairs, and she didn't understand strategy. After Zhao Zilong said this, she suddenly realized that not only her, but many people didn't know either. It turns out that just a few words can interpret a lot of information.

At the same time, everyone couldn't help but express their admiration for Zhang Yi.

Perhaps Zhang Yi is a man sent by the heavens, the so-called following the way of heaven, heroes are born in troubled times.

This hero is Zhang Yi.

"Unexpectedly, Zilong is also very clear about the plan of the lord. I may still underestimate you."

"Zhang Liao, you are not bad, at least you can see what the lord wants!"

The two seem to be flattering each other, but in fact they are competing secretly, because at that time the competition between the two did not tell the winner, and one day, the two will compete again, but at this time, it is not a competition when.Otherwise, the two of them might fight again until they were exhausted.

Perhaps, they want to fight again, and they may not have that chance. Next, Zhang Yike has a lot of things for them to do.

"Both of you, get ready. We'll see how the Bulugu clan is doing later. If he survives, you will lead the army to wipe it out!"

The two immediately responded, and looked at each other, maybe let the two of them be busy, so as not to think about defeating each other all day long.

The so-called Wen Wu is the first, Wu Wu is the second, the warriors can't tell the winner for a day, and they feel panicked.

Zhang Yi has already seen that, he will not let the two compete for the time being, he wants the two to turn this relationship into a competitive relationship, which is conducive to the development of the entire army.

At this time, the Hu people were already fighting fiercely, and after a while, the winner would be decided. For the time being, the protection faction still had the upper hand, and we just waited for the final outcome.

At the same time, Zhao Zilong and Zhang Liao also gripped their weapons tightly, ready to go forward at any time and kill the Bulugu clan.

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(End of this chapter)

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